Heterocera Atoll, Bay City, TSL, ...

Mole Mart
SLRR signal

Railway Switches and Signals

So ya want a Semaphore Signal?
Here they are. With some SL liberties taken. Here in SL we have a multi-directional semaphore. With lights on Both sides it can signal both dirrections at once.
This eliminates half the signals and simplifies things for non train experts.
The Signal is Modifiable. feel free to make it look and function as you prefer.


1.Open Edit.
2.Drag the Signal to its location.
3.Next we need to set the signals Main rotation. with the signal in the Main position, look at the linksets Description. Remove the string of numbers and replace with a single "space" (space bar).
3a.Then open the "signal" script and change its Channel to match the Switch Stand.
3b. Save the script. This will write the current rotation back into the Description field. Every time the system calls "Main", the signal will rotate to this new string. When it hears "Branch" it will rotate to other position.

That's it. Cycle your Switch Stand to verify your signals work correctly.



