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Top three things to understand in fixing SELinux problems.

Dan Walshの記事

Almost all SELInux problems fall into one of the following three categories. While this might be an over simplification, I think it is a good thing for a new user to understand.

1. SELinux is all about labeling

Every process and object on the machine has a label associated with it, if your files are not labeled correctly access might be denied. コンピュータで実行されるありとあらゆるプロセスや資源にはラベルがつけられている。このラベルが間違っていると、アクセスできない。

If a file is mislabeled a confined application might not be allowed access to the mislabeled file.
If an executable is mislabeled, it may not transition to the correct label when executing, causing access violations and potentially causing it to mislabel files it creates.
Processes and objects on the machines have labels. If the labeling is correct everything should work.
Sometimes an admin decides to change the default labeling on the system. If an admin wants to store apache web pages in a unusual location, /srv/myweb. The admin needs to tell SELinux that the files stored there need to be accessible to the web server process. He does this by setting the labeling correctly in the system. The apache process is allowed to access files labeled httpd_sys_content_t.
時には、システム管理者は、デフォルトの設定とは異なるラベルづけをしないといけないことがある。たとえば、Webのコンテンツを普通とは異なる場所、/srv/myweb に格納したいとする。管理者は、SELinuxに /srv/myweb 以下にあるファイルは、webサーバのプロセスからアクセス可能だと教えてやらねばならない。
webサーバ(apache)のプロセスは、httpd_sys_content_t というラベルのついたファイルにはアクセスできるから、

# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t '/srv/myweb(/.*)?'

This command tells the SELinux datastore that the /src/myweb directory and all files under it should be labeled httpd_sys_content_t. Tools like restorecon and rpm read this datastore when they are labeling or relabeling files.
このコマンドによって /src/myweb ディレクトリとそれ以下のファイルは、httpd_sys_content_t というラベル付けがされるようにSELinuxの記憶領域に記録される。restoreconやrpmといったコマンドは、この記憶領域を参照して、ラベル付けを修正する。

Note, however that the semanage command will not change the actual labels on files on your machine. You still need to execute restorecon to fix the labels.

# restorecon -R /srv/myweb

restorecon reads the SELinux datastore to determine how files under /srv/myweb should be labeled and then fixes them.
restoreconコマンドはSELinuxの記憶領域を参照して、/srv/myweb 以下のファイルの本来のラベル付けを見つけ出して、必要なら修正する。

# matchpathcon /srv/myweb

matchpathcon reads the SELinux datastore and prints the default label for the specified path

2. You have to tell SELinux about how a confined process is being run.

A confined process/application can be run in many different ways.
You need to tell SELinux about how you are configuring the application to run, so SELinux will allow it the proper access.
SELinux does not do this automatically, SELinux has builtin if/then/else rules called booleans that allow you to tweak the predefined rules to allow different access.
If you set up you apache web server to talk to a mysql server, you need to set a boolean to tell SELinux this is ok. You can do this with the setsebool command.
たとえば、apacheのwebサーバからmysqlのデータベースをアクセスしたい場合には、SELinuxでこれを許可するbooleanパラメータを指定すればよい。この指定を行うコマンドが setseboolで、次のようなhttpd_can_network_connect_db というbooleanの値を1に指定すればいい。

# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1

Tools like system-config-selinux or getsebool -a will list all of the possible booleans.
system-config-selinxやsetsebool -a のコマンドを実行すれば、設定可能なすべてのbooleanを一覧できる。
On the latest Fedora systems you can run SELinux error messages (avc) through audit2allow -w (audit2why). This checks to see if any boolean could be set to allow the access. setroubleshoot is also pretty good at diagnosing problems.
最近のFedora OSでは、audit2allow -w (audit2why) というコマンドで、SELinuxのエラーメッセージを解釈することができるが、このコマンドは、エラーを解消するにはどういうbooleanをどう設定すればいいか、といったことを教えてくれる。setroubleshootコマンドも、エラーを分析するのに便利なツールだ。

3. SELinux rules are evolving and applications are sometimes broken

General errors in policy or applications can cause SELInux access denials.
Sometimes an application is just broken or the SELinux policy has never seen the confined application run the code path that it is running.
While the application is working correctly, SELinux is denying it access.
You can add custom policy to your system simply by piping the SELinux error messages through audit2allow.
Say a new version of postgresql comes out that SELinux is mistakenly denying access to a resource which it should be allowed to access. You can use audit2allow to build a custom policy module that can be installed on your system to allow the access.

# grep postgresql /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -R -M mypostgresql

This command will generate a local policy module which will allow all accesses that are currently being denied..

# semodule -i mypostgresql.pp

This command installs the local policy modifications to your system. You probably want to report the SELinux errors to bugzilla or a mailing list so your local modifications can be added to the distribution's policy or upstream.




