
Who's Who>Harun Yahya>トルコの創造論情勢とHarun Yahya

2009/11/02 イスラム世界に広がる"古い地球の創造論"

NY timesの報道によれば、イスラム世界における創造論の動向を討議するコンファレンスが2009年10月に開催された。


AMHERST, Mass. -- Creationism is growing in the Muslim world, from Turkey to Pakistan to Indonesia, international academics said last month as they gathered here to discuss the topic.


But, they said, young-Earth creationists, who believe God created the universe, Earth and life just a few thousand years ago, are rare, if not nonexistent.

One reason is that although the Koran, the holy text of Islam, says the universe was created in six days, the next line adds that a day, in this instance, is metaphorical: “a thousand years of your reckoning.”

“Views of scientific evolution are clearly influenced by underlying religious beliefs,” said Salman Hameed, who convened the two-day conference here at Hampshire College, where he is a professor of integrated science and humanities. “There is no young-Earth creationism.”



自分が科学・人文科学融合の教授をつとめるHampshire Collegeで2日間のコンファレンスを主催したSalman Hameedは「科学的な進化論についての見方は、明らかに宗教信条に影響される。若い地球の創造論者は存在しない」と述べた。

[ KENNETH CHANG: "Creationism, Minus a Young Earth, Emerges in the Islamic World " (2009/11/02) ]

But that does not mean that all of evolution fits Islam or that all Muslims happily accept the findings of modern biology. More and more seem to be joining the ranks of the so-called old-Earth creationists. They do not quarrel with astronomers and geologists, just biologists, insisting that life is the creation of God, not the happenstance consequence of random occurrences.

Research led by the Evolution Education Research Center at McGill University, in Montreal, found that high school biology textbooks in Pakistan covered the theory of evolution. Quotations from the Koran at the beginning of the chapters are chosen to suggest that the religion and the theory coexist harmoniously.

In a survey of 2,527 Pakistani high school students conducted by the McGill researchers and their international collaborators, 28 percent of the students agreed with the creationist sentiment, “Evolution is not a well-accepted scientific fact.” More than 60 percent disagreed, and the rest were not sure.

Eighty-six percent agreed with this statement: “Millions of fossils show that life has existed for billions of years and changed over time.”


モントリオールのMcGill Universityの進化論教育研究センターの研究にようれば、パキスタンの高校の生物学の教科書は進化論をカバーしている。章の始めにあるコーランからの引用は、宗教と理論が調和することを示唆するものが選ばれている。



[ KENNETH CHANG: "Creationism, Minus a Young Earth, Emerges in the Islamic World " (2009/11/02) ]

しかし、創造論者Harun Yahyaの本拠地であるトルコは様相が異なる。
The situation in Turkey is different and changed only in the past couple of decades. One of the conference participants, Taner Edis, said he never encountered creationist undertones when he was growing up in Turkey in the 1970s. “I first noticed creationism when I came to America for graduate school,” said Dr. Edis, now a professor of physics at Truman State University in Missouri. He thought it an American oddity.

Some years later, while browsing a bookstore on a visit to Turkey, Dr. Edis found books about creationism filed in the science section. “It actually caught me by surprise,” he said.

トルコの状況は違っていて、過去20年で変化した。コンファレンス参加者のひとりで、現在はミズーリ州のTruman State Universityで物理学の教授をしているTaner Edisは「1970年代にトルコで育った頃は、創造論者の声を聞くことはなかった。私が米国の大学院にきて、初めて創造論というものを知った。それは米国の変なものだと思った。しかし、数年後にトルコを訪れて本屋さんを見て、創造論の本が科学のコーナーにあるのを見て驚いた。」と述べた。

[ KENNETH CHANG: "Creationism, Minus a Young Earth, Emerges in the Islamic World " (2009/11/02) ]

トルコは過去20年で急変したが、それはHarun Yahyaの影響のようである。

Harun Yahya, a Turkish creationist of the old-Earth variety, has gained prominence in Turkey and elsewhere. A quarter of a world away, most of the biology teachers in Indonesia use Mr. Yahya’s creationist books in their classrooms, the McGill researchers found, although some said they did that to provide counterarguments to materials their students were reading anyway.

トルコの"古い地球の創造論者"であるHarun Yayaはトルコやその他の地域で存在感を強めている。地球を1/4回ったところのインドネシアでは、大半の生物学教師が、Harun Yahyaの創造論本を授業で使っていることを、McGillの調査者が発見した。ただし、一部の教師たちは、生徒たちがいずれにせよ読んでいる本に対する対抗議論を提示するために使っていると回答していた。

In the McGill research, fewer students in Indonesia than in Pakistan thought evolution a well-accepted scientific fact, yet 85 percent agreed that fossils showed that life had existed for billions of years and changed over time.


[ KENNETH CHANG: "Creationism, Minus a Young Earth, Emerges in the Islamic World " (2009/11/02) ]


For many Muslims, even evolution and the notion that life flourished without the intervening hand of Allah is largely compatible with their religion. What many find unacceptable is human evolution, the idea that humans evolved from primitive primates. The Koran states that Allah created Adam, the first man, separately out of clay.


Pervez A. Hoodbhoy, a prominent atomic physicist at Quaid-e-Azam University in Pakistan, said that when he gave lectures covering the sweep of cosmological history from the Big Bang to the evolution of life on Earth, the audience listened without objection to most of it. “Everything is O.K. until the apes stand up,” Dr. Hoodbhoy said.

パキスタンのQuaid-e-Azam Universityの著名な原子物理学者Pervez A. Hoodbhoyは「ビッグバンから地球上の生命の進化までの宇宙史を俯瞰した講義をしたとき、聴衆はほとんど異論なく聞いていた。類人猿が立ち上がるまでは何の問題もない」と述べた。


Biology education, even in places like Pakistan that otherwise teach evolution, largely omits the question of where humans came from.


[ KENNETH CHANG: "Creationism, Minus a Young Earth, Emerges in the Islamic World " (2009/11/02) ]

もともとイスラム世界では、人間の起源について進化論が及ぶことは受け入れられないようだ。そこに、Harun Yahyaの古い地球の創造論が浸透しているということだろうか。






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