忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - 創世記が真実でないなら



なぜならば、アダムが最初に造られ、それからエバが造られたからです。しかも、アダムはだまされませんでしたが、女はだまされて、罪を犯してしまいました。 (テモテへの手紙一 2章13-14節)

Such considerations do not have implications for Genesis alone. If we do not accept that Genesis is true, it follows that we cannot rely on the rest of the Bible. As we have already noted, so much of the Bible builds on the foundational truth in Genesis.


[ PawsonBooks:"Week 3: Genesis Part1 ]

Inevitably, if Genesis is not true, Jesus Christ, as God and "Saviour," is not, cannot be, true: both stand or fall together;


Joseph Wheless: Is It God's Word (2007) ]

If Genesis is not true, however, we have no reliable answer to anything. Throw out Genesis and the authority of all Scripture is fatally compromised.


[ John MacArthur; "CREATION: BELIEVE IT OR NOT"(2002) ]

Implications about suffering, if you accept this view of history.

If one believes in millions of years, then this world has always been a deadly place. The question that we naturally ask is ‘Who caused the cancer, disease and violence represented in the fossil record?’ Christians who believe in millions of years of history have a serious problem. The Bible plainly says that God is the Creator, and He called everything that He had made -- before, leading up to, and including Adam and Eve, but before their Fall --‘very good’ (Genesis 1:31).

幾百万年を信じるなら、この世界は常に耐えられない場所だったことになる。普通に我々が問うことは「誰が、化石記録にある癌や病気や暴力を引き起こしたのか?」 幾百万年の歴史を信じるキリスト教徒は重大な問題を持っている。聖書は神を創造主と書き、創造主は「お造りになったすべてのものを御覧になった。見よ、それは極めて良かった」(創世記1章31節)と楽園追放前に言った。

This situation is represented in the following:

As soon as Christians allow for death, suffering and disease before Adam’s sin (which they automatically must if they believe in millions of years), then they’ve raised a serious question about their Gospel message. What, then, has sin done to the world? According to Christian teaching, death is the penalty for sin (Romans 6:23)?and this fact is the foundation of the Gospel! Moreover, how can all things be ‘restored’ to a state with no death, pain or tears in the future (Revelation 21:4) if there never was a time free of death and suffering? The whole message of the Gospel falls apart if you have this view of history. It also would mean that God is to blame for death.

キリスト教徒がアダムの罪の前に死と苦しみと病気があったとするなら、それは自動的に幾百万年の歴史をも信じることになるが、それは福音書のメッセージに重大な疑義を生じる。原罪は世界に何をもたらしたのか? キリスト教の教えでは「罪が支払う報酬は死です」(ローマ人への手紙6章23節)であり、この事実が福音書の基礎である。さらに、死と苦しみのなかった時代が存在しないとしたら、どうやって「彼らの目の涙をことごとくぬぐい取ってくださる。もはや死はなく、もはや悲しみも嘆きも労苦もない」(黙示録21章4節)となるのか? この歴史を信じるなら福音書のメッセージは崩れ落ちる。またこれは、死の責任は神にあることを意味する。

[ Ken Ham and Dr Jonathan Sarfati: "Why is there death and suffering?" on Creation MInistries International ]