


"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリAnswers in Genesisの主宰Ken Hamが、創造論"論文誌"Answers Research Journal編集長Dr. Snellingと、ノアの箱舟の発見を否定する記事を書いている。
There have been many claims over the years that explorers have found the remains of Noah’s Ark. While this great ship really did exist thousands of years ago, what can we say about it today? One challenge in finding the Ark is the enormous size of the area to search. While many people believe the Ark landed on present Mt. Ararat, the Bible actually states that it landed on the “mountains of Ararat” (Gen. 8:4). AiG’s geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling thinks it unlikely that the Ark landed on Mt. Ararat (in modern-day Turkey) because of the geologic nature of that mountain.

長年にわたり、探検家がノアの箱舟の残骸を発見したという主張が繰り返されてきた。この偉大なる舟は確かに数千年前に存在していたが、今日、何が言えるだろうか? 箱舟を見つける、ひとつの方法は広大な領域の探索である。多くの人々は箱舟がアララト山に着いたと信じているが、聖書には「アララトの山々」(創世記8章4節)と書かれている。Answers in Genesisの地質学者Dr. Andrew Snellingは、アララト山の性質上、箱舟が今日のトルコにあるアララト山に着くというのはありそうにないと考えている

Dr. Snelling told me that Mt. Ararat was formed as a result of a volcano:

We can’t be sure of whether there was already a mountain there prior to the volcanic eruptions, but from all our knowledge of volcanoes and of the eruptions that have been witnessed, it would have to be concluded that it is likely there were no mountains or hills there previously.

Dr. Snelling added:

Indications are that the lavas making up the Mt. Ararat volcano today are of considerable thickness, much higher and thicker than the Ark itself. This would mean that should the Ark have landed at the place currently known as Mt. Ararat, on Day 150 of the Flood (Gen. 7:24), it would eventually have been buried under thousands of feet of hot burning lavas.

Dr. Snellingは私にアララト山が火山活動の結果として形成されたと言った。


[ Ken Ham: "Where Is Noah’s Ark?" (2010/08/16) on Answers in Genesis ]

Dr. Snellingのタイムスケールは何やら、かなり短そう。

The modern "Mt. Ararat" (Agri Dagh) is a post-Flood volcano. The Ark could not have landed on Agri Dagh because it did not exist at the end of the Flood, and even if it did land on modern Agri Dagh, it would have been destroyed by the many, many eruptions of Ararat since the Flood. You can observe all the fresh lava flows on Agri Dagh at Google Maps.

現在のアララト山(Agri Dagh)は、ノアの洪水後の火山である。箱舟はAgri Daghにはつけない。というのはノアの洪水のときには存在していなかったからだ。たとえ現在のAgri Daghに着いても、洪水後の繰り返されるアララト山噴火により、破壊されていただろう。Google MapsでAgri Daghの溶岩流を見ることができる。

[ Todd Wood: "Not Noah's Ark" (2010/04/17) on Todd's Blog ]


ちなみに、アララト山の噴火は、1840年, 1783年, 1450年頃, BC550年頃, BC2450±50年に起きたと推定されている。ただし、大規模な噴火は記録されていない。






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