


STS学者Ron Eglashはによれば、STSコミュニティはおおよそインテリジェントデザインを公立学校理科で教えることに心情的に反対だが、STS的に反対できないと考えている。

Relativism is more than just a potential for external abuse; it is also an internal problem for STS. Recently the Committee on Anthropology of Science, Technology and Computing (CASTAC), the STS group within the American Anthropological Association, held an online discussion on a proposal to issue a public statement in support of teaching evolution and excluding “Intelligent Design,” a creationist version of biology, in public school science curricula. Three CASTAC members (all tenure-track faculty) expressed doubt that the principles of social construction would allow such a position; two of them with great regret. During that time (fall 2005) professor of STS Steve Fuller testified as an expert witness on behalf of the Intelligent Design defendants in the Dover Pennsylvania court case; almost all STS researchers I have discussed this with expressed dismay at his position.

相対主義は外部の悪用の可能性にとどまらない。STSの内部問題でもある。最近、米国人間学会のSTSグループであるCASTEC(人間科学・技術・コンピューティング委員会)は「公立学校理科で進化論を教え、創造論者バージョン生物学であるインテリジェントデザインを排除することを支持する声明」を出すことについてオンラインディスカッションを行った。終身在籍権を持つ大学教官である3名は、社会構成の原理がそのような立場を容認するだろう点について疑問を呈した。うち2名はとても悔いていた。2005年秋当時、STS教授Steve Fullerは、ペンシルバニア州Doverの裁判で、被告側インテリジェントデザイン擁護の専門家証言を行っていた。私が議論したSTS学者の大半は、Fullerの立場に対して、狼狽を表明していた。

In other words the STS community appears to largely agree that teaching Intelligent Design as part of the public school science curriculum is bad for both science and society, but they also appear to largely agree that it is at best unclear how social constructivism can provide a basis for its critique. A similar reaction seemed to accompany the February 18 2004 statement issued by the Union of Concerned Scientists, documenting the Bush administration’s suppression and distortion of scientific analysis in federal agencies. The STS community generally found this laudable, but no one seemed to be able to support this result using a social constructivist framework. The relativist components of social constructivism prevent us from condemning things we would like to oppose, and block our advocacy of that which we would like to support.


[ Ron Eglash, (2011) "Multiple objectivity: an anti-relativist approach to situated knowledge", Kybernetes, Vol. 40 Iss: 7/8, pp.995 - 1003 ]


But STS has barriers against using the collaborative stance when we should
From the POV of “oppositional technophilia” STS suffers from:

a. Christian ideology of spiritual purity: eg the fall from the pure garden; Jesus critiques impure rule-based authority in Synagogues.

b. Romantic organicism: natural always better than artificial; ignoring its use by fascism, patriarchy, etc.

c. Realism: “real” human contact always better than representations. Carolyn Merchant and Vandana Shiva’s primitivizing view of indigenous societies.

d. Religious organicism and normative sexual concepts: "unnatural sex" not ordained by God. Homosexuality, BDSM, and other “deviant” sexual practices become metaphors for condemning “unnatural” technological practices.

''しかし、STSがCollaborative Stanceを使うべき時に使えない理由がある。

a. 精神的な純粋性というキリスト教イデオロギー: たとえば、純粋なエデンの園からの追放、シナゴーグの規則に基づく不純な権威を批判するイエス。

b. ロマンティックな有機体論: 自然は人為より常に良いと考える。それがファシズムや家長政治に利用されたことを無視する。

c. リアリズム: リアルな人間とのコンタクトは代表例とよりも常に良い。Carolyn Merchant and Vandana Shivaの、土着社会の原始的見方。

d. 宗教的有機体論と規範的な性の概念: 不自然なセックスは神に与えられたものではない。ホモセクシュアリティやBDSM(嗜虐的性向)や、その他の逸脱した性行為は、不自然なテクノロジーの実践を非難するメタファーとなる。

Most importantly, STS correctly recognizes the need for alternative accounts, but incorrectly frames relativism and subjectivism as the only route to that multiplicity. This leaves us completely disarmed when right wing politics attacks science:

"Intelligent Design"
Inventing a global warming controversy
Inventing a tobacco controversy
Inventing a pesticide controversy


[ Ron Eglash: "The Collaborationist Stance in STS" (PPT) ]






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