忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - 進化論受容に対する宗教の影響


教育水準と宗教性に負の相関があり、教育水準と進化論受容に正の相関があることがわかっている。Rissler et al(2014)は、教育水準と宗教性の、進化論受容との関連を米国南部の大学で調査した。
Leslie J Rissler, Sarah I Duncan and Nicholas M Caruso: "The relative importance of religion and education on university students’ views of evolution in the Deep South and state science standards across the United States", Evolution: Education and Outreach, 20147:24, DOI: 10.1186/s12052-014-0024-1

Religion and religiosity, not education, best explain university students’ views on evolution in the Deep South. Our study was the first in-depth analysis (n = 2,999) of acceptance of evolution in this geographic region (Wagler and Wagler [2013]) – an area of high religiosity and low educational attainment. We used SEM to examine how religion, religiosity, high school experience, college major, and academic level independently influence our latent variable (“evolution understanding”) (Figure 1). We found that highly religious students are much less likely to accept evolution, irrespective of education, and that this rejection occurs even though they understand that the scientific community accepts the theory of evolution (Figure 4). In fact only the least religious students improved their acceptance in post-course assessments (Figure 5). That said, we do not have enough information to definitively state whether religious and not religious students differ in their knowledge of key facts about evolution, because we used only a limited number of questions from the KEE. It is likely, however, that the social and cultural context of student learning affects not only acceptance but also knowledge.

教育水準ではなく、宗教と宗教性が、米国南部の大学の学生の進化論の見方を最もよく説明する。我々の研究はまず、(宗教性が高く、教育水準の低い)地域の進化論受容について徹底分析(N=2999)を実施した。我々はSEMを使って、宗教と宗教性と高等教育経験と大学専攻と学術レベルの、我々の潜在変数(進化論理解)への独立した影響を調べた(Figure 1)。我々は、「宗教性の高い学生が、教育水準によらず、進化論受容度が非常に低い」ことを、そして「科学界が進化論を受容している」ことを理解していてもなお、そうであることを発見した(Figure 4)。実際、非宗教的な学生たちだけが、教科履修後に進化論受容度が高まった(Figure 5)。KEEの限定的な項目のみを質問したので、宗教的学生と非宗教的学生の進化論の重要な要素の知識の多寡について明言する情報を持っていない。しかし、学生たち学習についての社会的及び文化的コンテキストは、進化論受容だけでなく、進化論の知識も影響を与えている。

SEM: structural equation model (using the lavaan package; Rosseel [2012])
MATE: Measure of the Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution (Rutledge and Sadler [2007]; Rutledge and Warden [1999]).
KEE: Knowledge of Evolution Exam (Cotner et al. [2010]; Moore et al. [2009]; Schauer et al. [2014])

Cotner et al., Evolution 2010, 64(3):858–864.
Moore et al., J Effective Teach 2009, 9(2):4–12.
Rosseel, J Stat Softw 2012, 48(2):1–36.
Rutledge and Sadler, Am Biol Teach 2007, 69(6):332–335.
Rutledge and Warden, Sch Sci Math 1999, 99(1):13–18.
Schauer et al., Am Biol Teach 2014, 76(2):93–98.
Wagler and Wagler, Int J Sci Educ 2013, 35(13):2278–2298.

Rissler(2014)に関連して、かつて創造論信じていたVanessa Wamsleyは自分の経験を振り返って次のように書いている。
So can religious students understand evolution even when they think it conflicts with their beliefs? In my own experience, as a case study for a creationist learning about evolution, the answer is no. Rissler has it right.

What I learned at home and church was like a fog that the most basic principles of biology could barely cut through. In science class, details got lost in the mist.


During one of Wortman’s lectures on natural selection—involving different types of bacteria—I was doodling. Normally an attentive student, I deliberately tuned out of the class. The subject made me uncomfortable because the process of new species coming about via natural selection directly contradicted what my church and parents taught me about the origins of life. From one corner of my page of sparse notes, a cartoonish rendering of Wortman peered at me from behind oversized spectacles. Abandoning the portrait, I traced angular shapes that fit together like puzzle pieces and circled them with flowers and vines. Then Wortman caught me.


“What, do you think you know this already?” Wortman asked indignantly, leaning on my student desk where my incriminating notebook lay. “Could you take the test right now?”

I was mortified.

「この授業のことはもうわかっているのか? 今、試験をしてもいいかい?」とWorman先生は、いたずら書きをしたノートが置いてある、私の机に寄りかかって、憮然として言った。

Wortman didn’t make me take the test that day, but if he had, I’m not sure the early testing would have affected my grade. I had already learned everything I was planning to know about evolution at church. And when test day did arrive, if I didn’t want to provide the answer I knew Wortman wanted on one of the test questions, I just changed his test to fit my belief system. For example:


Test question: True or False? Humans evolved from a common ancestor with apes.

I used a little caret to insert my changes: True or False? Some scientists claim humans evolved from a common ancestor with apes.

Then I could unreservedly circle “True.” And Wortman gave me full credit.

設問「人間は類人猿との共通祖先から進化した。正しい or 誤り?」私はこれに少し書き足した。「一部の科学者たちは、人間は類人猿との共通祖先から進化したと主張している」そう書くと、私は素直に「正しい」を選択できた。Wortman先生は、合格点をくれた。

[ Vanessa Wamsley: "Were You There? -- As a creationist kid, I was determined not to learn about evolution." (2015/05) on Slate ]
「Some scientists claim」で折り合いはつけられる程度には、うまくやっていける生徒だったようだ、ただ、進化論についての知識は、その時点では教会から提供される、創造論ベースのものだった。そして、何事もなければ、そのまま。そして、その信条は世代をこえて引き継がれていくことに。
