忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - 猫のいない聖書


聖書が「猫」に言及しているのは、ユダヤ教とプロテスタントでは外典、ローマカトリックとギリシャ正教会では旧約聖書に含まれるエレミヤの手紙21節に「その体や頭の上を、こうもりやつばめ、小鳥が飛び交い、猫までやって来ます。 」のみである。英語版の聖書は60近くあるが、"Letter of Jeremiah"を収録しているのはCEB, NRSV, NRSVA, RSV, WYCの5つである。特に創造論者たちはKJVを原典のごとくに扱うので、彼らにとっては、聖書には「猫」はいないことになる。

So why is there this apparent lack of cats in the writings and culture of ancient Israel (and further north) and why the silence? The most common explanation for the omission of the cat within Hebrew biblical texts is that it was a reaction by monotheistic Israel against the Egyptian practice of worshipping cats (or gods that were fashioned in the form of cats). However, this does not make much sense. Felidmorphic deities were a relatively small part of Egyptian life and culture, and the use of the form of dogs for gods like Anubis (or in fact many other animals) did not prohibit multiple references to dogs (or other animals) in biblical texts – although it could be argued that the LXX translators had certain qualms with references that equated the sun too closely with YHWH (see earlier post: Verse of the Month: Psalm 84:11a “For the LORD God is a sun and shield” ). Furthermore, if the dangers of cat-worship posed such a threat, it would likely generate more references than less – see for example the multiple warnings against devotion to Asherah.

It also does not explain the similar lack of zooarchaeological data and cat-related artefacts from the Mesopotamian regions to the north where such strictures on worship were not so prescribed. It is possible, that the Hebrew writes were more informed by Persian attitudes to cat rather than concerns about how cats were portrayed within Egypt. Joshua Schwartz plausibly suggests that Persian attitudes, particularly those relating to the cat as khrafstra informed the way they were viewed in Israel. There is a lot of merit in this. Persian Era Judaism, marking the beginning of the second temple period, had a fundamental influence on the religious and cultural expressions that we find in many of Hebrew biblical texts today. However, it does not completely explain why cats are ignored while other, supposedly, pariah creatures are named (for example, dog, hyena, vulture/eagle, etc.). Schwartz also notes that attempts to keep cats as predators to guard grain stores against vermin might have been problematic. As later rabbinic tradition records, cats can make fairly indiscriminate guards and are prone to cull poultry with as much enthusiasm as they do mice, rats and snakes.

The relative difficulty in tame/socialising the cat (in comparison to the dog), a species that also posed serious ritual issues by its diet, may have added to a reluctance in the domestic utilisation of cats. If this is the case, one would expect that, although Cats were present in Israel, their numbers would not be as high as an area in which they were exploited. Additionally, their tendency to live solitary lives and general preference to avoid human activity, their visibility would be much lower than animals that form packs like dogs – thereby posing more immediate concern to the local community.


そのような崇拝の厳格さが規定されていなかったメソポタミア地方から北部においても、動物考古学データに猫がなく、猫関連の遺物もないことも説明できない。ヘブライ語の文書は、猫がエジプトの中でどのように描かれたかについての懸念よりも、ペルシャの猫に対する態度によってより影響された可能性がある。Joshua Schwartzは「ペルシャの態度、特にクラフスタル(xrafstar/khrafstar, 害獣)としての猫に関連する態度がイスラエルでの見方を伝えていたことが、尤もらしい」と示唆している。これにはたくさんのメリットがある。第二神殿時代の始まりを示すペルシャ時代のユダヤ教は、今日ヘブライ語の聖書のテキストの多くに見られる宗教的および文化的表現に根本的な影響を及ぼした。しかし、他の野良(pariah)動物が(例えば、犬、ハイエナ、ハゲタカ/ワシなど)命名されているのに猫が無視される理由は完全に説明されていない。Schwartzはまた、穀物貯蔵庫を害虫から守るための捕食者として猫を飼うという試みは問題があるかもしれないとも述べている。後にラビの伝統が記録するように、猫はかなり無差別に捕獲し、ネズミやヘビをするのと同じくらい熱心に家禽を捕獲する傾向がある。


[ Richard Goode: "Why are there no cats in the Bible?" (2018/12/20) on Newman University ]

「すべての動物名を列挙する必要はない (eg. lookingforgod)」「異教の信仰する猫に言及したくなかった (eg. constative)」などの意見もあるが、定かではない。
[ Jan Brueghel the Elder: "Flood with Noah's Ark" (1601) on Amazon ]