

Institute for Creation Researchの撤回しない3つのネタ

かつての創造科学の本拠地たるInstitute for Creation Researchは、"若い地球の創造論"のネタ元である。それ故に、ネタは古い。


This fact means that the light from the sun, moon, and stars was shining upon the earth as soon as they were created, since their very purpose was "... to give light on the earth"(Genesis 1:17). As a matter of fact, it is possible that these light-waves were energized even before the heavenly bodies themselves in order to provide the light for the first three days. It was certainly no more difficult for God to form the light-waves than the 'light-bearers' which would be established to serve as future generators of those waves.


[Henry M. Morris: "Scientific Creationisim", 1974/1985, p 210]

そして上空蒸気層(Vapor Canopy)
The most important is water vapor. If there were, in the beginning, a vast thermal blanket of water vapor somewhere above the troposphere, then not only would the climate be affected, but there also would be an adequate source to explain the atmospheric waters necessary for the Flood.

最も重要なことは水蒸気である。最初から水蒸気があれば、対流圏より上に蒸気層(water vapor)の熱的な毛布となって、地上の気候に影響を与えるとともに、洪水に必要な大気圏の水源となる。

[Henry M. Morris: "Scientific Creationisim", 1974/1985, p.124]

The water above it must have been in the form of a vast blanket of invisible water vapor, translucent to the light from the stars but productive of a marvelous greenhouse effect which maintained mild temperatures from pole to pole, thus preventing air-mass circulations and the resultant rainfall (genesis 2:5). It would certainly have had the further effect of efficiently filtering harmful radiations from space, markedly reducing the rate of somatic mutations in living cells, and, as a consequence, drastically decreasing the rate of aging and death.


[Henry M. Morris: "Scientific Creationisim", 1974/1985, pp. 210-211]

Institute for Creation ResearchのLarry Vardimanが、Vapor canopy説が絶望的に使えないことを示している(太陽放射が洪水前は現在の50%で、地軸の傾きや雲の量やアルベドなどを調整しても、上空に蓄えられるのは水位1メートル分だけ。それ以上だと、地上を焦熱状態になる)。しかし、Institute for Creation Researchとしては説を放棄していない。

この「上空蒸気層(vapor canopy)」とセットになっている「ノアの洪水前は雨は降らなかった」をもInstitute for Creation Researchは主張している。
The world before the Flood was quite different from the world today. A global water vapor canopy encircled the earth and contained vast amounts of water vapor (Genesis 1:6–8). Furthermore, the topography was much less pronounced since all present mountain ranges are made up of sedimentary rocks or volcanoes attributable to the Flood. Since it didn’t rain before the Flood (Genesis 2:5), yet rivers flowed (v.10), there must have been great subterranean reservoirs of water.


[ John D. Morris, Ph.D:"From Where Did The Water Come?" ]






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