忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - 進化論の根源はエピクロス哲学だというID運動


Creation Ministries InternationalとAnswers in Genesisの創造論者が使ってはいけない論に「不当にも知識と呼ばれている科学とは進化のことを指している」がある。この主張の出所は、かつての創造科学の本拠地たるInstitute for Creation Researchの今は亡き創設者Dr. Henry M. Morrisである。
1 Timothy 6:20 science falsely so called.

"Science falsely so-called" is, in the Greek, literally “pseudo-science” or “pseudo knowledge.” This pseudo-science is nothing other than evolutionism, which has been in “oppositions” against God as Savior and Creator and the world as His creation since the beginning of time. In Paul’s day, it mainly took the form of Epicureanism (based on atheistic evolutionism) and Stoicism (based on pantheistic evolutionism). It soon would take the form of Gnosticism and later of Neo-Platonism, both also assuming evolution. In other parts of the world, it had the form of Taoism, Hinduism, Confucianism, or Buddhism, all based squarely on some form of pantheistic evolution and an infinitely old cosmos. In recent times it assumed the form of Darwinism, though men are now returning again to various forms of eastern religion and their systems of pantheistic evolution, still rejecting God as Creator and Christ as Savior. Yet all forms of evolutionism are pseudo-science at best, filled with “profane and vain babblings.”


[ Henry M. Morris:"The Defender's Bible" -"1 Timothy 6:20 science falsely so called." ]

ここで示された「進化論の根源としてのエピクロス哲学」という考え方は、インテリジェントデザイン運動に受け継がれている。査読論文ではなく、一般書の形であるが、Discovery InstituteのシニアフェローでもあるDr. Benjamn Wikerは次のように記述している。
Such has been true from the very beginning. For Epicurus, the founder of evolutionary theory, and Lucretius, the greatest Roman proponent of Epicureanism, materialist explanations were universal in scope. They not only explained how chance (and not an intelligent deity) produced everything in the cosmos but also provided a new materialist foundation for morality. A materialist view of nature necessarily yielded a materialist view of human nature, wherein human beings have no immortal, immaterial soul but are entirely bodily. Since we have no immaterial soul, there’s no afterlife to fear or hope for, and all questions of good and evil may safely and scientifically be reduced to a continual balancing of bodily pleasures and pains. On this account, then, there’s no good and evil, justice and injustice by nature. Because nature, including human nature, is itself the result of the random jostling of brute atoms, then nature is itself amoral. Morality, then, is purely human-made, defined only by pleasures and pains, and entirely relative to time and place.


[ Benjamin Wiker: "Does science point to god? Part II -- The christian critics, 2003 ]

同様のことは、Discovery Instituteのインテリジェントデザイン部門Center for Science and Cultureの副センター長で、社会学者であるDr John G Westも書いている。
The observability of design was a key theme in the writings of the early church fathers as well. Responding to the Epicureans’ denial of any sort of creator, early Christians repeatedly affirmed that nature provided evidence that it was the product of purposeful design. In the words of Theophilus (115-188 AD), Bishop of Antioch in the 2nd century: “God cannot indeed be seen by human eyes, but is beheld and perceived through His providence and works… as any person, when he sees a ship on the sea rigged and in sail, and making for the harbor, will no doubt infer that there is a pilot in her who is steering her; so we must perceive that God is the governor [pilot] of the whole universe.” What were these “works” through which we could see the intelligent activity of God? Theophilus went on to list the regularities of nature from astronomy, the plant world, the diverse species of animals, and the ecosystem. Similar arguments about how nature displays clear evidence of design were made by Dionysius (200-265 AD), Bishop of Alexandria and John Chrysostom (347?-407 AD), Archbishop of Constantinople.

同様にデザインが観察可能であることは、初期教父たちの著作の重要なテーマだった。エピクロス主義者たちがいかなる種類の創造主も否定したことに対して、初期キリスト教徒たちは、自然界は意図的にデザインの産物だという証拠を与えていると繰り返し断言していた。2世紀のアンティオキア司教のテオフィルス (AD115-188)は「神は実際には人間の眼には見えない。しかし神の摂理と作品を通して見ることができる。船が艤装され航海していて、港へ向かっていれば、誰もが疑うことなく、船を操っている航海士がいると推論する。なので、我々は神が全宇宙の支配者であることを知るはずだ。」と言った。神のインテリジェントな活動を見てとる、これらの作品とは何だろうか? テオフィルスは天文学、惑星世界、動物種の多様性そして生態系という規則性を列挙する。自然界がいかにデザインの証拠を提示しているかについての同様の論はアレキサンドリア司教のディオニュシオス(AD200-265年)や、コンスタンチノープル大司教のヨハネ・クリソストム(AD347?-407)によって展開された。

[ John G West: "According to theistic evolution, is design in nature detectable?", 神のデザインの検出 ]