
創造論サイド > 創造論者が使ってはいけない論

‘Ron Wyatt has found Noah’s Ark’
「Ron Wyattはノアの箱舟を見つけた」

This claimed Ark shape is a natural geological formation caused by a mud flow.


Well-known creationist geophysicist Dr John Baumgardner, a scientist at Los Alamos Laboratories respected for his work on plate tectonics. He is known for his strong stand on the truth of Genesis. He researched the ‘Ark-site’ with Wyatt and eventually concluded the claims were ‘bogus.’

有名な創造論者である地球物理学者Dr. John Baumgardnerはロスアラモス研究所の科学者であり、プレートテクトニクスに関する研究で高く評価されている。彼は創世記の真実に関する彼の強い姿勢で知られている。彼はWyattと"箱舟"の現地を調査して、結局その主要は"偽"であると結論した。

Back in 1992, Wyatt’s ‘Noah’s Ark’ claim (see This is not the Ark of Noah) was subject to a thorough investigative exposé in this magazine (see online version). The 13-page report told of how this ministry had checked the claims, even ringing the lab staff that had done the analyses, for instance. Sadly, though we would have been delighted if this really were the Ark, we found almost all the specific claims to be untrue and/or misleading.

1992 年にWyattがノアの箱舟だという主張にたいする詳細な調査結果を本誌[Creation Magazine)で公開した。13ページのレポートでは、AiGがその主張を、たとえば分析を行った研究所のスタッフに電話をするなど、どのように調べたかを書いている。残念ながら、我々もこれが本当に箱舟ならうれしいのだが、大半の主張が偽りもしくはミスリーディングだとわかった。

The results of detailed analysis of this site, including mapping, magnetometer surveys, drill-core sampling, and more, enable any geologist to be able to diagnose with certainty the exact nature of this geological object.


The ‘discoverers’ have since produced a rebuttal, convincing only to those who have misunderstood or not carefully read our article. They quote as support the well-known creationist scientist Dr John Baumgardner (right), but in fact he long ago decided that this ‘find’ was a geological formation. They also appeal to the late marine engineer David Fasold. Fasold, who had repeatedly rejected biblical authority, did originally think it was a boat, but towards his life’s end co-authored an article in a geology journal supporting its true nature.

" 発見者"たちはその後に反論したが、それは我々の記事を誤読したか、慎重に読まなかった者たちだけを納得させる程度のものだった。彼らは主張の補強に有名な創造論者である科学者Dr.John Baumgardnerを引用したが、実際には、それよりはるか前に彼はこの発見物を地質学的に形成されたものだと判断していた。彼らはまた最近の海洋技術者David Fasoldにもアピールした。Fasoldは繰り返し聖書の権威を拒絶しているが、はじめは舟だと考えていた。しかし、年を経て、それの真の性質を示威する記事を地質学雑誌に執筆した。

D.F. Fasold, ‘Bogus “Noah’s Ark” from Turkey exposed as a common geologic structure,’ Journal of Geoscience Education 44:439444, 1996

When questioned about Baumgardner’s retraction, Wyatt has claimed that it was made for fear of losing his job. Yet Baumgardner has been known as a ‘full-on’ creationist in his job and community for years, and had no difficulty agreeing to our publishing an interview with him in 1997. At that time, he told us that Wyatt’s claims about himself were as ‘bogus’ as Wyatt’s claims about the ‘Ark site.’9


[Has the Ark of the Covenant been found? -- And Noah’s Ark? Pharaoh’s drowned army? What about the Garden of Eden? (AiG,CMI)]


まっとうな説明。AiGにこの項目はないが、Ron Wyattを批判するコンテンツはCMIと共通。









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