

近代の地球平板説の最初の文献Anti Newtonian

近代の地球平板説の最初の文献は、おそらくこの1819年の匿名の著者による38ページのパンフレット"The Anti-Newtonian"だと思われる。

"The anti-Newtonian: or, A true system of the Universe (1819)" ]

地球平板説の歴史に詳しいBob Schadewald (1943–2000)によれば、その著者が何者なのかは不明である。
In 1819, an anonymous author published a 38-page pamphlet entitled The Anti-Newtonian: or, A True System of the Universe, with a Map of Explanation, Proving the Sun to Be a Moveable Body and Central Circling Equator of Equal Time, etc. The work was printed in London at the author’s expense, but it contains no hint of who the writer was, where he lived, or any other biographical information except that he had previously published a work pointing out “the dangerous consequences of speculative astronomy.

1819年に、匿名の著者が38ページのパンフレット「反ニュートン体: 宇宙の真の体系と記述地図、太陽は動く天体であり、等時の赤道をめぐることを証明する」を発行した。パンフレットは著者負担でロンドンで印刷されたが、これ以前に「投機的天文学の危険な帰結」を指摘する著作を出版したこと以外は、著者が誰で、どこに住んでいたのか、その他の伝記的情報はない。

[ Bob Schadewald, "The Plane Truth" (2015) ]


"The anti-Newtonian: or, A true system of the Universe (1819)" ]

According to The Anti-Newtonian, the earth is a vast circular plain enclosed by a wall of ice. A map in the pamphlet shows the north pole at the center, the south pole at 12 o’clock, east and west respectively at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock, and an “unknown pole” at 6 o’clock. The sun’s path is a circle whose center moves back and forth along a line connecting the south pole and the unknown pole to cause the seasons. The half of the earth beyond the east–west line toward the unknown pole is unknown and uninhabitable.

Rowbotham never mentions The Anti-Newtonian in any of his writings, but he almost certainly based his own system on it. He discarded the circumferential poles and the unknown, uninhabitable parts of the earth as unworkable. He left the north pole at the center, but he declared that there is no south pole; the impassable wall of ice encircling the known, inhabitable world forms the “southern limit.” East and west are merely those directions at right angles to the compass needle. The equator is a circle centered on the north pole and lying halfway between it and the southern limit. The sun circles above the earth in the region of the equator, moving north or south of the equator to suit the season.



[ Bob Schadewald, "The Plane Truth" (2015) ]


Flat Eath wikiの記述

このAnti Newtonianについて、[[Flat Earth Wiki>https://wiki.tfes.org/The_Anti-Newtonian]は次のように簡単に紹介し、上記のSchadewaldの記述を引用している。
The Anti-Newtonian is a Flat Earth book published in 1819 and predates Samuel Rowbotham's initial work on the subject by 30 years. The model in The Anti-Newtonian features three aligned poles: A central North Pole, the South Pole at one end (top), and the "Unknown Pole" at the other end (bottom).

反ニュートン体系は1819年に出版された地球平面説であり、Samuel Rowbothamのこの主題に関する最初の研究より30年前のものである。 反ニュートン体系のモデルは、中央に北極、一方の端の南極(上)及びもう一方の端の「未知の極」(下)の3つの整列した極を備えている。
Importance: While difficult to parse due to a lack of illustrations to accompany explanations in the text, it is believed that this model holds importance because it is an original work based on fresh study of astronomy.

重要性: 本文中の説明に付随する図が足りないので、分析が難しいが、天文学の新たな研究に基づいた独自成果なので、このモデルは重要であると考えられる。

[ Flat Earth Wiki: "The Anti-Newtonian" ]

Schadewald Description: In The Plane Truth: A History of the Flat Earth Movement its author Robert J. Schadewald describes this model. ...

Schadewaldの説明: RobertJ.Schadewaldが自著「平面真理: 地球平板運動の歴史」で、このモデルについて説明している。

[ Flat Earth Wiki: "The Anti-Newtonian" ]

Anti Newtonianには、複数の船舶を使った実験を提唱する記述もあるが...

"The anti-Newtonian: or, A true system of the Universe (1819)" ]
Flat Eath Wikiは特に言及していない。






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