忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - ハトとチェス


「ハトとチェス (Pigeon chess)」とは...
Pigeon chess: Refers to having a pointless debate with somebody utterly ignorant of the subject matter, but standing on a dogmatic position that cannot be moved with any amount of education or logic, but who always proclaims victory.

ハトとチェス: その主題についてまったく無知で、いくら教育や論理をもってしても動かせない独断的な立場に立ち、常に勝利を宣言する人と無意味な議論をすることを指す。

[ "Pigeon Chess" on Urban Dictionary ]

Debating creationists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon -- it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory. The pro-creationist reviewers of this book clearly demonstrate this to be true.


[Scott D. Weitzenhoffer: " Problem with debating creationists", Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2005, comment on "Eugenie Scott's book Evolution vs. Creationism: An introduction" (Amazon) ]

I tried it for a while, but arguing with Andy is like playing chess with a small child who doesn't know the rules.


[ Andrew Schlafly in [[Usenet talk.origins 2002 ]

愚か者と言い争っても無駄です。相手はかっとなり、感情をむき出しにして、こちらをさげすむだけです。 (箴言29章9節) [ biblegateway ([via rationalwiki) ]