


Paul Rogers, Tiffany Davis, John Fisk:"Paranormal belief and susceptibility to the conjunction fallacy", Applied Cognitive Psychology, Volume 23, Issue 4, pages 524–542, May 2009

Numerous studies have shown paranormal believers misperceive randomness and are poor at judging probability. Despite the obvious relevance to many types of alleged paranormal phenomena, no one has examined whether believers are more susceptible to the ‘conjunction fallacy’; that is to misperceiving co-occurring (conjunct) events as being more likely than singular (constituent) events alone. The present study examines believer vs. non-believer differences in conjunction errors for both paranormal and non-paranormal events presented as either a probability or a frequency estimation task. As expected, believers made more conjunction errors than non-believers. This was true for both event types, with both groups making fewer errors for paranormal than for non-paranormal events. Surprisingly, the response format (probability vs. frequency) had little impact. Results are discussed in relation to paranormal believers' susceptibility to the conjunction fallacy and more generally, to their propensity for probabilistic reasoning biases.


Paul Rogers, John E. Fisk, Dawn Wiltshire: "Paranormal belief and the conjunction fallacy: Controlling for temporal relatedness and potential surprise differentials in component events", Applied Cognitive Psychology, Volume 25, Issue 5, pages 692–702, September/October 2011

Recent research suggests paranormal believers are especially prone to the ‘conjunction fallacy’. The current study extends this work by presenting believers and non-believers with eight paranormal plus eight non-paranormal scenarios. Participants were given either a paranormal or virtually identical non-paranormal version of each scenario. Of these, half incorporated component events which were (virtually) co-occurring with half including components which were temporally disjointed. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA; controlling for gender and maths/stats/psychology qualifications) found believers made more conjunction errors than non-believers. Neither event type (paranormal vs. non-paranormal) nor components' temporal relationship (co-occurring vs. disjointed) had a significant effect on conjunction biases. Believers' tendency to produce larger conjunctive estimates was unrelated to group differences in component probability estimates (surprise values) and further, could not be attributed to group differences in the perceived functional relationship between component and conjunctive events.

最近の研究は、超常現象信者が連言錯誤を起こす傾向があることを示唆している。本研究は、超常現象信者及び非信者に対して、8つの超常現象シナリオと8つの非超常現象シナリオを提示することで、従来の研究を発展させる。被験者たちは、各シナリオの超常現象バージョンあるいは、実質的に同等な非超常現象バージョンを提示される。これらのうち、半分は実質的には共起している要素を、半分は時間的にずれた要素を含んでいる。共分散分析(ANCOVA: ジェンダー及び、数学/統計/心理学の教育をコントロール)は、超常現象信者が非信者よりも連言錯誤を起こす傾向があることを示した。いずれのイベントタイプ(超常現象 vs 非超常現象)も、時間的関連性(共起 vs ずれた)も、連言錯誤バイアスには影響しなかった。大きな連言推定する超常現象信者の傾向は、要素確率推定における集団間の差異とは関係していなかった。さらに、要素と共起イベント機能敵関係の認識の集団間の差異とも関連していなかった。


Robert Brotherton*, Christopher C. French: "Belief in Conspiracy Theories and Susceptibility to the Conjunction Fallacy", Applied Cognitive Psychology, DOI: 10.1002/acp.2995, 2014

People who believe in the paranormal have been found to be particularly susceptible to the conjunction fallacy. The present research examines whether the same is true of people who endorse conspiracy theories. Two studies examined the association between conspiracist ideation and the number of conjunction violations made in a variety of contexts (neutral, paranormal and conspiracy). Study 1 found that participants who endorsed a range of popular conspiracy theories more strongly also made more conjunction errors than participants with weaker conspiracism, regardless of the contextual framing of the conjunction. Study 2, using an independent sample and a generic measure of conspiracist ideation, replicated the finding that conspiracy belief is associated with domain-general susceptibility to the conjunction fallacy. The findings are discussed in relation to the association between conspiracism and other anomalous beliefs, the representativeness heuristic and the tendency to infer underlying causal relationships connecting ostensibly unrelated events.







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