忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - アダムとイブのヘソ


Did Adam have a belly-button? I believe we really have an answer to that, and we can say, 'No — Adam didn't. Neither did Eve.' ... But our first parents, Adam and Eve, didn't develop that way. I believe that God would not have planted on them a false indication that they had developed in a mother's womb.

アダムにヘソがあっただろうか? 私は答えがあると信じている。その答えは「ノーだ。アダムにはヘソがなかった。イブにもだ。」 ... しかし、我が親たるアダムとイブは成長していない。私は神が母体の中で育ったかのような誤った徴を創ったとは思えない。

[ Gary Parker: "Did Adam have a belly-button?" (1996/06) on Answers in Genesis ]



manuscript illumination

Hugo van der Goes

Michelangelo Buonarotti


Tommaso Masolino Da Panicale

Lucas Cranach the Elder


[ Michelangelo - Creation of Adam ]

ANOTHER mistake there may be in the picture of our first parents, who after the manner of their posterity are both delineated with a navel ; and this is observable not only in ordinary and stained pieces, but in the authentic draughts of Urbin, Angelo, and others. Which notwithstanding cannot be allowed ...

我々の最初の両親の絵画には別の誤りがある。後世の様式にしたがって、二人にはヘソの輪郭が描かれている。普通の絵画に見られるだけでなく、ラファエロやミケランジェロなどの本物の草案にも見られる。にもかかわらず、それは容認しがたい ...

[ Sir Thomas Browne: "Of the Picture of Adam and Eve with Navels" (1646) in "Sir Thomas Browne's Works: Including His Life and Correspondence, Volume 3" (1835) p.99 ]