Dark Light
3.1 out of 5 stars - 406 votes
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Cast: Ed Brody
Resume: Dark Light is a movie starring Ed Brody, Kristina Clifford, and Opal Littleton. A woman returns to her family home and discovers it to be inhabited by monsters
runtime: 90 minutes
average Ratings: 5,1 / 10 Star
audience score: 410 Vote
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I recently made my first post concerning a place of magical learning within my world. The one who commented pointed out that I had neglected to make any mention of what precisely magic in that universe was. Well, here I am to rectify that, and hopefully garner a little more constructive criticism from the fine people viewing this. Magic is an expansive topic within this world that has several contributive factors and nuances that help to define it. What we will concern ourselves with today are the realms of magic which are the most prominent sources of arcane power in this world. The realms of magic are, as the name implies, concentrated areas of magical power that exist on an immaterial plane(aether) parallel to our physical one(mundus). Beyond them there is the greater source of raw unrefined magical energy, known simply as ¡Èchaos¡É, at least to the humans. Chaos is a living yet unliving paradox both creator and destroyer. Shaper and shaped of thought, action and emotion of mundus. Such a force would ordinarily corrode at mundus were it not for the 6 realms of magic both had an indirect hand in creating. As chaos and mundus collided, chaos would take definitive shapes based on the concepts/materials it touched upon. Over time, these shapes coalesced along with similar shapes into far more stable forms of chaos that served to ward off the worst effects of chaos from mundus. All the while being empowered by the former and shaped by the latter. Not unlike how our earth¡Çs atmosphere protects us from the more harmful effects of the sun while being reinforced by the photosynthetic properties of the planet¡Çs flora. Each realm of magic is a separate entity/force which, much like chaos itself, shapes and colors Mundus as much as they are shaped and colored by it, just far more specifically. Mages or creatures with a connection to one or more of these realms can draw power from them and release it in mundus, consciously or unconsciously. This in the simplest terms is what is referred to as magic. Six Realms of magic: Worrar: The Ruby realm, realm of the primordial elements, power and material. Arguably the first of the six realms formed, it is a realm in constant flux with the elements constantly colliding with one another. Most denizens of mundus who have seen it from the broadest possible perspective, describe it as a ¡Ègalactic hurricane¡É with ten arms each representing one of the ten primal elements. Light, darkness, water, ice, wind, lightning, fire, metal, earth and wood/flora(This last one occurred as a natural result of the elements interacting, and would eventually birth the green realm. To be discussed later. ) Red magic is primarily concerned with the manipulation of these elements for destructive or constructive purposes, depending on the people in question. They can manipulate via the wood element, but this is primarily concerned with the material rather than the life within it as opposed to green magics. This magic is strongest in areas where the elements reign supreme. I. e. volcanoes, storms, high tide etc. Yudais: The Emerald realm, the realm of nature, evolution, symbiosis and competition. This realm was born of the ¡Ènatural order¡É as life adapted and changed to meet the challenges of a changing world. Every animal and plant that lives and has lived leaves an imprint in this realm. Along with the physical aspects of the wild creatures their survival instincts are also present within this realm. Those who see it, describe it as an unending uncharted wilderness, where plants and beasts of past, present and possible future roam. Those that call upon the powers of this realm have the power of shapeshifting, partial as well as complete, can manipulate plant life, far more intricately than red mages and can commune with non-sapient life. Strongest in places where natural orders reigns over the civilized ones. Shirrogan: The Diamond realm, the realm of life, harmony, creation and purity. This realm was born of the spark of life and the harmony of stable life forms and ecosystems. It represents both the foundational source of life that pushes and fuels it¡Çs process, as well as the stability that prevent rampant mutation and one form of life to resist the ravages of another. From a mortal¡Çs perspective, the most common adjectives used to describe it are, serene and vibrant. A realm both bright and secure that exists in constant cycles of expansion and contraction, a place you can truly feel alive. Spellcraft from this realm has the power to heal wounds as well as significantly enhance aspects of their life functions (Resurrection is possible, but it is high tier complicated and conditional). Impurities ( diseases, curses, parasites) can also be purified with this magic. Strongest in places rife with life, cities, forests etc. Morrami: The Onyx realm of death, decay and destruction. As the name implies, the black realm came into being almost simultaneously with the white realm. For if there is to be a beginning and process to life, then there must also be a terminal. That is what this realm embodies, decay and the inevitable end. By extension that decay also breaks down the once living entities into smaller and smaller components so that they in turn may lay the foundation for new life. All things dead pass through this realm at one point or the other, and those that can describe it to others call it morose and stagnant. Barren forests, towers of bone and ashen wastes dot what passes for a landscape in this aetheric realm. Not pleasant perhaps, but nonetheless essential. Masters of the arts based on this realm have command over the dead. As in, the once living components of a whole organism. They can animate corpses, draw spirits to their side and inflict wasting spells on living entities. A less known, but arguably more benign aspect to their craft is the ability to commune with the dead, granting council and peace to wayward spirits lest they aversely affect their living counterparts. As one might expect, this magic is strongest in places of death and decay; such as graveyards and swamps. Gaemon: The Topaz realm of thought, imagination, time and cosmos. The beginnings of this realm came alongside the ruby realm but was never properly defined until life began to accrue greater complexity of thought. As that life began to ponder and imagine, to truly notice the world around them and the unseen forces that moved it and composed it and then wondering what it all meant. These musings are what form this etherical realm, where dreams and memories are as real as you make them, time is like an ocean and reality is one great illusion. Magic from this realm include a myriad of applications; including but not limited to mesmerizing illusions, tele-powers, divination and chronomancy. It is less clear when and where such magics is of lesser or greater potency. Though the most consistent areas appear in areas of complex thought and emotion, like an art gallery. Also, more than any other art, the positioning of celestial bodies seems to hold influence on this magic. Diam: The Sapphire realm of structure, law and logic. Undoubtedly the youngest of the six realms. It had its nascent beginnings when conscious thought, not natural forces began to shape the world around us. Whether intentional or otherwise life builds structure around itself, establishing an order, a law that would otherwise not exist where it not for them enforcing it. With these etherical structures came more physical entities, such as buildings and monuments. Which in turn further emphasized this realms strength. Among the powers granted by this realm, barriers are the most prominent along with the ability to impose ¡Èlaws¡É on objects and/or territories granting them aspects they would not normally have. Such properties may incorporate elements from other realms often at the price of potency. Enchantment is not exclusive to this realm, but it is the one most commonly associated with it. Please let me know your thoughts. I would love to discuss and I accept all forms of constructive criticism.
21 Posted by 19 days ago 15 comments 97% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by level 1 10 points ? 19 days ago What was he trying to get at tho? Anime bad, venomous snakes good? level 2 11 points ? 19 days ago This gives a little more info but tldr: he thinks the 15+ rating these series normally get isn't good enough and they should be banned entirely from aus. Continue this thread level 2 Original Poster 6 points ? 19 days ago Most likely. He also talked shit on eromanga sensei calling it also incestuous, and SAO and Goblin Slayer for their "rape" scenes. Continue this thread level 2 2 points ? 18 days ago I think he's highlighting the danger of sexualised children becoming so mainstream. level 1 2 points ? 18 days ago This guy needs chill he is over dramatising level 1 2 points ? 19 days ago Amazing.
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3.1 out of 5 stars - 406 votes
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- Published by: Dark Light
- Resume @Joc_rol ¦Ò§ä¦Á§Ü¦Ô & g¦Á§Þє§ñ. Magic y Final Fantasy TCG,serieadicto, Biwenger y futbolero . ¢ß?§ñ§Ü_??¦Õђ¢÷77
Cast: Ed Brody
Resume: Dark Light is a movie starring Ed Brody, Kristina Clifford, and Opal Littleton. A woman returns to her family home and discovers it to be inhabited by monsters
runtime: 90 minutes
average Ratings: 5,1 / 10 Star
audience score: 410 Vote
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21 Posted by 19 days ago 15 comments 97% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by level 1 10 points ? 19 days ago What was he trying to get at tho? Anime bad, venomous snakes good? level 2 11 points ? 19 days ago This gives a little more info but tldr: he thinks the 15+ rating these series normally get isn't good enough and they should be banned entirely from aus. Continue this thread level 2 Original Poster 6 points ? 19 days ago Most likely. He also talked shit on eromanga sensei calling it also incestuous, and SAO and Goblin Slayer for their "rape" scenes. Continue this thread level 2 2 points ? 18 days ago I think he's highlighting the danger of sexualised children becoming so mainstream. level 1 2 points ? 18 days ago This guy needs chill he is over dramatising level 1 2 points ? 19 days ago Amazing.
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Dark Light managed to create a tiny world for itself, with its own rules, but most of it went down the drain once the third act came in place, and I can't stop wondering how things derailed so much. I am still going to recommend it for it is an effort far better than most, even tho it feels like a let down in the very end, it does deserve more attention and perhaps some praise as well. In the future, I hope the people involved in the making of Dark Light, take some extra time in order to offer their next projects a more constant tone, till the credits show up. Cheers.Dark Light Movie. LYRICS You don't even know guys 613 We reppin it still Yo me and Lovell we go way back in time, see? You already know After 96 we do it all day Ball is life from time Yea, yea. Welcome to all things Crash Bandicoot on Reddit! From the classic original games, to the latest with the N. Sane Trilogy and Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, come here to share your favorite moments, tips and tricks. Ooga-booga!
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