


And if humans had risen through nature's own powers of selection, what argument could there be for interfering with a process that produced such beneficent results? It was certainly not difficult to arrive at the conclusion that socialist conceptions of society were fundamentally irrational. One had to adapt to nature's laws if the human race were to prosper. Philosophies of individualism rather than collectivism appeared to be sanctioned by Darwinism, a laissez-faire capitalism offering a "natural" guarantee of economic prosperity. Or so it seemed to many capitalist entrepreneurs, to the many representatives of American big business (Andrew Carnegie among them) who gathered in New York to honor Spencer during his visit in the autumn of 1882. From Spencer and Darwin it was possible to justify the notion that wealth is a sign of worth.

そしてもし、人間が自然自体の選択の力によって出現したのなら、そのような有益な結果をもたらしたプロセスを妨害する論はありうるだろうか?社会主義者の社会についての考えが基本的に非合理だという結論に到達するのは確かに困難ではない。人類が繁栄するには自然法則に適応しなければならない。ダーウィニズムは集団主義よりも個人主義哲学を容認する。少なくとも、1882年秋にニューヨークを訪れたスペンサーを称揚した、多くの資本主義企業家、Andew Carnegierなど多くの米国の巨大企業の代表者たちにとってはそう思えただろう。スペンサーとダーウィンによって、富こそが価値の証しだという主張が正当化される。

[John Hedley Brooke:"Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives", p.292]


民主党のリベラル政治家William Jennings Bryanもその一人だった。その後、彼はその考えを行動に移し、現在に至る、州議会における反進化論州法案の提案と成立という流れを作り上げた。
Resigning from Wilson's Cabinet, Bryan devoted himself to social reform. The greatest threat to America's spiritual and material future, he believed, was Darwinism and its offshoot, Social Darwinism. In Germany, he believed, the "might is right" theories of Darwin coupled with the philosophy of Nietzsche to create a malignant offspring, German barbarism. In America, Social Darwinism allowed rich and powerful capitalists to justify trampling on the poor and the weak. And it was the poor and weak -- the people Jesus called "the least of these" -- whom Bryan was determined to protect from those who believed that "might makes right." His duty to the downtrodden and his innate sense of justice propelled Bryan on his crusade to save public schools from teaching Darwinian theory.


[ People & Ideas: William Jennings Bryan (PBS) ]

Bryanは最も有名なレクチャー"The Prince of Peace"で次のように述べている。
The Darwinian theory represents man as reaching his present perfection by the operation of the law of hate the merciless law by which the strong crowd out and kill off the weak. If this is the law of our development, then, if there is any logic that can bind the human mind, we shall turn backward toward the beast in proportion as we substitute the law of love. How can hatred be the law of development when nations have advanced in proportion as they have departed from that law and adopted the law of love.

But while I do not accept the Darwinian theory, I shall not quarrel with you about it; I only refer to it to remind you that it does not solve the mystery of life or explain human progress.


[ William Jennings Bryan: "The Prince of Peace" ]

Bryanは、その着想を、Bejamin Kiddの本"Science of Power"から得ていた。

Benjamin Kiddは著作"Science of Power"で、Bernhardiが「力こそ正義」という原理を、ダーウィンの原理「適者生存」から作り上げたと書いている。ニーチェはダーウィニズムの論理的帰結として、神の存在を否定し、キリスト教を退化の教義だと貶め、民主主義を弱者保護だと貶めた。ニーチェは倫理基準をすべて投げ捨て、戦争を人間発展に不可欠なものとして賞賛した。

[ William Jennings Bryan: "Seven Questions", p. 146 ]






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