詳解ファイルシステム - 2.6.12-rc6

kernel 2.6.12-rc6 の考察(20050607更新)



Date Mon, 6 Jun 2005 11:08:25 -0700 (PDT)
From Linus Torvalds <>
Subject Linux v2.6.12-rc6

It's being uploaded right now, the git tree is already up-to-date, and by
the time this hits the mailing list the mirroring of the tar-ball will
hopefully be done too.

And since Jeff wrote me a shortlog script for git, the easist way to tell
what's new since -rc5 is to just do the shortlog and diffstat output.
Network drivers, USB and CPU-freq stand out.

And the good news is that people do seem to have taken my rumblings about
calming down for 2.6.12 seriously. Let's hope that pans out, and I can
release that one asap.. But give this a good beating first, and holler
(again, if you must) about any issues you have,
