忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - 保守の科学への信頼は低下してきた
世論調査, 否定論・陰謀論を信じる理由


米国の保守は常にアンチサイエンスだったわけではない。Gordon Gauchat(2012)によれば、1980年代半ばあたりから、アンチサイエンス化している...
Gauchat cross-referenced attitudes toward the scientific community with various demographic categories, and found that two categories showed a significant erosion of trust in science: conservatives and frequent churchgoers. People who identified themselves as conservatives voiced more confidence in science than moderates or liberals in 1974, but by 2010, that level had fallen by more than 25 percent.


[Gordon Gauchat:"Politicization of Science in the Public Sphere: A Study of Public Trust in the United States, 1974 to 2010", American Sociological Review Volume 77, Number 2, April 2012]

[ Alan Boyle: "Study tracks how conservatives lost their faith in science" (2012/03/29) on CosmicLog]
進化論と創造科学を同一時間教えることを義務付けるルイジアナ反進化論州法が成立したのも1981年のこと(これはEdwards v. Aguillard裁判(1987)で違憲判決を受けて廃止された)。

で、Gordon Gauchatは、過去数十年、保守が自らをリベラルに敵対する者と規定し、科学や大学をリベラルなるものと見たことにより、このようなことが起きたと考えている。
"Over the last several decades, there's been an effort among those who define themselves as conservatives to clearly identify what it means to be a conservative," he said. "For whatever reason, this appears to involve opposing science and universities, and what is perceived as the 'liberal culture.' So, self-identified conservatives seem to lump these groups together and rally around the notion that what makes 'us' conservatives is that we don't agree with 'them.'"
"In the past, the scientific community was viewed as concerned primarily with macro structural matters such as winning the space race," Gauchat said. "Today, conservatives perceive the scientific community as more focused on regulatory matters such as stopping industry from producing too much carbon dioxide."


[ Alan Boyle: "Study tracks how conservatives lost their faith in science" (2012/03/29) on CosmicLog]
宗教右翼の台頭の切っ掛けとなった、Francis A. Schaefferの"Christian Manifesto"の初版は1981年。これもひとつの要因かもしれない。

That trend fits best with the concept that "educated or high-information conservatives will hold hyper-opinions about science, because they have a more sophisticated grasp about what types of knowledge will conform with or contradict their ideological positions, and they will prefer to believe what supports their ideology," Gauchat wrote.

So what does this mean for the role of science in setting national policy? "In a political climate in which all sides do not share a basic trust in science, scientific evidence no longer is viewed as a politically neutral factor in judging whether a public policy is good or bad," Gauchat said.




[ Alan Boyle: "Study tracks how conservatives lost their faith in science" (2012/03/29) on CosmicLog]

