
インテリジェントデザイン概説>自然選択をめぐって, STSとしてのインテリジェントデザイン


The simpler aspects of social Darwinism followed the earlier Malthusian ideas that humans, especially males, require competition in their lives in order to survive in the future. Further, the poor should have to provide for themselves and not be given any aid. However, amidst this climate, most social Darwinists of the early twentieth century actually supported better working conditions and salaries. Such measures would grant the poor a better chance to provide for themselves yet still distinguish those who are capable of succeeding from those who are poor out of laziness, weakness, or inferiority.


[ wikipedia:Social Darwinism ]
21世紀に入っても、同様の立場をとる保守な政治家はいる。たとえば、ウィスコンシン州選出共和党連邦下院議員Paul Ryanは2012年春に、同様の見解を述べている。
"The 1996 welfare reform was very successful in getting toward an upward-mobile society, in getting people off of dependency and on to lives of self-sufficiency," Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday.

"We propose welfare reform round 2," Ryan said, apparently referring to the Welfare Reform Act proposed last year by the conservative Republican Study Committee.

"Let's take those principles of welfare reform that were extremely successful in getting people out of lives of dependency and back on their feet," Ryan said. His plan would turn the funding for federal programs like food stamps and housing assistance into block grants -- a fixed yearly allotment granting states greater spending flexibility. States would then set work requirements and time limits for the benefits.

"This is a path that we believe reignites and renews the American idea," Ryan said. "It reclaims the opportunity society with a safety net, which we do believe must exist for people who cannot help themselves, for people who are down on their luck, so they can get back on their feet."

"But we don't want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people to lives of dependency and complacency, that drains them of their will and their incentive to make the most of their lives," Ryan added.


[ Arthur Delaney and Michael McAuliff : "Paul Ryan Wants 'Welfare Reform Round 2'" (2012/03/20) on HuffingtonPost ]


ところで、インテリジェントデザイン支持者でもあるJay Richardsは、保守と社会的ダーウィニズムに関係はないと言う。
The actual fiscal arguments that conservatives make include the following: government spending is on an unsustainable path that will lead to national bankruptcy; the federal government has grown too powerful and too intrusive; you can’t get wealthy by spending money you don’t have; government-controlled stimulus plans don’t work; overweening regulations choke off the human ingenuity and risk-taking that create new wealth; big government welfare programs harm the ones most in need of assistance and create generational cycles of poverty and dependence. None of these arguments has anything to do with Social Darwinism.


[ Jay Richards: "Social Darwinism and the Left" (2010/10/04) on The American ]


ところで、Discovery Instituteのインテリジェントデザイン部門の副センター長John G Westは、社会的ダーウィニズムとダーウィン理論には関連があると主張する過程で、優生と社会的ダーウィニズムを同一視しているような記述をしている。
The eugenists’ underlying fear was articulated by Charles Darwin himself in The Descent of Man, where he criticized modern society for undermining the natural “process of elimination” by building asylums for the mentally ill, homes for the handicapped, hospitals for the sick, and welfare programs for the poor. Darwin was even concerned about vaccinating people against small pox! “No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man... hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.”

優生主義者の背後にある恐怖はチャールズ・ダーウィンによって"The Descent of Man"に明確に記述されており、そこで彼は、精神病患者の保護施設や身体障碍者の住宅や病気治療のための病院の建設や、貧者への福祉などにより、自然の「排除プロセス」を機能しにくくさせている現代社会を批判している。ダーウィンは天然痘ワクチンすら懸念していた。「家畜の飼育にたずさわった者で、人類という種族にとって非常に有害であることを疑う者はいないだろう。... 最悪の家畜を繁殖させるなどという愚かなことは誰もしない」

[ John G. West: "Darwin's Theory and Social Darwinism: There Is A Connection" (2009/05/01) on Discovery Institute ]

「社会的ダーウィニズム」という用語は、レッセフェール資本主義(自然選択)から、政府が繁殖に介入する優生(人為選択)まで、幅広い意味を持っているが、Discovery Instituteのフェローたちにとっては「優生」のみを意味するようだ。






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