
批判サイド >否定論・陰謀論を信じる理由


Amygdala. The emotional brain’s security system detects strange or threatening stimuli. Amygdala is Greek for “almond” and we have two of these nut-shaped structures which process high-speed emotional reactions. The amygdala’s danger/opportunity detector processes social information with input about facial expressions, eye contact, voice tone, and physical bearing. The amygdala activates in novel or stressful situations and stores unconscious emotional memories. With severe or continual trauma, the amygdala may be compromised and either stay on constant alert or tune out emotions. The amygdala is connected to our emotion circuits and stress reaction system. By being aware of the cues used by the amygdala to spot friend or foe, we can work to communicate concern instead of rancor.

扁桃体: 感情脳のセキュリティシステムは、見知らぬあるいは脅威となる刺激を検知する。扁桃体はギリシャ語のアーモンドに相当する言葉で、これら2つのナッツ形状の構造が、高速感情反応を処理する。扁桃体の危険・機会検出器は、社会情報を顔表現やアイコンタクトや声のトーンや身体挙動などの入力とともに処理する。扁桃体は新規な状態やストレスな状況でアクティベートされ、無意識感情メモリに保存される。強いトラウマあるいは継続的トラウマの場合、扁桃体は妥協し、そのままでいるか、継続的にアラートを出すか、感情を消す。扁桃体は我々の感情回路及びストレス反応システムと接続されている。敵味方を判断するために扁桃体が使う手がかりを知っていれば、我々は、敵対的ではなく友好的なコミュニケーションの実現に動ける。

[ Larry K. Brendtro: "Our Resilient Brain:Nature’s Most Complex Creation", deep brain learning (2015) ]

Decisions about whether to trust someone can be influenced by competing sources of information, such as analysis of facial features versus remembering specific information about the person. We hypothesized that such sources can differentially influence trustworthiness judgments depending on the circumstances in which judgments are made. In our experiments, subjects first learned face-word associations. Stimuli were trustworthy and untrustworthy faces, selected on the basis of consensus judgments, and personality attributes that carried either the same valence (consistent with face) or the opposite valence (inconsistent with face). Subsequently, subjects rated the trustworthiness of each face. Both learned and perceptual information influenced ratings, but learned information was less influential under speeded than under non-speeded conditions. EEG data further revealed neural evidence of the processing of these two competing sources. Perceptual influences were apparent earlier than memory influences, substantiating the conclusion that time pressure can selectively disrupt memory retrieval relevant to trustworthiness attributions.


[ John D. Rudoy and Ken A. Paller:"Who can you trust? Behavioral and neural differences between perceptual and memory-based influences",Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 3(16), 1, 2009 ]

Relatedness involves deciding whether others are ‘in’ or ‘out’ of a social group. Whether someone is friend, or foe. Relatedness is a driver of behavior in many types of teams, from sports teams to organizational silos: people naturally like to form ‘tribes’ where they experience a sense of belonging. The concept of being inside or outside the group is probably a by-product of living in small communities for millions of years, where strangers were likely to be trouble and should be avoided.

The decision that someone is friend or foe happens quickly and impacts brain functioning (Carter & Pelphrey, 2008). For example, information from people perceived as ‘like us’ is processed using similar circuits for thinking one’s own thoughts. When someone is perceived as a foe, different circuits are used (Mitchell, 2006). Also, when treating someone as a competitor, the capacity to empathise drops significantly (Singer et al, 2006).



Carter EJ amd Pelphrey KA: Journal Social Neuroscience, 3(2), 151-163, 2008
Mitchell JP et al:Neuron, 50, 655-663, 2006
Singer T et al: Nature, 439, 466-469, 2006

[ David Rock: "SCARF: a brain-based model for collaborating with and influencing others", Neuro Leadership Journal, 2008(1) ]






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