忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - イエスは資本主義者


American Family AssociationのBryan Fischerによれば、資本主義はイエス自身の教えに上に築かれている。
it was pretty interesting to see Bryan Fischer suddenly join the movement today on his radio program when he declared that the "secret of capitalism" came right out of Mark 10:45, which says that "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." In fact, said Fischer, the entire concept of capitalism "is built on the teaching of Jesus himself" and this passage is even the source for the idea that the customer is always right

Bryan Fischerが自身のラジオ番組で動きに絡んできたのはとても面白い。彼は「資本主義の秘密はマルコによる福音書10章45節の『人の子は仕えられるためではなく仕えるために、また、多くの人の身代金として自分の命を献げるために来たのである。』から来ている」と述べた。実際、Fischerは資本主義の概念全体が「イエス自身の教えの上に築かれており」、この節が、顧客が常に正しいという考えの源泉だと述べた。

[ Kyle Mantyla: "Fischer: 'Capitalism is Built on the Teaching of Jesus Himself'" (2012/04/17) on Right Wing Watch ]


宗教右翼系新聞WNDが掲載したOpinion記事で、弁護士Jonathon Moseleは、ルカによる福音書を引用する。
We discover in the New Testament, in Luke Chapter 12:13-14:

Someone in the crowd said to Him [Jesus Christ], ‘Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.’ But He said to him, ‘Man, who appointed Me a judge or arbitrator over you?’

群衆の一人が言った。「先生、わたしにも遺産を分けてくれるように兄弟に言ってください。」 イエスはその人に言われた。「だれがわたしを、あなたがたの裁判官や調停人に任命したのか。」

In just one verse, we see that God rejects the left-wing “Jesus Christ supported socialism” heresy. When Jesus was asked to support redistribution of wealth – to tell one brother to share the family inheritance with the other – Jesus refused. Jesus would never support government or a church stealing property by force to give it to a stranger. He would not even intervene for one man to share his own family’s wealth with his own brother.

[ Jonathon Mosele:"THE PLAIN TRUTH--JESUS CHRIST IS A CAPITALIST" (2013/12/01) on WND ]

さらに、弁護士Jonathon Moseleはマタイによる福音書を引用して、イエスは投資を称賛すると主張する。
Yet Jesus specifically supported the concept of capitalism. In Matthew 25:15-18, Jesus teaches what the (His) Kingdom of God is like:

To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey. Immediately the one who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents. In the same manner the one who had received the two talents gained two more. But he who received the one talent went away, and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

それぞれの力に応じて、一人には五タラントン、一人には二タラントン、もう一人には一タラントンを預けて旅に出かけた。早速、 五タラントン預かった者は出て行き、それで商売をして、ほかに五タラントンをもうけた。 同じように、二タラントン預かった者も、ほかに二タラントンをもうけた。 しかし、一タラントン預かった者は、出て行って穴を掘り、主人の金を隠しておいた。  

Jesus is clearly using money as a metaphor for making the most of all of life’s opportunities, abilities and moments. Yet in teaching us how we should live, Jesus agrees that a man who traded with investment capital and earned profits is praised and rewarded by his master, a type for God, and given increased authority. Most striking is what Jesus says to the man who was too afraid to take a chance with the one talent of gold entrusted to him. Jesus endorses the concept of earning interest for profit.

Matthew 25:27-28: “Then you ought to have put my money in the bank, and on my arrival I would have received my money back with interest. Therefore take away the talent from him, and give it to the one who has the ten talents.”

それなら、わたしの金を銀行に入れておくべきであった。そうしておけば、帰って来たとき、利息付きで返してもらえたのに。 さあ、そのタラントンをこの男から取り上げて、十タラントン持っている者に与えよ。  

[ Jonathon Mosele:"THE PLAIN TRUTH--JESUS CHRIST IS A CAPITALIST" (2013/12/01) on WND ]
