忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - インテリジェントデザインの理論家たちは、自らを科学史上の偉人に比する
Who's Who



1999年のDr. William A. Dembski:" Intelligent Desgin"の背表紙では...
Rob Koons, Asoc. Prof. of Philosophy, Univ. Texas: "William Dembski is the Issa Newton of information theroy and since this is the Age of Information, that makes Dembski one of the most important thinkers of our time. His law of conservation of information represents a revolutionary breakthrough."

Rob Koonsテキサス大学哲学准教授:「Willia, Dembskiは情報理論におけるアイザック・ニュートンであり、この本はDembskiをこの情報の時代における最重要の思索家に押し上げた。彼の情報量保存則は革命的な進展をもたらす」

[ Dr. William A. Dembski:" Intelligent Desgin" の背表紙]

Michael Beheの自画自賛...
“The result of these cumulative efforts to investigate the cell—to investigate life at the molecular level—is a loud, clear, piercing cry of ‘design!’ The result is so unambiguous and so significant that it must be ranked as one of the greatest achievements in the history of science. The discovery rivals those of Newton and Einstein, Lavoisier and Schrödinger, Pasteur and Darwin.... The magnitude of the victory, gained at such great cost through sustained effort over the course of decades, would be expected to send champagne corks flying in labs around the world. This triumph of science should evoke cries of “Eureka” from ten thousand throats, should occasion much hand-slapping and high-fiving, and perhaps even be an excuse to take a day off.... Why does the scientific community not greedily embrace its startling discovery?”


[ Michael Behe: "Darwin's Black Box" (1996)]

そてい、William Dembskiの自画自賛...
Intelligent design has yet to prove itself in this way. But lack of peer-review has never barred the emergence of good science. Nor for that matter have journal articles been the sole place where groundbreaking scientific work was done. Copernicus's De Revolutionibus, Galileo's On Two World Systems, and Newton's Principia are cases in point. And then there's that book by Darwin whose title at the moment escapes me.


[ William A. Dembski: "Obsessively ciriticized but scarcely refuted: A response to Richard Wein" ]