8.6 / 10
Votes: 619

Bombshell ∈Solarmovie

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Published by: Helen Blaby
Biography: Presenter @BBCNorthampton. Lover of cats, gin and sunsets. A devil on a bowling green. Harpole girl turned townie. Founder of @everydayfattism
Star: John Lithgow
Country: USA, Canada runtime: 109 minute
directed by: Jay Roach Release Date: 2019 I truly hope a serious movie is made about Harvey Weinstein one day. They should get Charlize's make up artist to make it look like Kellyanne Conway's face isn't melting off. ??? BLESXINGZ ???. If I were Gretchen I would of announce it live on the air while I was at FOX to say by boss is a pervert & a dirty old who has made many passes at me while we were alone.
Wished we men could read the women mind. Now thinking how many hot ladies I could have dated. I thought this was about the Comic XD now i feel stupid.

She's beautiful! I love how she puts attitude into her acting! Kudos Kiddo!?

The interviewer sounds just like david letterman. Full Movie El escándalo. I love her. Austin McConnell made a documentary about this. Glad to see it getting in the big screen. Bombshell is absolutely loaded with talent, as it boasts the names of Margot Robbie, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Jonathon Lithgow, and others. Everyone brings in a great performance, but Theron and Lithgow were especially noticeable. It's really their movie, and the other actors are nice accompanying pieces.
The actual story which Bombshell is based on only happened a few years ago, but it was fascinating to watch it all unfold on screen. Lithgow does such an incredible job at portraying a man with so much power and the lengths he is willing to go to in order to exercise this control over the staff members beneath him. This type of sexual harassment is something which happens in Hollywood more often than you would believe, so it's nice to have a film out there which shows that people can come forward and speak out if they are going through something of a a similar nature. Bombshell isn't a documentary and so I don't know if everything is 100% accurate, but I can imagine they didn't stretch too far from the truth. Having said that, the film does make some odd choices with a few of the supporting characters, and I never felt that it reached the depths that it probably should have. I don't really know what I would have done differently, but I did feel that a little more emotional depth would have been the thing that turned a really good movie into a great one. All-in-all, Bombshell is absolutely worth a trip out to see it! SCORE: 76.

Who gets to decide what a real American is. The truth is no one









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