

Psychological essentialismと虐殺

University of New Englandの心理哲学のDavid Livingstone Smith准教授は自著
Less Than Human: Why We Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others (2011)」で、非人間的に扱う(非人間化の)衝動を煽る心理学的に強力な力として2つを挙げた。その一つが、Psychological essentialism(心理学的本質主義)である。
One is psychological essentialism. Psychological essentialism is the tendency to think that every kind of living thing possesses a unique essence: a mysterious inner quality that makes it a member of that kind. Consider dogs. Dogs come in an enormous range of shapes, colors and sizes. However, we are inclined to think that they all share a common canine essence, the possession of which makes them all dogs. Similarly, we imagine that we human beings are endowed with a special human essence (a human "soul" if you will), and that it's this that makes us human.


One important feature of essentialist thinking is the notion that the essence of a thing is distinct from its appearance. Put simply, things can seem to be something other than what they really are. This principle is crucial for understanding dehumanization, because it implies that someone can appear to be human appearance but lack a human essence. Think of them as counterfeit human beings.


Scientifically speaking, this is nonsense. There's no such thing as a canine essence or a human essence. Nevertheless, the essentialist mindset is deeply entrenched in the human psyche, and powerfully influences the ways that we make sense of the world,


[ David Livingstone Smith Ph.D.; ""Dehumanization, Genocide, and the Psychology of Indifference" (2011/12/02) on PsychologyToday
もう一つは「Greate Chain of being」(存在の大いなる連鎖、あるいは宇宙的階層)で、これは生物を階層化して認識する。そして、それらが組み合わさることで、虐殺へつながっていく。
These two factors—essentialism and the belief in a cosmic hierarchy—work in tandem when people dehumanize one another. The dehumanized person is imagined as a human-looking creature with a subhuman essence. They are inferior animals misleadingly dressed up as human beings. This is how European colonists conceived of Native Americans, and how slave owners conceived of their human chattel. This is how the Nazis conceived of Jews, and how Rwandan Hutus conceived of their Tutsi neighbors. This way of thinking is reflected in dehumanizing epithets-referring to whole populations as lice, flies, rats, bacilli, dogs, wolves, monsters, and so on.


Dehumanization has the function of decommissioning our moral sentiments. In dehumanizing others, we exclude them from the circle of moral obligation. We can then kill, oppress, and enslave them with impunity. Taking the life of a dehumanized person becomes of no greater consequence than crushing an insect under one's boot. Here is a case in point. Right now, as you read these words, genocidal violence is gathering momentum in Sudan. The government of Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir, a man who has been charged by the International Criminal Court with war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, is ethnically cleansing Sudan of its marginalized people. The violence is not restricted to Darfur, where between two and four hundred thousand people have already been murdered. It has spread to Abyei, the Blue Nile State, the Nuba mountains, and possibly elsewhere. It's clear from the rhetoric of the Janjaweed militias that dehumanization lubricates the machinery of slaughter in Sudan.


[ David Livingstone Smith Ph.D.; ""Dehumanization, Genocide, and the Psychology of Indifference" (2011/12/02) on PsychologyToday

そして、Smith (2011)は、「虐殺の傍観者たちも同様の心理が働いているのではないか」というRichard Rorty(1998)の示唆を参照している。
We here in the safe, rich democracies feel about Serbian torturers and rapists as they feel about their Muslim victims: they are more like animals than like us. But we are not doing anything to help the Muslim women who are being gang-raped or the Muslim men who are being castrated, any more than we did anything in the 1930s when the Nazis were amusing themselves by torturing Jews. Here in the safe countries we find ourselves saying things like "That's how things have always been in the Balkans," suggesting that, unlike us, those people are used to being raped and castrated. The contempt we always feel for losers —Jews in the 1930s, Muslims now — combines with our disgust at the winners' behavior to produce the semiconscious attitude: "a pox on both your houses." We think of Serbs or Nazis as animals, because ravenous beasts of prey are animals. We think of Muslims or Jews being herded into concentration camps as animals, because cattle are animals. Neither sort of animal is very much like us, and there seems no point in human beings getting involved in quarrels between animals.


[ Richard Rorty: "Truth and Progress: Philosophical Papers" (1998), p.168 ]

Psychological Essentialism

なお、Psychological Essentialism(心理学的本質主義)は、essentialism(本質主義)に関連する概念である。もともとのessentialism(本質主義)とは「事物には、事物たらしめている特徴のセットがあり、科学と哲学の仕事はそれらの発見と表現であるという信念であり、本質は存在に先んじるという教義である。」

一方、Psychological Essentialism(心理学的本質主義)はMedin(1989)によれば、
Despite the overwhelming evidence against the classical view, there is something about it that is intuitively compelling. Recently I and my colleagues have begun to take this observation seriously, not for its metaphysical implications but as a piece of psychological data (Medin& Ortony, 1989; Medin & Wattenmaker, 1987; Wattenmaker, Nakamura, & Medin, 1988). One might call this framework "psychological essentialism." The main ideas are as follows: People act as if things (e.g., objects) have essences or underlying natures that make them the thing that they are. Furthermore, the essence constrains or generates properties that may vary in their centrality. One of the things that theories do is to embody or provide causal linkages from deeper properties to more superficial or surface properties.

古典的見解を否定する圧倒的な証拠にもかかわらず、直感的に説得力がある。 最近、我々は真摯に、このような観察を考え始めた。しかし、それは形而上学的なものではなく、心理学的データとしてである(Medin& Ortony, 1989; Medin & Wattenmaker, 1987; Wattenmaker, Nakamura, & Medin, 1988)。 このフレームワークを「心理的な本質主義」と呼んでもよいだろう。主なアイデアは以下のとおり。人々は、事物(例えば、物体)が本物である本質または根本的な性質を有するかのように行動する。 さらに、本質は、その中心性が異なる可能性のある属性を制約または生成する。この理論がすることの1つは、より深い性質からより表面的な性質への因果関係を具体化または提示することである。

Medin, D. L., and Ortony, A.: "Psychological essentialism." in S. Vosniadou & A. Ortony (Eds.), "Similarity and analogical reasoning", pp. 179-195, Cambridge., 1989
Medin, D. L., Watternmaker, W. D, and Hampson, S.:"Family resemblance, concept cohesiveness, and category construction", Cognitive Psychology, 19, 242-279, 1987 Wattenmaker, W. D., Nakamura, G. V., & Medin, D. L.: "Relationships between similarity-based and explanation-based categorization." in D. Hilton (Ed.), "Contemporary science and natural explanation: Commonsense conceptions of causality" (pp. 205-241). Brighton, England: Harvester Press. (1988)

[ Douglas L. Medin: "Concepts and Conceptual Structure", American Psychologist, Vol. 44, No. 12, 1469-1481, 1989 ]
Gelman(2005)によれば、このpsychological essentialismのフレームワークにより、まったく無関係に観察事例を理解できる。
The following observations may seem wholly unrelated, but all can be understood within a framework of psychological essentialism:


1. The president of Harvard recently suggested that the relative scarcity of women in "high-end" science and engineering professions is attributable in large part to male-female differences in intrinsic aptitude (Summers, 2005).


2. In a nationally representative survey of Black and White Americans, most adults agreed with the statement, "Two people from the same race will always be more genetically similar to each other than two people from different races" (Jayaratne, 2001).


3. Nearly half the U.S. population reject evolutionary theory, finding it implausible that one species can transform into another (Evans, 2001).


4. A recent study of heart transplant recipients found that over one third believed that they might take on qualities or personality characteristics of the person who had donated the heart (Inspector, Kutz, & David, 2004). One woman reported that she sensed her donor's "male energy" and "purer essence" (Sylvia & Novak, 1997; pp. 107, 108).


5. It is estimated that roughly half of all adopted people search for a birth parent at some point in their lives (Müller & Perry, 2001).


6. People place higher value on authentic objects than exact copies (ranging from an original Picasso painting to Britney Spears's chewed-up gum; Frazier & Gelman, 2005).


Essentialism is the view that certain categories (e.g., women, racial groups, dinosaurs, original Picasso artwork) have an underlying reality or true nature that one cannot observe directly. Furthermore, this underlying reality (or "essence") is thought to give objects their identity, and to be responsible for similarities that category members share. Although there are serious problems with essentialism as a metaphysical doctrine (Mayr, 1991), recent psychological studies converge to suggest that essentialism is a reasoning heuristic that is readily available to both children and adults. In this piece I review some of the evidence for essentialism, discuss the implications for psychological theories, and consider how language influences essentialist beliefs. I conclude with directions for future research.


Evans, E. M. (2001). Cognitive and contextual factors in the emergence of diverse belief systems: Creation versus evolution. Cognitive Psychology, 42, 217-266.
Frazier, B. N., & Gelman, S. A. (2005, May). Adults' ratings of different types of authentic objects. Poster to be presented at the 2005 American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
Inspector, Y., Kutz, I., & David, D. (2004). Another person's heart: magical and rational thinking in the psychological adaptation to heart transplantation. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 41, 161-173.
Jayaratne, T. (2001). National sample of adults' beliefs about genetic bases to race and gender. Unpublished raw data.
Müller, U., & Perry, B. (2001). Adopted persons' search for and contact with their birth parents I: Who searches and why? Adoption Quarterly, 4, 5-37.
Summers, L. H. (2005). Remarks at NBER Conference on Diversifying the Science & Engineering Workforce. Cambridge, MA, January 14, 2005. Retrieved May 7, 2005, from Harvard University, the Office of the President Web site
Sylvia, C., & Novak, W. (1997). A change of heart. Boston: Little, Brown.

[ Susan A. Gelman, PhD: "Essentialism in Everyday Thought", Psychological Science Agenda | May 2005 ]
Preschool children and adults from a variety of cultural contexts expect members of a category to be alike in non-obvious ways. They treat certain categories as having inductive potential, an innate basis, stable category membership, and sharp boundaries. The implications of essentialism span widely, as seen in the examples that started this piece. Essentialized categories include not only biological species, but also social categories and traits (Giles, 2003; Heyman & Gelman, 2000a, 2000b; Yzerbyt, Judd, & Corneille, 2004; Haslam, Bastian, & Bissett, 2004). These beliefs are not the result of a detailed knowledge base, nor are they imparted directly by parents, although language may play an important tacit role. Instead, they appear early in childhood with relatively little direct prompting.

多様な文化背景の、就学前の子供から大人まで、カテゴリのメンバーは、自明ではない形で類似していると期待する。彼らは、特定のカテゴリーを誘導性、本質的基礎、安定したカテゴリーメンバーシップ及び、シャープな境界として扱う。本書で例示したように、本質主義の意味は広範囲に広がっている。 本質的カテゴリーには、生物種だけでなく、社会的カテゴリーや形質も含まれる(Giles、2003; Heyman&Gelman、2000a、2000b; Yzerbyt、Judd、&Corneille、2004; Haslam、Bastian、&Bissett、2004)。 これらの信念には、言語が重要な暗黙の役割を果たすかもしれない。しかし、それは、詳細な知識に基づく結果ではなく、親によって直接与えられるものでもない。むしろ、それらは子供の早い時期に、プロンプトダイレクトがあまりなくても、出現する。

Giles, J. W. (2003). Children's essentialist beliefs about aggression. Developmental Review, 23, 413-443
Haslam, N., Bastian, B., & Bissett, M. (2004). Essentialist beliefs about personality and their implications. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1-13.
Heyman, G. D., & Gelman, S. A. (2000). Preschool children's use of novel predicates to make inductive inferences about people. Cognitive Development, 15, 263-280.
Heyman, G. D., & Gelman, S. A. (2000). Preschool children's use of traits labels to make inductive inferences. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 77, 1-19.
Yzerbyt, V. Y., Judd, C. M., & Corneille, O. (2004). The psychology of group perception: Perceived variability, entitativity, and essentialism. London: Psychology Press.

[ Susan A. Gelman, PhD: "Essentialism in Everyday Thought", Psychological Science Agenda | May 2005 ]






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