


心理学者David Luddenによれば、他人の意図を推し量る傾向が、自然現象にも適用されている。それにより、我々は神を含む超自然の存在を見てしまう。
Still, these groups were considerably larger than the societies of primate species, which tend to number in the few dozen range. Furthermore, humans are far more capable of cooperation than other primates, enabled by certain evolved cognitive mechanisms. Chief among these is a sense of agency. As tool users, humans quickly developed an understanding that they can intentionally cause things to happen. The nut cracked open because I smashed it with a rock. The apple fell because I shook the tree.

In fact, we’re rather hypersensitive about other people’s agency, inferring intention where none existed. For example, when someone cuts us off in traffic, we generally assume they did it on purpose—that is, knowing full well how dangerously they’re driving—rather than supposing they looked but just didn’t see us. We’re quick to assume that people act purposefully and discount the extent to which people’s behaviors are shaped by their current circumstances and limitations.


Because of hypersensitive agency detection, we also have a tendency to infer intentionality in natural processes or inanimate objects. Beliefs in water sprites and woodland spirits, specters and spooks, ghosts and demons, are ancient and observed in every culture around the world. Because the natural world is complex and acts in mysterious ways, we detect agency all around us.


[ David Ludden Ph.D.: "Why Do People Believe in God? -- The evolution of religious belief." (2018/08/21) on Psychology Today ]

There are also motivational reasons for religious belief. People who are socially isolated tend to have more religious faith, perhaps allowing them to feel they’re not truly alone. Likewise, people facing death are more likely to express faith in God and an afterlife. The old saying that there are no atheists on the battlefield is no doubt true to a large extent. Furthermore, faith in God increases when situations become uncontrollable, as in the case of natural disasters. Believing that God has a plan helps people regain some sense of control, or at least of acceptance.

The United States, with its high standard of living and high religiosity, is the glaring exception. However, as Mercier and his colleagues point out, Japan and Western European have universal health care and extensive social safety nets, as opposed to the U.S. The Japanese and the Europeans know their governments will come to their aid in their hour of need. But the laissez-faire attitudes of American society make people’s futures less certain and the belief in a benevolent God more attractive.


[ David Ludden Ph.D.: "Why Do People Believe in God? -- The evolution of religious belief." (2018/08/21) on Psychology Today ]

心理学者Satoshi Kanazawaによれば「エージェンシー検知」の傾向は、「フォルス・ネガティブによる死を避けられる可能性が高まる」という点で適応的である。それの副産物として、神などの超自然の意図を信じるようになるという。
Once again, Error Management Theory suggests that, in your inference, you can make a “Type I” error of false positive or “Type II” error of false negative, and these two types of error carry vastly different consequences and costs. The cost of a false-positive error is that you become paranoid. You are always looking around and behind your back for predators and enemies that don’t exist. The cost of a false-negative error is that you are dead, being killed by a predator or an enemy when you least expect them. Obviously, it’s better to be paranoid than dead, so evolution should have designed a mind that overinfers personal, animate, and intentional forces even when none exist.

You see a bush on fire. It could have been caused by an impersonal, inanimate, and unintentional force (lightning striking the bush and setting it on fire), or it could have been caused by a personal, animate, and intentional force (God trying to communicate with you). The “animistic bias” or “agency-detector mechanism” predisposes you to opt for the latter explanation rather than the former. It predisposes you to see the hands of God at work behind natural, physical phenomena whose exact causes are unknown.


In this view, religiosity (the human capacity for belief in supernatural beings) is not an evolved tendency per se; after all, religion in itself is not adaptive. It is instead a byproduct of animistic bias or the agency-detector mechanism, the tendency to be paranoid, which is adaptive because it can save your life. Humans did not evolve to be religious; they evolved to be paranoid. And humans are religious because they are paranoid.


[ Satoshi Kanazawa: "Why do we believe in God? II -- We are religious because we are paranoid" (2008/03/28) on Psychology Toda ]
Traditional secular conspiracy theories and explanations of worldly events in terms of supernatural agency share interesting epistemic features. This paper explores what can be called “supernatural conspiracy theories”, by considering such supernatural explanations through the lens of recent work on the epistemology of secular conspiracy theories. After considering the similarities and the differences between the two types of theories, the prospects for agnosticism both with respect to secular conspiracy theories and the existence of God are then considered. Arguments regarding secular conspiracy theories suggest ways to defend agnosticism with respect to God from arguments that agnosticism is not a logically stable position and that it ultimately collapses into atheism, as has been argued by N. Russell Hanson and others. I conclude that such attacks on religious agnosticism fail to appreciate the conspiratorial features of God's alleged role in the universe.

伝統的な世俗的陰謀論と、世界的事件についての超自然のエージェンシーによる説明は、興味深い認識論的特徴を共有している。本論文では、最近の世俗陰謀理論についての認識論に焦点を当て、そのような超自然的説明を考えて、いわゆる「超自然的陰謀理論」を探求する。この2つの種類の理論の類似点と相違点を考慮して、世俗的陰謀理論と神の存在の両方に関する不可知論の見通しを検討する。世俗的陰謀理論に関する議論は、N. Russell Hansonたちが論じたような「不可知論は論理的に不安定であり、最終的には無神論に陥る」に対して、神についての不可知論を擁護する道を示唆している。私は、そのような不可知論に対する攻撃では、「宇宙における神の役割と主張されることの、陰謀論的性質」を理解できないと結論する。 ~^
[ God as the Ultimate Conspiracy Theory", Episteme, Volume 4, Issue 2 June 2007 , pp. 135-149 ]







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