


概観はwikipedia: Group selectionから。流れは、Sober&DS Wilsonが1994年に群選択サイドから砲撃するも、ただちにDennettやDawkinsが反撃。EO Wilson[2005]が「利他行動は血縁選択ではなくコロニーレベルで説明されるべき」と主張するも、翌年にはFoster et al[2006]が、「EO Wilsonは定番誤解に基づく主張だ」と反撃。

Multilevel selection theory

In recent years, the limitations of earlier models have been addressed, and newer models suggest that selection may sometimes act above the gene level.


Recently Elliot Sober and David Sloan Wilson have argued that the case against group selection has been overstated. They focus their argument on whether groups can have functional organization in the same way individuals do and, consequently, if groups can also be "vehicles" for selection. For example, groups that cooperate better may have out-reproduced those which did not. Resurrected in this way, Sober & Wilson's new group selection is usually called multilevel selection theory.

最近、Elliott SoberとDavid Sloan Wilsonは、群選択の反証は誇張されていると論じた。群が個体と同様に機能的機関であるか否か、従って群が選択の対象となりうるかに、彼らは議論を集中した。たとえば、より協力し合う群は、そうでない群よりも繁殖できたかもしれない。このようにして復活したSober and Wilsonの新しい群選択は、マルチレベル選択理論と呼ばれる。

Although Richard Dawkins and fellow advocates of the gene-centered view of evolution remain unconvinced (see, for example, Cronk, 1994; Dawkins, 1994; Dennett, 1994), Sober and Wilson's work has been part of a broad revival of interest in multilevel selection as an explanation for evolutionary phenomena.

進化の遺伝子中心視点を主張するRichard Dawkinsと仲間たちは納得していないが、Wilson and Sober[1994]は、進化現象の説明としてのマルチレベル選択への幅広い関心の復活の一環となっている。

Indeed, in a 2005 article, E. O. Wilson (often regarded as the father of sociobiology) argued that kin selection could no longer be thought of as underlying the evolution of extreme sociality, for two reasons.

事実、社会生物学の父とみなされるE.O. Wilsonは、2005年の論文[EO Wilson, 2005]で、以下の2つの理由で、血縁選択が極端な社交性の進化の基礎を成すとはもはや考えられないと主張した。

First, Trivers and others have shown that the argument that haplodiploid inheritance, characteristic of the Hymenoptera, creates a strong selection pressure towards nonreproductive castes is mathematically flawed [Robert Trivers, 1979].


Secondly, eusociality no longer seems to be confined to the hymenopterans; increasing numbers of highly social taxa have been found in the years since Wilson's foundational text on sociobiology was published in 1975, including a variety of insect species, as well as a rodent species (the naked mole rat). Wilson suggests replacing Hamilton's equation

第2に、真社会性は膜翅類に限定されない。1975年にEO Wilsonの社会生物学の基礎的教科書の出版以来、昆虫や齧歯類など高度に社会的分類群は年々増加している。EO WilsonはHamilton式:

rb > c

(where b represents the benefit to the recipient of altruism, c the cost to the altruist, and r their degree of relatedness) should be replaced by the more general equation


(rbk + be) > c

in which bk is the benefit to kin (b in the original equation) and be is the benefit accruing to the group as a whole. He then argues that, in the present state of the evidence in relation to social insects, it appears that be>>rbk, so that altruism needs to be explained in terms of selection at the colony level rather than at the kin level.

ここで、bkは血縁個体の利益(Hamilton式のb)、beは群全体の利益、cは利他行動のコストである。そして、EO Wilsonは、社会的昆虫に関する現状の証拠から、be>>rbkだと論じる。そして、利他行動は血縁レベルではなく、コロニーレベルの選択として説明される必要があると論じた。

However, even more recently, it has been argued that EO Wilson made a series of basic errors in logic in making these arguments and that kin selection and group selection are, in fact, not in opposition at all (Foster et al. 2006).

しかし、さらに最近Foster et al.[2006]は、EO Wilson[2005]がこれらの論を展開するにあたって、基本的な誤りを犯しており、血縁選択と群選択は実際にまったく相反しないと論じた。


Trivers, R: Science, 191(4224), 250-263, 1979.

Wilson, D.S. and Sober, E.: "Reintroducing group selection to the human behavioral sciences", Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4): 585-654, 1994

Dawkins, R.: "Burying the Vehicle. Commentary on Wilson & Sober: Group Selection", Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 17 (4): 616?617, 1994

Dennett, D.C.: "E Pluribus Unum? Commentary on Wilson & Sober: Group Selection", Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 17 (4): 617?618, 1994

Wilson, EO.: "Kin selection as the key to altruism: its rise and fall Social Research", Spring, 2005>http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2267/is_1_7...]]

Foster, KR, Wenseleers T, and Ratnieks FLW:" Kin selection is the key to altruism", Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 21, 57?60, 2006.

Foster (2006)]]はそもそもEO Wilson[2005]が血縁選択についての典型的な誤解に基づくものだと指摘している:
Table 1. Common fallacies concerning kin selection (or inclusive fitness) theory

Kin selection is the 3/4 relatedness or haplodiploidy hypothesis[2]

The haplodiploidy hypothesis is just one idea arising from kin selection theory [3,5,6]

Kin selection suggests that relatedness is the dominant force in the evolution of social actions[2,4]

Costs and benefits can be dominant effects [3,11]

Kin selection predicts conflict so it cannot favour altruism [2,4] >

For intermediate levels of relatedness, the potential for conflict and altruism are predicted [3,6,9,11,15]

Support for kin selection from the study of reproductive conflict has no bearing on the evolution of altruism [8]

Kin selection is a general theory. Support in one area strengthens the theory and its application in other areas where it is relevant[15]

Kin selection assumes no colony-level effects [2,4,8]

Kin selection models include colony-level effects, sometimes implicitly and sometimes explicitly[3,9,11]

Kin selection is incompatible with trait-group selection thinking[2,4]

The two frameworks are complementary and fully compatible [12-14]

Relatedness (r) and kin selection only apply to family relatedness caused by recent common ancestry[4]

The r in Hamilton’s rule applies to all forms of genetic correlation among individuals, including among loci and among organisms [1,12,13]
その上で、EO Wilsonがトレートグループ選択モデル(Trait-group selectio model)と呼ぶものは、血縁選択と等価なものであり、そんなことは昔からわかっていると主張した:
Group selection does not select for altruism without kin selection

E.O. Wilson argues that it is selection at the colony level rather than kin selection that drives altruism in insect societies. Colony-level effects can select for cooperation without kin selection, but not for true altruism. In his trait-group selection models, D.S.Wilson [10] showed that investment in a group of nonrelatives can be selected when, by helping the group, the actor receives a feedback benefit to its own reproduction ("weak altruism"). It is this effect that E.O. Wilson [2] captures in his expanded Hamilton’s rule: bk*r + be > c, where bk is the benefit to kin and be is the benefit of colony-level selection. More explicitly (Equation I):

EO Wilsonは昆虫社会の利他行動は、血縁選択ではなくコロニーレベルの選択によって進化すると論じた。コロニーレベルの効果は血縁がなくとも協調行動を選択させるが、それは真の利他行動ではない。EO Wilsonのトレートグループ選択モデルでは、DS Wilson[1990]が示したように、そのグループを助けることで、自己の繁殖のために利益を得る(弱い利他行動)のとき、非血縁グループでも選択されうる。この効果をEO Wilson[2005]は、ハミルトン式を「bk*r + be > c」と拡張することで捉えた。ここでbkは血縁の利益であり、beはコロニーレベル選択の利益である。より明解には

b/n * (n-1) *r + (b/n)*1 >c [Equation 1]  -- 血縁利益 + 個体利益 > 個体コスト

where n is group size, b is the group benefit of which each individual gets a share b/n, and c is the individual cost. The individual benefit term contains the relatedness of the actor to itself, r_self=1 and is equivalent to the benefit from "colony-level selection" in [2]. Weak altruism can evolve without relatedness when the individual benefit term outweighs the individual cost, c ("strong group selection" [10]). However, for true altruism, the cost is greater than the individual benefit, because altruism, by definition, is individually costly. It is clear, therefore, that the altruism of worker insects, which frequently have zero reproduction, can only be selected if relatedness is positive [10].

ここでnはグループの大きさ、bはグループの個体がb/nの利益を持つグループの利益、cは個体のコストである。個体利益項はその個体地震の血縁度=1を含んでおり、EO Wilson[2005]にあるコロニーレベル選択による利益と等価である。個体利益項がコストcを上回れば、血縁度がなくても弱い利他行動は進化する。しかし、真の利他行動については、コストが個体利益よりも大きい。というのは定義上、利他行動は個体にコストがかかるからである。したがって、繁殖できないというワーカー昆虫の利他行動は、血縁度がポジティブな場合のみ選択されることは明らかである[DS Wilson 1990]。

More generally, the presence of colony-level effects is not evidence against kin selection, as E.O. Wilson [2], E.O. Wilson and Hoelldobler [4] and others [8] suggest. Trait-group selection models can sometimes highlight colony-level effects in a clearer way than can a kin selection model, but at a deeper level the two frameworks have long been known to be simply different ways of formalising the same problem [3,12-14]. Kin selection models frequently contain colony-level effects [3,9,11] just as trait group selection models often contain relatedness in the form of between-group genetic variance [3,12,14].

さらに一般的に言って、コロニーレベルの効果の存在はEO Willson[2005]やWillson and Hoelldobler[2005]やAlonso and Schuck-Paim[2002]が言うような血縁選択を反証する証拠ではない。トレイトグループ選択モデルは血縁選択モデルよりも、コロニーレベルの効果を強調することがある。しかし、より深いレベルでは、2つのフレームワークは同じ問題を違った形で定式化したものにすぎないことは、長きにわたって知られてきた[Bourke and Franks, 2005; Hamilton 1975; Frank 1998; Wilson and Dugatkin, 1997]。トレイトグループ選択モデルが群間の遺伝的変異の形で血縁度を含んでいるように、血縁選択モデルはコロニーレベルの効果を含んでいる[Bourke and Franks, 2005;Ratnieks et al.2006; Foster 2004]。


1 Hamilton, W.D. (1964) The genetical evolution of social behaviour. I and II. J. Theor. Biol. 7, 1-52
2 Wilson, E.O. (2005) Kin selection as the key to altruism: its rise and fall. Soc. Res. 72, 159-168
3 Bourke, A.F.G. and Franks, N.R. (1995) Social Evolution in Ants, Princeton University Press
4 Wilson, E.O. and Hoelldobler, B. (2005) Eusociality: origin and consequences. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. >
A. 102, 13367-13371
5 Dawkins, R. (1989) The Selfish Gene, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press
6 Queller, D.C. and Strassmann, J.E. (1998) Kin selection and social insects. Bioscience 48, 165-175
7 Griffin, A.S. and West, S.A. (2003) Kin discrimination and the benefit of helping in cooperatively breeding vertebrates. Science 302, 634-636
8 Alonso, W.J. and Schuck-Paim, C. (2002) Sex-ratio conflicts, kin selection, and the evolution of altruism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99, 6843-6847
9 Ratnieks, F.L.W. et al. (2006) Conflict resolution in insect societies. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 51, 581-608
10 Wilson, D.S. (1990) Weak altruism, strong group selection. Oikos 59, 135-140
11 Foster, K.R. (2004) Diminishing returns in social evolution: the not-sotragic commons. J. Evol. Biol. 17, 1058-1072
12 Hamilton, W.D. (1975) Innate social aptitudes in man: an approach from evolutionary genetics. In Biosocial Anthropology (Fox, R., ed.), pp. 133-155, John Wiley & Sons
13 Frank, S.A. (1998) The Foundations of Social Evolution, Princeton University Press
14 Wilson, D.S. and Dugatkin, L.A. (1997) Group selection and assortative interactions. Am Nat 149, 336-351
ということで、EO Wilsonによるマルチレベル選択という形での群選択復活は成功するに至っていない。






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