Robin Dunbarは人々が科学を嫌う理由として、数学を挙げている。
Robin Dunbarは人々が科学を嫌う理由として、数学を挙げている。
But this was far from true of physics by Darwin's day. Yet it once had been. Aristotle's works, for example, could be read and appreciated by anyone with a reasonable level of education. When Copernicus published his De Revolutionibus in 1543, the layman could follow the argument without too much difficulty. Even as late as 1632 when Galileo published his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, physics was still within the intellectual grasp of the educated layman, despite the smatter-ing of mathematics it contained. But when Newton's Principia Mathemat-ica rolled off the presses a mere fifty-five years later, things suddenly took a very different turn. At a stroke, science passed through the looking-glass and became incomprehensible to all but the professionals.
What had happened was that mathematics had become an essential component of the sciences. The arguments were raised on to a new plane whose understanding was only possible if the reader was familiar with the new mathematical techniques that included calculus and the beginnings of probability theory. Physics became opaque to the non-specialist.
In contrast, the biological sciences continued to remain accessible to the lay public for at least a further two centuries. Technical books like Darwin's were widely read. But no physics textbook published after 1700 ever featured on a publisher's best-seller list. The same process has, however, now begun to overtake biology. The first of the biological disci-plines to pass through the looking-glass was genetics, which became fully mathematicized during the 1930s. Today a textbook in evolutionary genetics is too mathematical even for many biologists to understand. The chemically oriented disciplines within biology (like physiology and cell biology) began to suffer the same fate soon afterwards as their use of basic chemistry became more important.
Within biology, the areas that continued to remain accessible to the lay public were the behavioural disciplines like ecology and animal behaviour. But even these became mathematicized during the 1970s. As late as the mid-1970s, it was still possible to write a popular article on the behaviour of animals that any member of the public could empathize with. It was the behaviour familiar from your own back garden — birds squabbling over territories in the spring, singing in the dawn chorus and feeding their chicks. Matters changed imperceptibly but dramatically during the 1970s as biologists worked out how they could use the math-ematical tools available in disciplines like population genetics and eco-nomics to study behaviour.
[ロビン・ダンバー (松浦俊輔 訳) 「科学がきらわれる理由」pp.205-206, 1997]