
各国情勢>米国情勢, 英語圏の創造論教科書

創造論テスト問題を使っていた私学 (2013)


We noted that there is a school, Blue Ridge Christian Academy, that meets all of the criteria described above: a private Christian Academy which is both in the Greenville area of South Carolina and north of Greer, which offers "science lessons [that] are creation-based," and which includes Latin in its fourth-grade curriculum. Blue Ridge didn't respond to our inquiry, but Ken Ham and Mark Looy of Answers in Genesis (AiG) confirmed in the AiG blog that the quiz did indeed originate with that school:

我々は、上述の条件である「私学のキリスト教アカデミーで、サウスカロライナ州のGreenville地域とGreerの期待にあり、創造論ベースの理科教育を提供していて、4学年のカリキュラムにラテン語がある」に合致するのは、Blue Ridge Christian Academyであると書いていた。Blue Ridgeは我々の質問に対して回答しなかったが、Answers in GenesisのKen HamとMark LooyがAiGブログで、学校がテストを考案したことを確認した。

In South Carolina recently, a fourth-grade teacher at Blue Ridge Christian Academy (a nondenominational K–12 Christian school) showed students a DVD of a children’s program, in which AiG song-writer and dinosaur sculptor Buddy Davis and I are featured. In this DVD, we teach children the history of the universe from the Bible, with a special emphasis on teaching dinosaurs from a biblical perspective (as we do inside our Creation Museum). The teacher handed out a question sheet to the children to test what they learned from the DVD.

A friend of one of the parents who has a child enrolled in the fourth grade class posted the quiz sheets on the internet. The parent, like all parents who have children enrolled at this academy, had signed a statement, which acknowledged an understanding that sending their child to this Christian school would mean they would be taught biblical Christianity. The parent expressed dismay that his daughter was taught a biblical approach to dinosaurs. The quiz’s posting to the internet resulted in a number of atheist websites reposting the questions and answers, and many of them responded in rage and vehement attacks on the school.

[ Image shows a fourth-grade science quiz from a South Carolina school on Snopes.Com ]






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