Michael Shermerは否定論との対決について、「影響力を持ち、消え去る兆候はない」ネタには「消え去るまで、限りなくデバンクし続けなけばならない」という立場をとっている:
ただし、Michael Shermerは次のように続けている:
ただ、現実には、創造論やインテリジェントデザインをめぐる戦いが、「州議会」対「連邦裁判所」という形態をとっている。Clarence Darrowと対決し、そのような流れを作ったWilliam Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)(民主党連邦下院議員・大統領候補3回)の罪は重い。
Michael Shermerは否定論との対決について、「影響力を持ち、消え去る兆候はない」ネタには「消え去るまで、限りなくデバンクし続けなけばならない」という立場をとっている:
ENGAGING with people who doubt well-established theories is a perennial challenge. How should we respond? My answer is this: let them be heard. Examine their evidence. Consider their interpretation. If they have anything of substance to say, then the truth will out.もちろん、否定論が消え去ることはなさそうだが、その影響力が小さくなるまでは、戦闘続行すべきという。世論調査で半数近くが"若い地球の創造論"を支持し、「進化論教育の禁止」や「>進化論と創造論の同一時間教育の義務付け」という州法が成立したことがある米国では、当然のことだろう。
What do you do, however, with people who, after their claim has been fully discussed and thoroughly debunked, continue to make the claim anyway? This, of course, is where scepticism morphs into denialism. Does there come a point when it is time to move on to other challenges? Sometimes there does.
Case in point: Holocaust denial. In the 1990s, a number of us engaged Holocaust deniers in debate and outlined in exhaustive detail the evidence for the Nazi genocide. It had no effect. They sailed on through into the 2000s making the same discredited arguments. At that point I threw up my hands and moved on to other challenges. By the late 2000s the Holocaust deniers had largely disappeared.
Throwing up your hands is not always an option, though. Holocaust denial has always been on the fringe, but other forms - notably creationism and climate denial - wield considerable influence and show no signs of going away. In such cases, eternal vigilance is the price we must pay for both freedom and truth. Those who are in possession of the facts have a duty to stand up to the deniers with a full-throated debunking repeated often and everywhere until they too go the way of the dinosaurs.
[ Michael Shermer: "Living in denial: The truth is our only weapon" (2010/05/23) on NewScientist ]
ただし、Michael Shermerは次のように続けている:
We should not, however, cover up, hide, suppress or, worst of all, use the state to quash someone else's belief system. There are several good arguments for this:手段を選ばず否定論に対抗することは、攻守逆転した場合を考えれば、よろしくないという指摘は正しいだろう。
1. They might be right and we would have just squashed a bit of truth.
2. They might be completely wrong, but in the process of examining their claims we discover the truth; we also discover how thinking can go wrong, and in the process improve our thinking skills.
3. In science, it is never possible to know the absolute truth about anything, and so we must always be on the alert for where our ideas need to change.
4. Being tolerant when you are in the believing majority means you have a greater chance of being tolerated when you are in the sceptical minority. Once censorship of ideas is established, it can work against you if and when you find yourself in the minority.
1 彼らが正しいかもしれず、我々は真実の欠片を粉砕するかもしれない。
2 彼らは完全に間違っているが、彼らの主張を調べることで、我々は真実を発見し、どう考えるのと間違ってしまうのかを知ることができるかもしれない。そして我々の思考スキルの向上させる過程でも。
3 科学では何についても絶対的真理を知りえない。我々は常に、自分たちの考えを変える必要があることを銘記しなければならない。
4 自分が多数はにいると考えるときに寛容であることは、自分が懐疑論な少数派になったときに容認される可能性につながる。考えに対する検閲がひとたび確立されれば、自分自身が少数派になった場合に、自分に対しても検閲が働く。
No matter what ideas the human mind generates, they must never be quashed. When evolutionists were in the minority in Tennessee in 1925, powerful fundamentalists were passing laws making it a crime to teach evolution, and the teacher John Scopes was put on trial. I cannot think of a better argument for tolerance and debate than his lawyer Clarence Darrow's plea in the closing remarks of the trial.
人間の心がどんな考えを作り出したとしても、それらを粉砕してはならない。進化論者がテネシー州で1925年に少数派だったとき、強力な根本主義者たちは進化論教育を犯罪だとする州法を成立させ、教師John Scopesは裁判にかけられた。私は彼の弁護士 Clarence Darrowの裁判の最終弁論での嘆願以上に寛容と議論の必要性を論じることはできない。
"If today you can take a thing like evolution and make it a crime to teach it in the public schools, tomorrow you can make it a crime to teach it in the private schools, and next year you can make it a crime to teach it in the church. At the next session you can ban books and the newspapers. Ignorance and fanaticism are ever busy... After a while, your honour, it is the setting of man against man, creed against creed, until the flying banners and beating drums are marching backwards to the glorious ages of the 16th century when bigots lighted fagots to burn the man who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind."
[ Michael Shermer: "Living in denial: The truth is our only weapon" (2010/05/23) on NewScientist ]
ただ、現実には、創造論やインテリジェントデザインをめぐる戦いが、「州議会」対「連邦裁判所」という形態をとっている。Clarence Darrowと対決し、そのような流れを作ったWilliam Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)(民主党連邦下院議員・大統領候補3回)の罪は重い。