ノルウェーの社会学者・犯罪学者Nils Christie(1928-2015)によれば、人はあらゆる「犯罪被害者」を同情・救済の対象とは感じず、特定の条件を満たした「被害者」のみを、「真っ当な被害者」だと考えている。
Nils Christie(1986)]]はそれを「理想的被害者(ideal victim)」とい呼称し、以下のように定義した。
2018年1月時点のwikipedia:Victim blamingにある"Ideal victim"についての記載は...
ノルウェーの社会学者・犯罪学者Nils Christie(1928-2015)によれば、人はあらゆる「犯罪被害者」を同情・救済の対象とは感じず、特定の条件を満たした「被害者」のみを、「真っ当な被害者」だと考えている。
Nils Christie(1986)]]はそれを「理想的被害者(ideal victim)」とい呼称し、以下のように定義した。
With the term "ideal victim" I do not think of the person or category most perceiving herself or himself as a victim. Nor do I think of those in the greatest danger of being victimized or most often victimized. These might or might not be included. By "ideal victim" I have instead in mind a person or a category of individuals who - when hit by crime - most readily are given the complete and legitimate status of being a victim.
1 the victim is weak;を挙げた。これに合致しなければ、「被害者叩き」が起きることになる。
2 the victim is carrying out a respectable project;
3 the victim is in a place at which she could not possibly be blamed for being in;
4 the offender is physically dominant and `bad';
5 the offender is unknown to the victim; and
6 the victim needs to be un-opposed by counter powers strong enough to silence the victim (and needs to be weak enough so as not to pose a threat)
1. 被害者は弱い
2. 被害者は尊敬できる仕事/活動をしている
3. 被害者は、そんなところにいたからだと非難されるようば場所にはいない
4. 加害者は肉体的に勝っていて、「悪」である
5. 被害者は加害者を知らない
6. 被害者は対抗勢力に沈黙させられない程度に強い(が、脅威だとみなされない程度に弱い)
2018年1月時点のwikipedia:Victim blamingにある"Ideal victim"についての記載は...
Ideal victim (wikipedia:victim blamingこの問題は米国に限られるものではなく、おそらくはワールドワイドにあり、日本でも見られる。
An ideal victim is one who is afforded the status of victimhood due to unavoidable circumstances that put the individual at a disadvantage. One can apply this theory to any crime including and especially sexual assault. Nils Christie, a Norwegian criminology professor, has been theorizing about the concept of the ideal victim since the 1980s. In his research he gives two examples, one of an old woman who is attacked on her way home from visiting her family and the other of a man who is attacked at a bar by someone he knew. He describes the old woman as an ideal victim because she could not avoid being in the location that she was, she did not know her attacker, and she could not fight off her attacker. The man, however, could have avoided being at a bar, knew his attacker, and should have been able to fight off his attacker, being younger and a man.(33)
理想的被害者とは、個人的不利益を被る不可避な環境の故に、被害者の資格を与えられた人のことである。この理論は、特に性的暴行を含むあらゆる犯罪に適用可能である。ノルウェーの犯罪学者Nils Christie教授は、1980年代から理想的被害者の概念について理論化してきた。彼の研究では、2つの例を挙げている。ひとつめは、家族のもとを訪ねた帰りに襲われた老婦人。もうひとつは、バーで知り合いに襲われた男。「老婦人は、その場所にいることを避けられず、加害者を知らず、応戦できなかった」ので、理想的被害者に該当するとChristie教授は言う。一方、「男はバーにいなくてもよく、加害者を知っていた可能性があり、応戦可能だったはずだ」
When applying the ideal victim theory to sexual assault victims, often judicial proceedings define an ideal victim as one who resists their attacker and exercises caution in risky situations, despite law reforms to extinguish these fallacious requirements.(34) When victims are not ideal they are at risk for being blamed for their attack because they are not considered real victims of rape. Because they do not fit the criteria being laid out in the rape law, they cannot be considered real victims and thereby their attacker will not be prosecuted.(35)
A victim who is not considered an ideal, or real victim, is one who leads a “high risk” lifestyle, partaking in drugs or alcohol, or is perceived as promiscuous. A victim who intimately knows their attacker is also not considered an ideal victim. Examples of a sexual assault victim who is not ideal is a prostitute because they lead a high risk lifestyle. The perception is that these behaviors discount the credibility of a sexual assault victim’s claim or that the behaviors and associations create the mistaken assumption of consent. Some of or all of the blame of the assault is then placed on these victims, and so they are not worthy of having their case presented in court. These perceptions persist in court rulings despite a shift in laws favoring affirmative consent- meaning that the participants in a sexual activity give a verbal affirmation rather than one participant who doesn’t answer negatively nor do they answer positively. In other words, affirmative consent is yes means yes and no means no.(36)
In addition to an ideal victim, there must be an ideal perpetrator for a crime to be considered ideal. The ideal attacker does not know their victim and is a completely non-sympathetic figure- one who is considered sub-human, an individual lacking morals. An attacker that knows their victim is not considered an ideal attacker, nor is someone who seems morally ordinary.(33) Cases of intimate partner violence are not considered ideal because the victim knows their attacker. Husbands and wives are not ideal victims or perpetrators because they are intimately familiar with each other.(36)
[33] Christie, Nils (1986). The Ideal Victim. London: Macmillian Press. pp. 17–30.
[34] Gotell, Lise (2008). "Rethinking Affirmative Consent in Canadian Sexual Assault Law: Neoliberal Sexual Subjects and Risky Women". Akron Law Review. Akron: Akron University Press. 41 (4): 865–898.
[35] Stringer, Rebecca (2013). "Vulnerability after Wounding: Feminism, Rape Law, and the Differend". SubStance. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 42 (132): 148–168.
[36] Randall, Melanie (2010). "Sexual Assault Law, Credibility, and "Ideal Victims": Consent, Resistance, and Victim Blaming". Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 22: 397–434