


Some people have a strong need for cognitive closure which can be thought of as an intolerance for uncertainty. Some people want answers now! In a study examining participants' beliefs in conspiracy theories surrounding the recent European refugee crisis and a hypothetical plane crash, researchers hypothesized that conspiracy theories, because they "offer simple answers" and "explanations for uncertain situations," should be found "attractive to individuals who are intolerant of uncertainty and seek cognitive closure."[4] The findings showed that participants with a high need for cognitive closure were more likely to adopt the conspiracy theories to explain these events when another explanation was unavailable.[5]


[4,5] Marchlewska, Marta and Cichocka, Aleksandra and Kossowska, Malgorzata (2017) Addicted to answers: Need for cognitive closure and the endorsement of conspiracy beliefs. European Journal of Social Psychology

[ Joseph E. Uscinski: "Conspiracy Theories: A Primer", Rowman & Littlefield, Jan 15, 2020 , p.67 ]

Marchlewska, Marta and Cichocka, Aleksandra and Kossowska, Malgorzata (2017) Addicted to answers: Need for cognitive closure and the endorsement of conspiracy beliefs. European Journal of Social Psychology

Conspiracy theories offer simple answers to complex problems by providing explanations for uncertain situations. Thus, they should be attractive to individuals who are intolerant of uncertainty and seek cognitive closure. We hypothesized that need for cognitive closure (NFCC) should foster conspiracy beliefs about events that lack clear official explanations, especially when conspiracy theories are temporarily salient. In Experiment 1 NFCC positively predicted the endorsement of a conspiracy theory behind the refugee crisis, especially when conspiratorial explanations were made salient. Experiment 2 showed that when conspiratorial explanations were made salient, NFCC positively predicted beliefs in conspiracies behind a mysterious plane crash. However, the link between NFCC and beliefs in conspiratorial explanations was reversed in the case of a plane crash with an official, nonconspiratorial, explanation for the accident. In conclusion, people high (vs. low) in NFCC seize on conspiratorial explanations for uncertain events when such explanations are situationally accessible.


Intolerance of uncertainty: Exploring its dimensionality and associations with need for cognitive closure, psychopathology, and personality, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (2008) 117–125

The dimensionality and correlates of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS) were examined in a sample of 239 university students. In addition to completing the IUS, participants completed measures of worrying, anxious arousal, anhedonic depression, the big five personality dimensions, and the Need for Closure Scale. A factor analysis of the IUS suggested that it includes the following dimensions: (a) desire for predictability; (b) tendency to become paralyzed in the face of uncertainty; (c) tendency to experience distress in the face of uncertainty; and (d) inflexible uncertainty beliefs. Subscale scores computed on the basis of the factor analysis were differentially associated with the other variables.

不確実性に対する不寛容尺度(IUS)のディメンジョンと相関関係を、239人の大学生のサンプルで調査した。IUSに加えて、被験者は心配、不安覚醒、快感低下、ビッグファイブ性格の側面、および閉鎖の必要性尺度の測定を行った。IUSの因子分析は、次のディメンジョンを含むことを示唆した。(a)予測可能性への欲求、(b)不確実性に直面して麻痺する傾向、(c)不確実性に直面して苦痛を経験する傾向、(d)柔軟性に欠ける不確実性の信念。 因子分析に基づいて計算されたサブスケールスコアは、他の変数と微分的に関連付けられていた。

Dane Jensen, Alexandra Jacowitz Kind, Amanda S. Morrison, and Richard G. Heimberg: "Intolerance of Uncertainty and Immediate Decision-Making in High-Risk Situations", Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, Volume 5 (2014), Issue 2, 178-190

Given evidence that individuals high in intolerance of uncertainty (IU; the tendency to experience unknown outcomes as unacceptably threatening) exhibit poorer decision-making strategies and are more behaviorally inhibited in unpredictable situations than those low in IU, the present study sought to elucidate the relationship between IU and decision-making by studying confidence and speed in making repeated decisions in high-risk scenarios with an immediate threat given limited but changing information. Seventy undergraduates high or low in IU completed a repeated decision-making task involving hypothetical risk scenarios and rated their confidence in their decisions, given first two options or then three options from which to select. Response times for each decision were recorded. Individuals high in IU became less confident in their decisions across blocks of decision-making trials, whereas individuals low in IU became more confident in their decisions. Response times did not significantly differ between high IU and low IU individuals. However, individuals high in IU tended to be less likely to change their decision when presented with new information and an additional response option than participants low in IU, although this trend fell just short of statistical significance. Implications for the role of IU in the maintenance of anxiety and depression are discussed.







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