
関連ネタ > 左翼の反進化論, STSとしてのインテリジェントデザイン


科学史研究者Robert M Youngは「イデオロギーが決定的要素として働いていない専門分野は科学にも工学にも医学にもない」と言う。
Recent work has made it clear to those with eyes to see that there is no place in science, technology, medicine or other forms of expertise where you cannot find ideology acting as a constitutive determinant. My own research has been concerned with the biological and human sciences, with particular reference to their bearing on conceptions of human nature. This biases the examples which I explore. In biology you can find ideological determinants in conceptions of microprocesses, and you can go step by step from there to to the most general features of organisms and on to social systems, cultures, larger political systems, even the world and the universe. That is, in a way, what we mean by a world view, for example, when we say that science is a world view and that the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries could have made other conceptual choices than it did.

This is especially true of the way some of its leading figures dealt with the role of purposes or final causes in scientific explanations, i.e., they banished them from the so-called mechanical philosophy and thereby created a sub rosa theme in the history of science which re-admitted values and purposes at levels which were fundamentally important but not apparent on the surface of scientific writings (Young, 1989a). As a result, ideology is pervasive but often implicit (Young, 1977, Rad. Sci. J. 5:65-129.).




「再導入された価値と目的」が唯物論や無神論だと明記されれば、インテリジェントデザイン支持者にありがちな主張だ。が、もちろんRobert M. Youngはインテリジェントデザインや創造論とは関係ない。

明示的なキーワード「現代の精神分析やフェミニズムやマルキスム」により、宗教右翼ではありえないことがわかるNancy Scheper-Hughesの記述だが...
The essential insight, derived from European critical theory, is that the given world or the "commonsense reality" may be false, illusory, and oppressive. It is an insight shared with all contemporary critical epistemologies including modern psychoanalysis, feminism and Marxism. All variants of modern critical theory work at the essential task of stripping away the surface forms of reality in order to expose concealed and buried truths. Their aim, then, is to "speak truth" to power and domination, both in individuals and submerged social groups or classes. They are reflexive rather than objective epistemologies.

Critical theories differ radically in their epistemology from positivist theories derived from the natural sciences. All theories in the "natural" sciences presuppose an "objective" structure of reality knowable by minds that are likewise understood as sharing a uniform cognitive structure. Critical theories assert the subjectivity of knowable phenomena and propose "reflection" as a valid category and method of discovery. In this paper I am using the term "objectify" in a somewhat different way, to show how medicine falsely objectifies patients and their afflictions by reducing them to reified biomedical diagnostic categories. The objectivity of science and of medicine is always a phantom objectivity, a mask that conceals more than it reveals.


[ Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. 1992. Hungry bodies, medicine, and the state: Toward a critical psychological anthropology. SW&L, pp. 221-247. ]

The stories reported in this edition of The Human Exceptionalist illustrates why we at the Discovery Institute are so committed to the cause. For example, a bill has been proposed in the Maryland Legislature that would allow surrogate decision makers to “donate” the organs of patients diagnosed to be in a persistent vegetative state (erroneous, medical studies show, about 40% of the time). I know some people will say, “What if it is the patient’s child” or some such. But we can’t do it! We can’t treat incompetent patients as objects for the benefit of others. Such a proposal would objectify these helpless people and reduce them to so many organ farms.

Discovery Instituteの我々がそのような原因にコミットしている理由を人間例外主義のこの号で報告されたストーリーが示している。たとえば、メリーランド州議会に提案されている州法案は、永続的植物状態(医学研究が示すように40%が誤診)の患者の器官を「提供」することを、代理意思決定者に可能にさせる。「患者の子供ならどうだろうか」とか言う者がいそうなことはわかっている。しかし、それはできない。他者の利益のために、力なき患者を者として扱うことはできない。そのような提案は、これら寄る辺なき人々を対象化し、器官農場に貶める。

[ Wesley J. Smith: "The Human Exceptionalist- March 2012" ]






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