忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - STS的にはインテリジェントデザイン支持証言は全く真っ当


STS学者Steve Fullerは、インテリジェントデザインを選好していないが、応援している。
Fuller claims he doesn't personally favour ID, but feels that it should have a "fair run for its money". His view on evolutionary theory is that the jury is out, though he acknowledges that Darwinism does have the most evidence on its side.


[ Zoe Corbyn:"Steve Fuller: Designer Trouble" (2006/01/26) ]


さらに、Steve Fullerにとって、「インテリジェントデザインは科学であり、進化論が教義として教えられているという問題の最善の対策である。」
Fuller argues that the way ID's practitioners approach the debate means they are actually engaged in a scientific enterprise. But he draws the line at creationism because, he says, it has abandoned the scientific method: "Those guys are basically teaching the bible as science."

For Fuller, religion and science are compatible. He complains that evolutionary theory is being taught as dogma. It needs a "critical foil" and ID satisfies that function as well as anything else.


[ Zoe Corbyn:"Steve Fuller: Designer Trouble" (2006/01/26) ]
だからこそ、彼はKitzmiller v. Dover裁判(2005)で、インテリジェントデザイン支持証言を行った。そして、その証言はSTS的には全く真っ当なものだと言う。
"I see myself in an affirmative action position, voicing a point of view that would otherwise be systematically excluded," he says. "If you were having a science studies class, all the things I was saying would be completely normal. The problem is, when you say them in a courtroom and it has a bearing on science policy, then people go ballistic."


[ Zoe Corbyn:"Steve Fuller: Designer Trouble" (2006/01/26) ]