

2008年 フロリダ州SB2692

2008/01/24 フロリダ州北部の学区委員会の反進化論決議

At least nine county school boards in northern Florida have adopted resolutions calling for the state board of education "to revise the new Sunshine State Standards for Science such that evolution is not presented as fact, but as one of several theories," according to a January 23, 2008, report from Florida Citizens for Science. These resolutions represent a backlash to a draft set of new state science standards, which are presently undergoing revision in response to comments from the public. The state board of education is expected to consider the revised draft set of standards at its meeting on February 19, 2008.
A conspicuous improvement in the draft set of standards is the treatment of evolution. In the previous set of standards, the e-word -- "evolution" -- was altogether absent. In the draft set, it is not only used but even featured as a "big idea" around which the standards are organized. Newspapers around the state hailed the change, with the Tallahassee Democrat, for example, writing (October 23, 2007), "For science education in our state to be competitive, it must include the teaching of evolution and the explicit acknowledgment that empirical evidence over the past century and a half strongly supports it."
But the county school boards in Baker, Clay, Hamilton, Holmes, Jackson, Madison, St. Johns, Taylor, and Washington counties -- all in northern Florida -- have adopted virtually identical resolutions opposing the improvement. ...

Florida Citizens for Scienceの2008年1月23日のレポートによれば、フロリダ州北部の少なくとも9つの郡の学区教育委員会は、進化論が事実としてではなく、複数の理論のうちのひとつとして提示するように州理科教育標準(Sunshine State Standards for Science)を改訂することを求める決議案を採択した。これらの決議は、パブリックコメントに応じて修正される、新しい州理科教育標準の草案に反対するものである。州教育委員会は、2008年2月19日の会議で修正草案について検討することになっている。
理科教育標準の草案の大きな改善点は進化論の扱いである。従来の理科教育標準では「進化(evolution)」がまったくなかった。草案では、理科教育標準を構成する"重要な考え"として取り上げられる。新聞はこの修正を歓迎した。たとえば、2007年10月23日付のTallahassee Democratは「我が州の理科教育を競争力あるもにするために、進化論および進化論を支持する過去1世紀半にわたる経験的証拠について教育を含むことを義務付けている。

しかし、フロリダ州北部のBaker郡、Clay郡、Hamilton郡、Holmes郡、Jackson郡、Madison郡、St. Johns郡、Taylor郡、Washington郡の学区教育委員会は、この理科教育標準改訂に反対する事実上、同一の決議を策託した。 ...

[ Antievolution resolutions spreading through northern Florida (2008/01/24) on NCSE ]

2008/02/19 フロリダ州の理科教育標準の改訂を州教育委員会は承認
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- The teaching standards for Florida schools include the word "evolution" for the first time, under a decision Tuesday by the state school board. The board approved the use of the term "scientific theory of evolution" in public schools science standards.
Adding the term "scientific theory" before the term "evolution" was a modified proposal at least one board member called a compromise, not standards proposed originally to the committee. The option to include "scientific theory" was made late last week. The amendment, which supporters refer to as the "academic freedom proposal," was unveiled late Friday. ... The state Board of Education agreed to adopt the new curriculum standards Tuesday by a narrow 4 to 3 vote.


[ State Approves Evolution As 'Scientific Theory' -- New School Curriculum Standards Pass By Narrow Vote (2008/02/19) on local10 ]

これについて、米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Educationは次のように評した:
The Florida state board of education voted 4-3 at its February 19, 2008, meeting to adopt a new set of state science standards in which evolution is presented as a "fundamental concept underlying all of biology." The adopted standards differ from those developed by the writing committee in adding the phrase "the scientific theory of" before mentions of plate tectonics, cell theory, atomic theory, electromagnetism, and evolution. According to the standards, "a scientific theory represents the most powerful explanation scientists have to offer."


[ The e-word arrives in Florida (2008/02/19) on NCSE ]
2008/02/29 フロリダ州に、理科カリキュラム改訂に対抗する?反進化論州法案出現
州法案Florida Senate Bill 2692, 2008 Regular Session
提案者Ronda Storms上院議員が(共和党District 10)
提案2008/02/29 Filed
状況2008/05/02 廃案

Florida Senate - 2008 SB2692 By Senator Storms

10-03403A-08 20082692

A bill to be entitled An act relating to teaching chemical and biological evolution; providing a short title; providing legislative intent; providing public school teachers with a right to present scientific information relevant to the full range of views on biological and chemical origins; prohibiting a teacher from being discriminated against for presenting such information; prohibiting students from being penalized for subscribing to a particular position on evolution; clarifying that the act does not require any change in state curriculum standards or promote any religious position; providing an effective date.


Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:

Section 1.
(1) This section may be cited as the "Academic Freedom Act."

(2) The Legislature finds that current law does not expressly protect the right of teachers to objectively present scientific information relevant to the full range of scientific views regarding chemical and biological evolution. The Legislature finds that in many instances educators have experienced or feared discipline, discrimination, or other adverse consequences as a result of presenting the full range of scientific views regarding chemical and biological evolution. The Legislature further finds that existing law does not expressly protect students from discrimination due to their positions or views regarding biological or chemical evolution. The Legislature finds that the topic of biological and chemical evolution has generated intense controversy about the rights of teachers and students to hold differing views on those subjects. It is therefore the intent of the Legislature that this section expressly protects those rights.

(2) 州上院は、現行州法が、化学進化および生物進化について、あらゆる科学的見方について客観的に現在の科学的情報を教師が提示する権利を保護していないと判断した。州上院は多くの例において、教育者が化学進化および生物進化について、全範囲の科学的見方を提示すると、差別的処遇などの悪い結果を経験したか恐れたと判断する。さらに、州上院は現行州法が、生物進化および化学進化について生徒たちの意見や立場について保護していないと判断する。州上院は生物進化および化学進化について、異なる見解を持つ教師と生徒の権利をめぐる激論を引き起こしたと判断する。このセクションで明確に権利を保護することが州上院の意図である。

(3) Every public school teacher in the state's K-12 school system shall have the affirmative right and freedom to objectively present scientific information relevant to the full range of scientific views regarding biological and chemical evolution in connection with teaching any prescribed curriculum regarding chemical or biological origins.

(4) A public school teacher in the state's K-12 school system may not be disciplined, denied tenure, terminated, or otherwise discriminated against for objectively presenting scientific information relevant to the full range of scientific views regarding biological or chemical evolution in connection with teaching any prescribed curriculum regarding chemical or biological origins.

(5) Public school students in the state's K-12 school system may be evaluated based upon their understanding of course materials, but may not be penalized in any way because he or she subscribes to a particular position or view regarding biological or chemical evolution.

(6) The rights and privileges contained in this section apply when the subject of biological or chemical origins is part of the curriculum. The provisions of this section do not require or encourage any change in the state curriculum standards for the K-12 public school system.

(7) This section shall not be construed to promote any religious doctrine, promote discrimination for or against a particular set of religious beliefs, or promote discrimination for or against religion or nonreligion.

Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 2008.

2008/03/13-18 Discovery Instituteのもにょった支援

既に建前上はインテリジェントデザインの教育義務付けを求めなくなっていたDiscovery Instituteはもにょった反応を示した。
In my personal opinion, I think it does. But the intent of this bill is not to settle that question," said Luskin. "The intent of this bill is... it protects the teaching of scientific information. It's not trying to inject itself into the debate over Intelligent Design."
Luskin said the institute, which advocates Intelligent Design, doesn't want it "mandated" in schools.
Luskin, the Discovery Institute lawyer, said that's an irony: "One of the funniest things in my opinion is that many of the people who are claiming Intelligent Design would be taught under this bill adamantly believe Intelligent Design is not science. So in their own view, the text of this bill would not protect the teaching of Intelligent Design."

「個人的には、私はインテリジェントデザインは科学的情報だと考えちる。しかし、この法案の意図は問いに答えを出すことではない。この法案の意図は科学的情報を教育することを保護するものである。インテリジェントデザインについての論争を理科の授業に組み入れるものではない。インテリジェントデザインを支持するDiscovery Instituteは、学校でインテリジェントデザインを義務付けようとは考えていない。... これは皮肉である。この州法のもとでインテリジェントデザインの教育が可能となると主張している人々の多くが、インテリジェントデザインは科学でないと考えていることは奇妙なことである。それなら、州法案の記述はインテリジェントデザインの教育を保護しないことになる」

[reported by Miam Herald (2008/03/13) (copy) ]


それだと州法案はインテリジェントデザインを理科の授業に持ち込むものと大声で言ったことになりかねない。それだとまずいので、州法案を守るべく、州法案と「インテリジェントデザインは科学」を切り離そうとして、Discovery InstiuteのAssociate DirectorsであるJohn G. Westが次のようなフォローを入れた。
Right now, as Luskin correctly pointed out at the press conference, there is a debate raging over whether intelligent design is science. Scientists and philosophers who support ID certainly think it is scientific in precisely the same way Darwinism is scientific. But the proposed Academic Freedom Act does not wade into the design debate one way or another. If and when ID supporters are able to win the debate over whether ID science, then by definition any scientific information about it that pertains to biological or chemical evolution would be protected—just like any other scientific information relevant to those topics. But, again, the bill doesn’t decide the debate over whether ID is science. It leaves that debate alone.

Luskinはインテリジェントデザインが科学か否かについての論争があることを正しく指摘した。インテリジェントデザインを支持する科学者と哲学者は、ダーウィニズムが科学であるとの同様に、インテリジェントデザインも正しく科学だと考えている。しかし、提案されている州法案"Academic Freedom Act"はデザイン論争についてどちらかにつくわけではない。インテリジェントデザインが科学か否かの論争に、インテリジェントデザイン支持者が勝てれば、定義上、生物進化および化学進化について他の科学的情報と同様に、科学的情報としてインテリジェントデザインは適切だということになる。しかし、州法案はインテリジェントデザインが科学か否かを決定するものではない。論争は論争のままにしておく。

[ John G. West: "Florida Darwinists Can’t Get Story Straight about Opposition to Academic Freedom Act" (2008/03/14) ]

とはいえ、2005年12月のKitzmiller v. Dover Area School Districtの判決で、インテリジェントデザインは創造論相当として、理科の授業で教えることは政教分離原則違反とされている。なので、John G Westは、これを覆すまでは、フロリダ州の反進化論州法が成立しても、インテリジェントデザインは教えられないと言ったことになる。

2008/04 フロリダ州上下院を前進する反進化論州法案

2008/03/26SB2692が州上院Education Pre-K-12委員会を4:1で通過




2008/05/02 フロリダ州反進化論州法案SB2692会期切れ廃案

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Hotly debated evolution bills that critics said would inject religious doctrine into public schools in the guise of science died a quiet death Friday on the final day of the legislative session. House and Senate supporters, mostly Republicans, were unable to resolve their dispute over two versions of the legislation before the close of the session. The Senate favored a bill (SB 2692) that would have prohibited school officials from punishing teachers who used "scientific information" to challenge evolution. A House bill (HB 1483) would have gone farther, not just allowing such challenges but requiring that schools teach "critical analysis" of evolution. The Senate version was based on model legislation advocated by the Discovery Institute, a Seattle think tank that supports research on intelligent design. That theory holds that some features of the universe and living things can be explained by an "intelligent cause."

批判サイドが科学を偽装して公立学校に宗教教義を持ち込もうとしたと評する、熱く議論された進化論州法案が州議会会期最終日の金曜日に静かに廃案となった。その多くが共和党員である、州下院と州上院の州法案支持者たちは、州上下院の2バージョンの州法案を会期切れまでに差異を解決できなかった。州上院版(SB2692)は学校当局に対して科学的情報を使って進化論に挑戦する教師を懲罰することを禁じるものだった。州下院版(HB1483)は、さらに進んで、進化論に挑戦することを容認するだけでなく、学校は進化論の批判的分析を義務付けるものだった。州上院版はインテリジェントデザイン研究を支援するSeattleのシンクタンク、Discovery Insituteによるモデル州法案に基づいたものだった。その理論は、宇宙と生物のいくつかの特徴はインテリジェントな原因で説明できると主張する。

[ BILL KACZOR: "Evolution bills die in Legislature as session ends" (2008/05/02) on Fort Mill Times ]

呆然自失のDiscovery Institute

このSB2692の会期切れ廃案の前日、Discovery InstituteのJohn G Westは、「フロリダ州下院の指導者たちは意図的に、州法案をつぶそうとしている」と評した。
Florida citizens who support academic freedom legislation on evolution might want to ask some tough questions of House Republican leaders in their state. Rather than pass an academic freedom bill previously adopted by the state Senate, the Florida House earlier this week adopted its own seemingly tougher measure that would actually require critical analysis of evolution. But wait: the Florida Senate had previously rejected the House approach, and with only a week left in the legislative session, Florida House members had to know that it would be extremely difficult to hammer out a new bill that could pass both houses within the remaining time. If the Florida legislature adjourns without passing an evolution academic freedom bill--after both legislative chambers previously approved bills on the topic by strong margins--Florida's House Republican leadership will need to explain why they allowed academic freedom for Florida teachers to be sabotaged. I hope I'm wrong, but it's beginning to look like someone in the Florida House leadership is intentionally trying to kill the academic freedom bill. If so, that's outrageous, and I hope concerned citizens in Florida will demand some answers.


[ John West:"Are Florida's House Republicans Trying to Sabotage Evolution Academic Freedom Bill?" (2008/05/01)

Supposedly, the Florida House refused to pass the Senate bill because it favored a stronger measure to require the critical analysis of evolution. As a former political science professor, I can tell you that this explanation doesn't hold water. If the Republican House leadership in Florida really supported academic freedom on evolution, they would have passed the Senate bill. Instead, they shamefully passed a bill earlier this week with language that the Senate had previously rejected, knowing full well this would likely mean the death of any legislation on the topic. What has just happened in Florida smacks of classic back-room politics by politicians who are trying to play both sides of an issue. Maybe I'm wrong and something else was going on, but I've yet to hear any credible explanation for why the House did what it did. ...


[ Jon G West: "Florida House Republicans Kill Evolution Academic Freedom Measure" (2008/05/02)







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