忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - 恐竜はルシファーの被造物だという創造論者


... The Universe must have teemed with life, wondrous and beautiful in its many varieties. But then Lucifer began turning into Satan by beginning to tamper with the creation of life. Perhaps it started initially as an amusement or a prank or diversion for himself, or perhaps to impress or to entertain the lesser angelic beings who lacked his power to create life. What Satan had realized was that not only could he create life, he could also destroy it! For his amusement, Lucifer-turned-Satan introduced the reality and the curse of death to the living, something God had never intended...

... Satan turned Earth into a freakish, hellish nightmare world drenched in the blood and gore of violence, death and destruction, an obscene parody of what God had intended. ... His bloodlust became insatiable.

Lucifer abused his creative powers by creating a planet with a steamy, wet, tropical climate, a planet populated by dinosaurs, sea reptiles, flying serpents and other abnormal, grotesque creatures and monstrosities. ...




[ Damien Royce and Jason Zolot: "the authors of Did God Destroy the Dinosaurs?", quoted by [[ Donna Kossy (1995) ]
The heavens were completely cleansed--at least for awhile--of the rebellious demonic host... God cast Satan down to Earth, then destroyed the dinosaurs and set about the renewal of the world. Satan was deprived of his power to create in the physical realm, but he retained his power to manipulate life. Not all of Satan's creation was destroyed at this time. Certain areas were permitted to retain their hot, steamy climate and certain abnormal creatures like sharks and crocodiles were permitted either to exist or to arise through his genetic engineering.


[ Damien Royce and Jason Zolot: "the authors of Did God Destroy the Dinosaurs?", quoted by [[ Donna Kossy (1995) ]

Man already has the potential to eradicate all crocodiles and alligators from the wild, and indeed from existence. And man can already launch the expurgatory war against sharks, piranhas, lamprey eels and other vile creatures of Satan's menagerie. To date, man has chosen to eradicate from the wild only one member of Satan's brood--smallpox. ... Under the guise of the generally laudable and beneficial conservation mentality of maintaining the balance of nature, man has unwittingly included the conservation of Satan's lifeforms.


[ Damien Royce and Jason Zolot: "the authors of Did God Destroy the Dinosaurs?", quoted by [[ Donna Kossy (1995) ]