忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - バナナ論法
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Ray Comfortのバナナ論法

バナナ論法とは、創造論者Ray Comfortが使った神の存在証明である。
"Behold, the atheists' nightmare. Now if you study a well-made banana, you'll find, on the far side, there are 3 ridges. On the close side, two ridges. If you get your hand ready to grip a banana, you'll find on the far side there are three grooves, on the close side, two grooves. The banana and the hand are perfectly made, one for the other. You'll find the maker of the banana, Almighty God, has made it with a non-slip surface. It has outward indicators of inward contents - green, too early - yellow, just right - black, too late. Now if you go to the top of the banana, you'll find, as with the soda can makers have placed a tab at the top, so God has placed a tab at the top. When you pull the tab, the contents don't squirt in your face. You'll find a wrapper which is biodegradable, has perforations. Notice how gracefully it sits over the human hand. Notice it has a point at the top for ease of entry. It's just the right shape for the human mouth. It's chewy, easy to digest and its even curved toward the face to make the whole process so much easier. Seriously, Kirk, the whole of creation testifies to the genius of God's creation."


Ray Comfort on Way of the Master
IronChariotsWikiなどに真面目な反論があるが、そもそバナナの原種はM. acuminata と M. balbisianaは食用ではない。現在の栽培種のバナナはこれらの原種の倍数体である。野生種のバナナの断面。多数の種子を含んでいる(wikipedia:バナナ)。

[ Souece: wikipedia:バナナ ]

というわけで、あっさり笑いものになってしまった創造論者Ray Comfortは、あれは.ユーモラスな方法で論点を説明するためのパロディだと言い訳した:.
Thanks to Youtube I realize that I will have to say this over and over. Many times I have compared a banana to a coke can (with its tab at the top, etc.) using something called "parody." This is arguably a humorous way of making a point.

Ray Comfort: "The Banana isn't Proof(2008/06/29)