Kent State Universityの疫学の准教授であり、Panda's Thumbの執筆者のひとりであるDr. Tara C. Smithが、Yale UnivesityのSteven Novella助教授と共著で、PLoS MedicineのPolicy Forumに、「AIDS再評価運動(HIV否定論運動)」についてのPaperを載せた。
Dr. Tara C. Smith自身は疫学の研究者であり、掲載先のPLoS Medicine(Public Library of Science)も普通の学術誌とは発行形態は違うものの、学術誌であるが:
ACT UPについて補足しておくと、wikipediaによれば、実質的には1987年3月10日にニューヨークの"Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center"で設立された団体。1990年にサンフランシスコ支部が、ACT UP/San FranciscoとACT UP/Golden Gateに分裂。1994年にACT UP/San FranciscoがHIV否定論運動に走った。HIV否定論に動いた動機はよくわからないが、ACTUPSFのサイトの記述からすると、陰謀論めいている。
また、このリストには、インテリジェントデザイン運動の父たるPhillip Johnsonや、進化論破壊を誓った統一教会信者Jonathan C. Wellsも含まれている。
そのひとつのありかたは、ScienceBlogsに個人として集う、理系ブロガーたちになるのかも。あるいは、大学として行っていると思われるEvolution 101とか。
Kent State Universityの疫学の准教授であり、Panda's Thumbの執筆者のひとりであるDr. Tara C. Smithが、Yale UnivesityのSteven Novella助教授と共著で、PLoS MedicineのPolicy Forumに、「AIDS再評価運動(HIV否定論運動)」についてのPaperを載せた。
- Smith TC, Novella SP (2007) HIV Denial in the Internet Era. PLoS Med 4(8): e256 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0040256 (2007/08/21)
Dr. Tara C. Smith自身は疫学の研究者であり、掲載先のPLoS Medicine(Public Library of Science)も普通の学術誌とは発行形態は違うものの、学術誌であるが:
- HIVがAIDSの原因であることを論じたものではなく、
- あまりニセ科学に触れていないと思われる医学系の専門家向けに
- ニセ科学「HIV否定論(AIDS再評価)」の現状や"やり口"について
It may seem remarkable that, 23 years after the identification of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), there is still denial that the virus is the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). This denial was highlighted on an international level in 2000, when South African president Thabo Mbeki convened a group of panelists to discuss the cause of AIDS, acknowledging that he remained unconvinced that HIV was the cause [1]. His ideas were derived at least partly from material he found on the Internet [2]. Though Mbeki agreed later that year to step back from the debate [3], he subsequently suggested a re-analysis of health spending with a decreased emphasis on HIV/AIDS [4].
ヒト免疫不全ウイルス(HIV)の識別から23年を経た現在でも、ウイルスが後天性免疫不全症候群(AIDS)の原因ではないという否定論があることは注目すべきことかもしれない。この否定論は2000年に国際会議で注目を浴びた。その会議で、南アフリカのThabo Mbeki大統領は、AIDSの原因を議論するために一群のパネリストを召集し、自らがHIVがAIDSの原因だとは納得していないと認めた[1]。彼の考えの一部は、少なくとも彼がインターネットで見つけた素材によるものだった[2]。その年に、Mbeki大統領は距離を置いて考えることに同意した[3]。しかし、Mbeki大統領はHIV/AIDSについての強調を弱めて、医療支出を再分析するように提案した[4]。
HIV denial has taken root in the general population and has shown its potential to frustrate public education efforts and adversely affect public funding for AIDS research and prevention programs. For example, the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) was for many years on the front lines of AIDS education and activism. But now a San Francisco chapter of the group has joined the denialist movement, stating on its Web site that “HIV does not cause AIDS... HIV antibody tests are flawed and dangerous ... AIDS drugs are poison” (http://www.actupsf.com/aids/index.htm). In 2000 the chapter wrote letters to every member of Congress asking them to stop funding research into HIV [5]. ACT UP San Francisco's position has been condemned by other ACT UP chapters, such as ACT UP Philadelphia and ACT UP East Bay (http://www.actupny.org/indexfolder/actupgg.html). Rock stars have weighed in on the topic. Members of the group “The Foo Fighters” provided music for a soundtrack of the recent documentary, “The Other Side of AIDS” (http://www.theothersideofaids.com/), which questions whether HIV is the cause of AIDS. The band has spread its message that HIV does not cause AIDS at concerts [6], and it lists the HIV denial group “Alive and Well” as a worthy cause on its Web site (http://www.foofighters.com/community_cause.html).~...
HIV否定論は一般の人々に根づき、公教育努力を失敗させ、AIDS研究と防止計画への資金提供に悪影響を与える可能性を示している。たとえば、AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP)は長年にわたってAIDS教育と活動の最前線にいた。しかし今では、ACT UPのサンフランシスコ支部はHIV否定論運動に合流し、Webサイトで「HIVはAIDSの原因ではない。HIV抗体検査には問題があり、危険である。AIDS薬剤は毒である」と書いている(http://www.actupsf.com/aids/index.htm)。2000年にはサンフランシスコ支部は、あらゆる議員たちにHIV研究への資金提供をやめるように手紙を書いている[5]。ACT UPサンフランシスコ支部の行動は、ACT UPフィラデルフィア支部やACT UPイーストベイ支部など他の支部から非難された。この運動にロックスターも参加した。グループのメンバーである"The Foo Fighters"は、HIVがAIDSの原因かどうかに疑義を呈するドキュメンタリー"The Other Sird of AIDS"(http://www.theothersideofaids.com/)にサウンドトラックを提供した。バンドはコンサートでHIVはAIDSの原因ではないというメッセージを広めた[6]。そして、HIV否定論グループ"Alive and Well"のWebサイトを、自サイトで価値あるものとして紹介した(http://www.foofighters.com/community_cause.html)。
As these challenges to mainstream theories have largely occurred outside of the scientific literature, many physicians and researchers have had the luxury of ignoring them as fringe beliefs and therefore inconsequential. Indeed, the Internet has served as a fertile and un-refereed medium to spread these denialist beliefs. The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis (“Reappraising AIDS”) noted, “Thanks to the ascendance of the internet, we are now able to reinvigorate our informational campaign” [7]. The Internet is an effective tool for targeting young people, and for spreading misinformation within a group at high risk for HIV infection.
主流理論に対する挑戦の多くは、科学論文でないところで行われていて、医師や研究者はそれらを狂信的信条であり、それ故に重要ではないとして無視してきた。実際には、インターネットがHIV否定論を広めるのに有効かつ審査されないメディアとして機能している。"The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis"(Reappraising AIDS)は「インターネットの隆盛のおかげで、我々は今や、我々の運動をよみがえらせることができる」と書いている[7]。インターネットは若者をターゲットにし、HIV感染のハイリスクな集団にAIDSについての誤報を広めるのに、有効な道具である。
Two excellent online fact sheets have been prepared to counter many of the most commonly used arguments to deny HIV causation of AIDS [8,9]; as such, we will not discuss these in this article. Instead, we will review the current intellectual strategies used by the HIV denial movement. Although other forms of science denial will not be specifically discussed, the characteristics described below apply to many other forms of popular denial, including denial of evolution, mental illness, and the Holocaust.
[1] Sidley P (2000) Mbeki appoints team to look at cause of AIDS. BMJ 320: 1291.
[2] Mbeki T (1999) Address to the National Council of Provinces, Cape Town.. Accessed 16 July 2007.
[3] Cherry M (2000) Mbeki agrees to step back from AIDS debate. Nature 407: 822.
[4] Sidley P (2001) Mbeki plays down AIDS and orders a rethink on spending. BMJ 323: 650.
[5] Wohlfeiler D, Lew S, Wilson H (2000) Enough of ACT UP S.F. acting out. San Francisco Chronicle.. Accessed 16 July 2007.
[6] Talvi S (2000) Foo Fighters, HIV deniers. Mother Jones. . Accessed 16 July 2007.
[7] Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV-AIDS Hypothesis. Accessed 14 November 2006.
[8] National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (2003) The evidence that HIV causes AIDS.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[9] AIDS Truth (2007) Debunking AIDS denialist myths.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
ACT UPについて補足しておくと、wikipediaによれば、実質的には1987年3月10日にニューヨークの"Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center"で設立された団体。1990年にサンフランシスコ支部が、ACT UP/San FranciscoとACT UP/Golden Gateに分裂。1994年にACT UP/San FranciscoがHIV否定論運動に走った。HIV否定論に動いた動機はよくわからないが、ACTUPSFのサイトの記述からすると、陰謀論めいている。
Three Prominent Deniers and Denial GroupsHIV否定論者の幅広さには驚くほかない。前述のACT UP/SFのようなゲイ系、ジャーナリスト、一般人?と思われるMaggioreと色々。さらに、Dr. Tara C Smithが指摘した、インテリジェントデザインの父たるPhillip Johnsonが参加するVirus Mythのようなものまである
One of the prominent HIV denial groups currently is Christine Maggiore's “Alive and Well” (formerly “HEAL,” Health Education AIDS Liaison) (http://www.aliveandwell.org/). Maggiore's life story is at the center of this group. Diagnosed with HIV in 1992, Maggiore claims she has since been symptom-free for the past 14 years without the use of antiretroviral drugs, including protease inhibitors [10]. She has risen to prominence, and been embroiled in controversy, in recent years after giving birth to and openly breast-feeding her two children, Charles and Eliza Jane. She had neither child tested for HIV, and did not take antiretroviral medication during her pregnancy or subsequent breast-feeding [11]. Eliza Jane died in September 2005 of HIV-related pneumonia [12], though Maggiore remains unconvinced that HIV had any role in her daughter's death [13], and continues to preach her message to other HIV-positive mothers.
現在の著名なHIV否定論者グループのひとつが、Christine Maggioreの"Alive and Well"(旧称 HEAL=Health Eduction AIDS Liaison)である。Miggioreの体験談はこのグループの中心にある。1992年にHIVだと診断されると、Maggioreはプロテアーゼ阻害剤を含む抗レトロウイルス薬を使わずに過去14年の間、何の徴候もないと主張した[10]。MaggioreはCharlesとEliza Janeという二人の子供を出産し、公然と母乳で育てて、後に著名人となり、論争の的となった。Maggioreは二人の子供にHIV検査を受けさせず、妊娠後も母乳養育のときも抗レトロウイルス薬剤を飲まなかった[11]。Eliza JaneはHIVに関連した肺炎で2005年9月に死亡した[12]。MaggioreはHIVが原因だとは認めていないが、HIVが娘Eliza Janeの死にどんな役割を果たしていようとも、他のHIV陽性の母親たちに自らのメッセージを説き続けている[13]。
Peter Duesberg initiated the HIV denial movement with a 1987 article suggesting that HIV does not cause AIDS [14]. While he is no longer on the front lines of this movement, the arguments put forth by others trace back to his publications.
Peter Duesbergは1987年にHIVはAIDSの原因ではないと示唆する記事で、HIV否定論運動を開始した[14]。Duesbergは今では運動の最前線にはいないが、他のHIV否定論者たちが彼の著作を参照している。
Celia Farber is a journalist who has spent much of her career covering HIV. Farber is the author of a recent Harper's article repeating Duesberg's claims that HIV does not cause AIDS [15], and has recently authored a book on “the shadowy story of AIDS science” [16].
Celia Farberはキャリアの大半をHIVにかけているジャーナリストである。Farberは、Harper誌の最近の号の記事[15]と、最近出版した本"the shadowy story of AIDS science"で、HIVはAIDSの原因ではないというDuesbergの主張を繰り返している。
There are serious inconsistencies within the broad HIV denial movement, and the individuals mentioned above are only the tip of the iceberg. HIV denial groups diverge even on the most basic tenet: does HIV exist at all? Nevertheless, disagreements within the movement are overlooked for the sake of presenting a unified front.
[10] Maggiore C (1997) What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was wrong? Studio City (CA): Health Education AIDS Liaison. 126 p.
[11] Gerhard S (2001) HIV-positive women birthing outside the system. Mothering Magazine.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[12] Ribe J (2005) Autopsy report of Eliza Jane Scovill.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[13] ABC News (2005) Did HIV-positive mom's beliefs put her children at risk?. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[14] Duesberg P (1987) Retroviruses as carcinogens and pathogens: Expectations and reality. Cancer Research 47: 1199?1220. Find this article online
[15] Farber C (2006) Out of control: AIDS and the corruption of medical science. Harper's Magazine. . Accessed 17 July 2007.
[16] Farber C (2006) Serious adverse events: An uncensored history of AIDS Hoboken (NJ): Melville House. 345 p.
Conspiracy Theories and Selective Distrust of Scientific Authority
That HIV is the primary cause of AIDS is the strongly held consensus opinion of the scientific community, based upon over two decades of robust research. Deniers must therefore reject this consensus, either by denigrating the notion of scientific authority in general, or by arguing that the mainstream HIV community is intellectually compromised. It is therefore not surprising that much of the newer denial literature reflects a basic distrust of authority and of the institutions of science and medicine. In her book, Christine Maggiore thanks her father Robert, “who taught me to question authority and stand up for what's right” [10]. Similarly, mathematical modeler Dr. Rebecca Culshaw, another HIV denier, states: “As someone who has been raised by parents who taught me from a young age never to believe anything just because ‘everyone else accepts it to be true,’ I can no longer just sit by and do nothing, thereby contributing to this craziness” [17].
HIVがAIDSの主因であることは、20年以上の確固たる研究に基づいて、科学界で強いコンセンサスを得られている。従って、HIV否定論者は、一般に科学的権威の見解を中傷したり、HIV研究者たちの主流が知的に信頼できないと論じたりして、このコンセンサスを否定する。HIV否定論の新しい文献が、科学と医学の権威と学界への基本的不信を反映しているのも驚くことではない。Christine Maggioreは自著で父Robertに「権威を疑い、正しいことを支持することを教えてくれた」と感謝している[10]。同様に数学モデル研究者で、HIV否定論者Dr. Rebecca Culshawは「『みんなが真理だと認めている以外に理由がないなら、それを信じてはいけない』と、若いころから両親に教えられて育った私は、何もせずに狂気に手を貸すようなことはできない」と述べた[17]。
Distrusting mainstream medical practitioners, many HIV deniers turn to “alternative” medicine in search of treatment. One such practitioner, Dr. Mohammed Al-Bayati, suggests that “toxins” and drug use, rather than HIV, cause AIDS [18]. Dr Al-Bayati personally profits from his HIV denialism: for $100 per hour, Al-Bayati will consult “on health issues related to AIDS, adverse reactions to vaccines and medications, exposure to chemicals in the home, environment or workplace” (http://www.toxi-health.com/). Similarly, German vitamin supplier and HIV denier Matthias Rath not only pushed his vitamins as a treatment for AIDS [19], but his spokesman refused to be interviewed by Nature Medicine about the case because he claimed the journal is “funded to the hilt with drug money” [20].
多くのHIV否定論者たちは、主流の医師たちを疑い、治療法を"代替医療"に求める。そのような実践者のひとりDr. Mohammed Al-Bayatiは、HIVではなく毒物と薬物の使用がAIDSを引き起こすと示唆する[18]。Dr. Al-BayatiはHIV否定論によって個人的利益を得ている。Al-Bayatiは「AIDSや、ワクチンと薬物に対する副反応、住宅や職場や環境中の化学物質に関する健康問題」について、100ドル/時間で相談に応じている。同様にドイツのビタミン剤業者でHIV否定論者Matthias Rathは、AIDS治療薬として自分のビタミン剤を推奨し[19]、"Nature Medicine"誌のインタビューを、その雑誌が薬物売買のお金で運営されていると主張して、拒否した[20]。
Deniers argue that because scientists receive grant money, fame, and prestige as a result of their research, it is in their best interest to maintain the status quo [15]. This type of thinking is convenient for deniers as it allows them to choose which authorities to believe and which ones to dismiss as part of a grand conspiracy. In addition to being selective, their logic is also internally inconsistent. For example, they dismiss studies that support the HIV hypothesis as being biased by “drug money,” while they accept uncritically the testimony of HIV deniers who have a heavy financial stake in their alternative treatment modalities.
[10] Maggiore C (1997) What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was wrong? Studio City (CA): Health Education AIDS Liaison. 126 p.
[15] Farber C (2006) Out of control: AIDS and the corruption of medical science. Harper's Magazine.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[17] Culshaw R (2006) Why I quit HIV.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[18] Al-Bayati M (1999) Get all the facts: HIV does not cause AIDS Dixon (CA): Toxi-Health International. 200 p.
[19] Dr. Rath Health Foundation (2005) The end of the AIDS epidemic is in sight!.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[20] Watson J (2006) Scientists, activists sue South Africa's AIDS ‘denialists’ Nat Med 12: 6.
Portraying Science as Faith and Consensus as Dogma
Since the ideas proposed by deniers do not meet rigorous scientific standards, they cannot hope to compete against the mainstream theories. They cannot raise the level of their beliefs up to the standards of mainstream science; therefore they attempt to lower the status of the denied science down to the level of religious faith, characterizing scientific consensus as scientific dogma [21]. As one HIV denier quoted in Maggiore's book [10] remarked,
Others suggest that the entire spectrum of modern medicine is a religion [22].
Deniers also paint themselves as skeptics working to break down a misguided and deeply rooted belief. They argue that when mainstream scientists speak out against the scientific “orthodoxy,” they are persecuted and dismissed. For example, HIV deniers make much of the demise of Peter Duesberg's career, claiming that when he began speaking out against HIV as the cause of AIDS, he was “ignored and discredited” because of his dissidence [23]. South African President Mbeki went even further, stating: “In an earlier period in human history, these [dissidents] would be heretics that would be burnt at the stake!” [1].
HIV否定論者は、自らを、誤って導かれてひどく根深い信念を分析するために働いている懐疑論者として表現する。彼らは、主流科学者が科学的「正説」に対して反対意見を述べると、しいたげられ、解雇されると主張する。たとえば、HIV否定論者は、Peter DuesbergがHIVがAIDSの原因だという説に反対意見を述べたことで、反体制であるが故に、無視され、信用を失って、そのキャリアを失った強調する[23]。南アフリカのMeki大統領はさらに進んで「人類の歴史の初期には、これら反体制派は、焼き殺すべき異教徒だった」とまで述べる[1]。
HIV deniers accuse scientists of quashing dissent regarding the cause of AIDS, and not allowing so-called “alternative” theories to be heard. However, this claim could be applied to any well-established scientific theory that is being challenged by politically motivated pseudoscientific notions - for example, creationist challenges to evolution. Further, as HIV denial can plausibly reduce compliance with safe sex practices and anti-HIV drugs, potentially costing lives, this motivates the scientific and health care communities to exclude HIV denial from any public forum. (As one editorial has bluntly phrased it, HIV denial is “deadly quackery”) [24]. Because HIV denial is not scientifically legitimate, such exclusion is justified, but it further fuels the deniers' claims of oppression.
[1] Sidley P (2000) Mbeki appoints team to look at cause of AIDS. BMJ 320: 1291. Find this article online
[10] Maggiore C (1997) What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was wrong? Studio City (CA): Health Education AIDS Liaison. 126 p.
[21] Wright M (2000) The contradictions and paradoxes of AIDS orthodoxy.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[22] Clerc O (2001) Modern medicine: A neo-Christian religion. The hidden influence of beliefs and fears. Continuum Magazine.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[23] Duesberg P (1995) Infectious AIDS: Have we been misled? Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.
[24] Moore J, Nattrass N (2006) Deadly quackery. The New York Times.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
Expert Opinion and the Promise of Forthcoming Scientific Acceptanceここで、興味深いのは、「HIVがAIDSの原因であることを疑う科学者リスト」を掲げていること。このあたりは、インテリジェントデザイン運動によるDarwinを疑う科学者リストと同様だが、署名者数はHIV否定論の方が3倍も多い。
Although the HIV deniers condemn scientific authority and consensus, they have nevertheless worked to assemble their own lists of scientists and other professionals who support their ideas. As a result, the deniers claim that they are just on the cusp of broader acceptance in the scientific community and that they remain an underdog due to the “established orthodoxy” represented by scientists who believe that HIV causes AIDS.
In an effort to support its claim that an increasing number of scientists do not believe that HIV causes AIDS, Reappraising AIDS has published a list of signatories agreeing to the following statement:
数多くの科学者がHIVはAIDSの原因だとは思っていないという主張を裏付けるために、HIV否定論グループ"Reappraising AIDS"は、以下の声明に同意した署名者リストを公表している:
“It is widely believed by the general public that a retrovirus called HIV causes the group [of] diseases called AIDS. Many biochemical scientists now question this hypothesis. We propose that a thorough reappraisal of the existing evidence for and against this hypothesis be conducted by a suitable independent group. We further propose that critical epidemiological studies be devised and undertaken” [25].
These signatories do not, however, suggest who the “suitable independent” group should be, since, presumably, many scientists have already been “indoctrinated” into believing that HIV causes AIDS. (Indeed, many of the signatories to this statement lack any qualifications in virology, epidemiology, or even basic biology.) They also ignore thousands of epidemiological studies that have already been published in the scientific literature. And the signatories fail to provide a convincing case that there is widespread acceptance in the scientific community for their marginal position.
Nevertheless, Farber wrote in a 1992 article that “more and more scientists are beginning to question the hypothesis that HIV single-handedly creates the chaos in the immune system that leads to AIDS” [26]. Similarly, a March 2006 article appearing on the AIDS denial Web site “New AIDS Review” claims that, in reference to the theory that HIV causes AIDS: “…the fabric of this theoretical mantle is threadbare to the point of disintegration” [27]. Mainstream scientists, of course, do not believe in the imminent demise of the HIV theory; instead they continue to produce novel research on preventing and treating HIV and publish thousands of papers every year on the topic.
それでも、Farberは1992年に「ますます多くの科学者が、HIVが単独でAIDSにつながる免疫系の混乱を引き起こすという仮説を疑い始めている」と書いている[26]。同様に2006年3月にHIV否定論サイト"New AIDS Revire"に出現した記事で、HIVがAIDSの原因だという理論を指して「この理論の枠組みは崩壊寸前である」と書いている[27]。主流の科学者はもちろん、HIV理論の終焉が差し迫っているとは考えていない。主流の科学者たちは引き続き、HIVの抑止と治療のための新たな研究を続け、毎年幾千の論文を発表している。
Further, deniers exploit the sense of fair play present in most scientists, and also in the general public, especially in open and democratic societies. Calling for a fair discussion of dissenting views, independent analysis of evidence, and openness to alternatives is likely to garner support, regardless of the context. But it is misleading for the HIV denial movement to suggest that there is any real doubt about the cause of AIDS.
[25] [No authors listed] (1993) List of scientists skeptical of HIV causation of AIDS.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[26] Farber C (1992) Fatal distraction. Spin Magazine.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
[27] [No authors listed] (2006) Harpers astonishes the world with the extent of AIDS skulduggery.. Accessed 17 July 2007.
また、このリストには、インテリジェントデザイン運動の父たるPhillip Johnsonや、進化論破壊を誓った統一教会信者Jonathan C. Wellsも含まれている。
- A. Matsumoto. Professor of Management, Tokyo, Japan
- Masahiko Satou. Medical Science Journalist, Sapporo, Japan
Pushing Back the Goalpost
Of all the characteristics of deniers, repeatedly nudging back the goalpost - or the threshold of evidence required for acceptance of a theory - is often the most telling. The strategy behind goalpost-moving is simple: always demand more evidence than can currently be provided. If the evidence is then provided at a later date, simply change the demand to require even more evidence, or refuse to accept the kind of evidence that is being offered.
ゴールポストを後ろへ持っていくこと、あるいは理論を受け入れるために必要な証拠の基準を引き上げていくことは、あらゆる否定論者にしばしば見られる行為である。「ゴールポストを後ろへ持っていく」の背後にある戦略は単純だ。-- 現時点で提示されている証拠よりも、もっと億の証拠が必要だ。もし、将来にその証拠が提示されたら、さらに証拠の必要性を引き上げるか、提示された証拠を認めないか。
In the 1980s, HIV deniers argued that drug therapy for AIDS was ineffective, did not significantly prolong survival, and in fact was toxic and damaged the immune system [28]. However, after the introduction of a cocktail of newer and more effective agents in the 1990s, survival rates did impressively increase [29]. HIV deniers no longer accept this criterion as evidence for drug effectiveness, and therefore the HIV theory of AIDS. Even stacks of papers and books published on the subject are not enough. Christine Maggiore writes in her book, “Since 1984, more than 100,000 papers have been published on HIV. None of these papers, singly or collectively, has been able to reasonably demonstrate or effectively prove that HIV can cause AIDS” [10].
1980年代に、HIV否定論者は、AIDS治療薬に効果がなく、目だって生存率を高めることがなく、実際には毒物であって、免疫系に損傷を与えたと主張した[28]。しかし、1990年代には効果的な治療薬混合剤が導入され、生存率は劇的に向上した[29]。そうすると、HIV否定論者は、この生存率を治療薬の効果の基準、すなわちHIVはAIDSの原因だという理論を受け入れる基準としては認めなくなった。HIV問題についての論文や本の山も十分ではない。Christine Maggioreは「1984年以来、10万本の論文がHIVについて発表された。しかし、どの論文も単独もしくは複数組合せでも、合理的もしは効果的にHIVがAIDSの原因となりうることを証明できていない」と書いている[10]。
HIV deniers also arbitrarily reject categories of evidence, even though they are generally accepted across scientific disciplines. For example, they deny inferential evidence that HIV causes AIDS, including data examining the closely related simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in genomic and animal studies [30]. Likewise they reject correlation as insufficient to establish causation [28]. However, multiple independent correlations pointing to the same causation - in this case that HIV causes AIDS - is a legitimate and generally accepted form of epidemiological evidence used to establish causation. The same type of evidence, for example, has been used to establish that smoking causes certain types of lung cancer.
[10] Maggiore C (1997) What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was wrong? Studio City (CA): Health Education AIDS Liaison. 126 p.
[28] Duesberg P (1989) Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: Correlation but not causation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 86: 755-764.
[29] Holtgrave D (2005) Causes of the decline in AIDS deaths, United States, 1995?2002: prevention, treatment or both? Int J STD AIDS 16: 777-781.
[30] Harrison-Chirimuuta R (1997) Is AIDS African?. Accessed 17 July 2007.
What Are Their Alternatives?「誤った2分法(false dichotomy)」とは、
After so much criticism levied upon the prevailing theories by deniers, one might think they would have something to offer to replace HIV as the cause of AIDS. However, the alternatives they offer are much more speculative than the mainstream theories they decry as lacking evidence. Further, their arguments amount to little more than another logical fallacy, the false dichotomy: they assume that overturning the prevailing theory will prove their theory correct, by default.
Interestingly, alternative hypotheses for AIDS causation depend on where the patient lives. In Africa, HIV deniers attribute AIDS to a combination of malnutrition and poor sanitation, i.e., they believe that AIDS is simply a relabeling of old diseases. In America and other wealthy countries, they claim AIDS is caused by drug use and promiscuity. Duesberg has long been an advocate of the idea that the use of “poppers,” or amyl nitrate, is a cause of AIDS in the gay community [31]. With the identification of AIDS in individuals who have never used poppers, this hypothesis has been widened by HIV deniers to implicate a number of recreational drugs (cocaine, crack, heroin, methamphetamines) as well as prescription drugs such as antibiotics and steroids in the etiology of AIDS. HIV deniers have criticized the idea that immunosuppression due to infection with HIV could result in all of the different infections that characterize AIDS, and yet they support the idea that poppers or other drugs - including many that have not been shown to cause severe immune deficiencies - could cause AIDS. In the past decade, the very drugs used to treat HIV/AIDS have come under fire by HIV deniers, who have suggested that the medicines themselves are a cause of AIDS .
[31] Duesberg P (1992) AIDS acquired by drug consumption and other noncontagious risk factors. Pharmacol Ther 55: 201-277
- ある問題に対する解が、主流理論と自分たちの理論しかない
- 主流理論は間違っている
- 従って、自分たちの理論が正しい
- というもの。詭弁のひとつである。
Because these denialist assertions are made in books and on the Internet rather than in the scientific literature, many scientists are either unaware of the existence of organized denial groups, or believe they can safely ignore them as the discredited fringe. And indeed, most of the HIV deniers' arguments were answered long ago by scientists. However, many members of the general public do not have the scientific background to critique the assertions put forth by these groups, and not only accept them but continue to propagate them. A recent editorial in Nature Medicine [32] stresses the need to counteract AIDS misinformation spread by the deniers.
これらのHIV否定論者の主張は、科学論文ではなく、本やインターネットで行われる。従って、多くの科学者たちは、そのような組織されたHIV否定論グループの存在を知らなかったり、知っていても、そのようなグループは信用できない狂信者として無視できると考えている。実際、HIV否定論者の論の大半は、はるか昔に科学者たちが回答したものだ。しかし、多くの普通の人々は、このようなグループが提示する主張を批判する科学的素養を持っていない。"Nature Medicine"誌の最近の社説は、HIV否定論者が広めているAIDSについての誤報を打ち消すことが必要だと強調している[32]。
While the descriptions of HIV denialism above refer to relatively organized campaigns, there are other less orchestrated examples of such denialism. A recent study, for example, showed that a large percentage of African Americans are suspicious of mainstream AIDS theories due to a general distrust of government authorities [33]. Arguments by denial groups may have played a role in the formation of their opinion. Indeed, the effect of denial groups on public perception of HIV infection is an area ripe for careful research, as this denial can have lethal consequences. In the recent study, stronger conspiracy beliefs were significantly associated with more negative attitudes towards using condoms and with inconsistent condom use, independent of selected sociodemographic characteristics, partner variables, sexually transmitted disease history, perceived risk, and psychosocial factors [33].
How much of this lingering denial is the fault of scientists and the media for originally proclaiming AIDS a universal “death sentence”? Even though this idea may no longer appear in the scientific literature, it remains a public perception of the disease. It is difficult to strike the correct balance between providing information conveying on one hand the severity of the disease, and on the other optimism about treatment and advances in understanding HIV pathogenesis (including research about individuals who may indeed be somewhat resistant to the virus). Oversimplifying AIDS science to the public lends itself to exploitation by AIDS deniers who remain “alive and well” years after diagnosis with HIV. Yet these concerns must be balanced with the desire to convey the proper gravity of the situation and motivate those who are known to be HIV positive to seek treatment: a difficult line to walk.
This balancing act, in fact, deserves increasing attention from medical scientists in the age of the Internet and a broadening gap between the practice of science and public understanding of science. Successful public health education requires the presentation of a clear and simple message supported by a solid consensus of the medical community. Yet the reality behind the scenes is often quite different. Every medical field has its legitimate controversies and complexities, and the process of science is often messy. Denial groups exploit the gap between public education and scientific reality.
Further, countering the misinformation of HIV deniers needs to be conducted in the broader societal context of countering anti-science and pseudoscience. The strategies of HIV deniers, like many other denialist movements, seek to undermine the very philosophy of science itself, to distort public understanding of the scientific process, and to sow distrust of scientific institutions. Unscientific alternative medical modalities have made significant inroads into the institutions of health care through political means, despite a continued lack of scientific legitimacy: vaccines are characterized as dangerous instead of life-saving; psychiatry is mocked by celebrities and others in the public eye. Meanwhile, many leaders in science and business are concerned that the United States is losing its edge as a scientific powerhouse.
There remains a deep problem of overall scientific illiteracy in this country and others, creating fertile soil for those who wish to spread scientific misinformation [34]. The scientific community must collectively defend and promote the role of science in society, and combat the growing problem of scientific illiteracy. We must all strive to do our part to make science accessible to the general public, and to explain the process by which scientific evidence is gathered, analyzed, and eventually accepted, and academic institutions should provide greater incentive for their researchers to expend the time and effort to do so. A solid understanding of the scientific method may not eliminate science denial, but it may act as a buffer against the further spread of such denialist beliefs.
[32] [No authors listed] (2006) ]]Denying science. Nat Med 12: 369>http://www.aidstruth.org/nature-medicine-denying-s...]]
[33] Bogart L, Thorburn S (2005) Are HIV/AIDS conspiracy beliefs a barrier to HIV prevention among African Americans? J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 38: 213?218. Find this article online [ PubMed ]
[34] National Science Board (2004) Science and technology: Public attitudes and understanding. . Accessed 17 July 2007.
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