

2006年8月のChristoph Schonborn枢機卿の発言

インテリジェントデザインよりだとされるChristoph Schonborn枢機卿は2006年8月23日に、ダーウィンの進化の理論は、残された科学的疑問点とともに学校で教えられるに足るものだと発言した。
RIMINI, Italy (CNS) -- Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna said he thought Darwin's theories on evolution deserve to be studied in schools, along with the scientific question marks that remain.

オーストラリアのChristoph Schonborn枢機卿は、ダーウィンの進化の理論は、残された科学的疑問点とともに学校で教えられるに足るものだと発言した。

It is right to teach "the science of Darwin, not ideological Darwinism," Cardinal Schonborn said Aug. 23. He spoke at a meeting in Rimini sponsored by the Catholic lay movement Communion and Liberation, and his remarks were reported by Italian newspapers.

Schonborn枢機卿は8月23日に、「"観念論的なダーウィニズムではなく、ダーウィンの科学"が教えられることは正しい」と発言した。彼は、カトリックの一般人の運動"Communion and Liberation"の後援するRiminiでの会議で講演し、彼の意見はイタリアの新聞に報じられた。

In 2005, Cardinal Schonborn helped fuel the debate over evolution and intelligent design when he wrote in The New York Times that science offers "overwhelming evidence for design in biology." He later said some scientists had turned Darwin's teachings into an ideological "dogma" that admitted no possibility of a divine design in the created world.

2005年にSchonborn枢機卿はNew York Timesに"科学は生物学におけるデザインの圧倒的証拠を提示する"と書いて、進化論対インテリジェントデザインの論争に燃料を投下した。彼は後になって、ある科学者たちはダーウィンが教えたことを、創造された世界に神のデザインの可能性を認めない観念的な"教義"に変えてしまったと発言した。

In Rimini, the cardinal said he did not regret writing The New York Times article, but said that in retrospect he might have been more nuanced. "Perhaps it was too much crafted with a hatchet," he said.

Riminiにおいて「New York Timesに記事を書いたことは後悔していない。しかし、微妙な違いがあったかもしれない。おそらく、あまりに作られすぎたのだ」Schonborn枢機卿はと言った。

Cardinal Schonborn said there should be no doubt that the church does not support creationism, the idea that the biblical account of the creation of the world in six days should be taken literally. "The church teaches that the first page of the Book of Genesis is not a page of science," he said.


But when teaching evolutionary theory, he said, schools should underline the points still awaiting clarification, the "missing links" in the theory which were recognized by Darwin himself, he said.


Cardinal Schonborn said Darwinian theory and the faith can coexist, and he proposed a metaphorical image: Darwin's scientific ladder of rising evolutionary development on one hand, and on the other the biblical Jacob's ladder, from which angels descended from heaven to earth.


The cardinal said the images offer "two directions, two movements, which only when observed together allow for anything close to a complete perspective." At the center of these two movements is the figure of Jesus Christ, he said.


Cardinal Schonborn said it was important to realize that Darwin's theories continue to have an impact in economic as well as biological fields. For example, he cited a link between ideological Darwinism and some capitalist theories that consider high unemployment simply a byproduct of a necessary economic natural selection.


In bioethics, he said, the church's differences with ideological Darwinism become important.


"Despite sometimes heavy criticism, the church continues to firmly believe that there is in nature a language of the Creator, and therefore a binding ethical order in creation, which remains a fundamental reference point in bioethical matters," he said.


The cardinal was one of several scholars invited to join Pope Benedict XVI at his summer villa in early September for a private two-day symposium on "Creation and Evolution." The encounter is an annual one in which the pope meets with his former doctoral students from his teaching years in Germany.


[ Austrian cardinal says Darwinism should be studied as sciencey (2006/08/24) on Catholic News Service ]






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