Psycholopedia - 心理学史

心理学史 History of Psychology

ホール(Hall,G.S.)はアメリカ心理学会(APA)を設立し、初代会長を務める。彼は心理学領域における重要な雑誌であるAmerican Journal of Psychology(1887)とJournal of Applied Psychology(1917)を後に創始する。
心理学の初期の学派である機能主義は、心の中身よりもその活動や機能に注目する。最も著名なアメリカの提唱者はジェームズ(James,W.)とデューイ(Dewey,J.)で、彼らの論文“The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology”(1896年)は機能主義を進める。
構成主義の主唱者であるティチェナー(Titchener,E.B.)が“An Outline of Psychology”を出版する。構成主義は全ての心的体験は単純な要素や出来事の組合せとして理解されることができるという考え方である。このアプローチは機能主義と対照的に、心の内容に注目する。
1900The Interpretation of Dreams(夢解釈)
ジークムント・フロイトが“The Interpretation of Dreams”の中で精神分析学の理論を紹介する。24冊の本の初めの方で、フロイトは無意識、自由連想法の技法、人間の心理における原動力としてのセクシャリティといったトピックの探求を書いたものだった。
1901The Manual of Experimental Psychology(実験心理学のマニュアル)
With publication of the Manual of Experimental Psychology, Edward Bradford Titchener introduces structuralism to the United States. Structuralism, an approach which seeks to identify the basic elements of consciousness, fades after Titchener's death in 1927.
Mary Calkins is elected president of the APA. Calkins, a professor and researcher at Wellesley College, studied with William James at Harvard University, but Harvard denied her a Ph.D. because of her gender.
1908A Mind That Found Itself(わが魂にあうまで)
Clifford Beers publishes A Mind That Found Itself, detailing his experiences as a patient in 19th-century mental asylums. Calling for more humane treatment of patients and better education about mental illness for the general population, the book inspires the mental hygiene movement in the United States.
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung visit the United States for a Psychoanalysis Symposium at Clark University organized by G. Stanley Hall. At the symposium, Freud gives his only speech in the United States.
ジョン・ワトソン(Watson,J.B.)が“Psychology as Behavior”を出版し、行動主義の始まりとなった。精神分析学とは対照的に、行動主義は観察でき、測定できる行動に注目する。
1917Army intelligence tests implemented
Standardized intelligence and aptitude tests are administered to two million U. S. soldiers during WWI. Soon after, such tests are used in all U.S. armed forces branches and in many areas of civilian life, including academic and work settings.
Francis Cecil Sumner earns a Ph.D. in psychology under G. Stanley Hall at Clark University. Sumner later serves as chair of the Howard University psychology department.
The Childs Conception of the World
Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget publishes The Child's Conception of the World, prompting the study of cognition in the developing child.
1925Menninger Clinic founded
Charles Frederick Menninger and his sons Karl Augustus and William Clair found The Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas. They take a compassionate approach to the treatment of mental illness, emphasizing both psychological and psychiatric disciplines.
1927Menninger Clinic founded
First Nobel Prize for psychological research
After the Nazi party gains control of the government in Germany, scholars and researchers in psychology and psychiatry are persecuted. Many, including Freud, whose books are banned and burned in public rallies, move to Britain or the United States.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is founded by Bob Smith of Akron, Ohio. AA's group meetings format and 12-step program become the model for many other mutual-support therapeutic groups.
クルト・コフカ(Koffka,K.)は1935年に“Principles of Gestalt Psychology”(ゲシュタルト心理学の原理)を出版する。ゲシュタルト(ドイツ語で“全体”や“本質”)心理学は、心理現象は個々の要素としてではなく、渾然たる一体として考えられるべきであると主張する。
Walter Freeman performs first frontal lobotomy in the United States at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. By 1951, more than 18,000 such operations have been performed. The procedure, intended to relieve severe and debilitating psychosis, is controversial.
1937The Neurotic Personality of Our Time(現代の神経症的人格)
Psychologist Karen Horney publishes The Neurotic Personality of Our Time. Horney goes on to challenge many of Freud's theories, as have many later psychologists and scholars. Specifically, she questions Freud's theories on the Oedipal Complex and castration anxiety.
1938The Behavior of Organisms
スキナー(Skinner,B.F.)が、“The Behavior of Organisms”を出版し、オペラント条件づけの概念を紹介する。これにより、行動主義への広い注目を集め、条件づけの実験研究を鼓舞する。
Italian psychiatrist and neuropathologist Ugo Cerletti and his associates treat human patients with electrical shocks to alleviate schizophrenia and psychosis. ECT, while controversial, is proven effective in some cases and is still in use in 2001.
1946The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Children
アンナ・フロイト?(Freud,A.)は“The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Children”を出版し、子どもの精神分析の理論と実践における基本的な概念を紹介する。
National Mental Health Act Passed
U.S. President Harry Truman signs the National Mental Health Act, providing generous funding for psychiatric education and research for the first time in U.S. history. This act leads to the creation in 1949 of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
Studies are published reporting that the drug imipramine may be able to lessen depression. Eight years later, the FDA approves its use in the United States under the name Tofranil.
The anti-psychotic drug chlorpromazine (known as Thorazine) is tested on a patient in a Paris military hospital. Approved for use in the United States in 1954, it becomes widely prescribed.
The American Psychological Association publishes the first edition of Ethical Standards of Psychologists. The document undergoes continuous review and is now known as APA's Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.
1954Epilepsy and the Functional Anatomy...
In Epilepsy and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain, neurosurgeon Wilder G. Penfield publishes results from his study of the neurology of epilepsy. His mapping of the brain's cortex sets a precedent for the brain-imaging techniques that become critical to biopsychology and cognitive neuroscience.
The Nature of Prejudice(偏見の心理)
Social Psychologist Gordon Allport publishes The Nature of Prejudice, which draws on various approaches in psychology to examine prejudice through different lenses. It is widely read by the general public and influential in establishing psychology's usefulness in understanding social issues.
In his studies of epilepsy, neuroscientist Wilder G. Penfield begins to uncover the relationship between chemical activity in the brain and psychological phenomena. His findings set the stage for widespread research on the biological role in psychological phenomena.
The development of psychoactive drugs in the 1950s and their approval by the FDA initiates a new form of treatment for mental illness. Among the first such drugs is Doriden, also known as Rorer, an anti-anxiety medication approved in 1954.
精神分析学と行動主義に続いて、人間性心理学(ヒューマニスティック心理学)が心理学の第三勢力として浮上する。カール・ロジャーズ(Rogers,C.R.)やアブラハム・マズロー(Maslow,A.)を筆頭として、1954年に“Motivation and Personality”を出版し、このアプローチは意識、自由意志、人間としての尊厳、自己実現の能力に重点を置く。
数学や他の分野の研究に刺激され、心理学者たちは認知状態や認知過程に注目し始める。ジョージ・ミラー(Miller,G.A.)の1956年の論文である、“The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two”(マジカルナンバー7±2)は、情報処理過程における認知的アプローチの初期の応用である。
1957Syntactic Structures
Noam Chomsky publishes Syntactic Structures, marking a major advancement in the study of linguistics. The book helps spawn the field of psycholinguistics, the psychology of language.
1960FDA approves Librium
The FDA approves the use of chlordiazepoxide (known as Librium) for treatment of non-psychotic anxiety in 1960. A similar drug, diazepam (Valium), is approved in 1963.
1963Community Mental Health Centers Act passed
U.S. President John F. Kennedy calls for and later signs the Community Mental Health Centers Act, which mandates the construction of community facilities instead of large, regional mental hospitals. Congress ends support for the program in 1981, reducing overall funds and folding them into a mental health block-grant program.
1964First National Medal of Science to psychologist
Neal E. Miller receives the National Medal of Science, the highest scientific honor given in the United States, for his studies of motivation and learning. He is the first psychologist to be awarded this honor.
1964FDA approves Lithium
The FDA approves lithium carbonate to treat patients with bipolar mood disorders. It is marketed under the trade names Eskalith, Lithonate, and Lithane.
After intense debate, the American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The widely used reference manual is revised to state that sexual orientation "does not necessarily constitute a psychiatric disorder."
1974PET scanner tested
A new brain scanning technique, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), is tested. By tracing chemical markers, PET maps brain function in more detail than earlier techniques.
リチャード・ドーキンス(Dawkins,R.)の“The Selfish Gene”(利己的な遺伝子)が進化心理学の考え方を広め始める。このアプローチは原理を進化生物学からヒトの脳の構造や機能まで応用する。それは、攻撃や性行動といった社会現象の新しい見方を提案する。
The Selfish Gene(利己的な遺伝子)
Richard Dawkins publishes The Selfish Gene, a work which shifts focus from the individual animal as the unit of evolution to individual genes themselves. The text popularizes the field of evolutionary psychology, in which knowledge and principles from evolutionary biology are applied in research on human brain structure.
1979Standardized IQ tests found discriminatory
The U.S. District Court finds the use of standardized IQ tests in California public schools illegal. The decision in the case, Larry P. v. Wilson Riles, upholds the plaintiff's position that the tests discriminate against African American students.
1981AIDS and HIV first diagnosed
The epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection presents mental health professionals with challenges ranging from at-risk patients' anxiety and depression to AIDS-related dementia.
1984Insanity Defense Reform Act passed
U.S. Congress revises federal law on the insanity defense, partly in response to the acquittal of John Hinckley, Jr. of charges of attempted assassination after he had shot President Ronald Reagan. The act places burden of proof for the insanity defense on the defendant.
1987Homeless Assistance Act passed
The Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act provides the first federal funds allocated specifically for the homeless population. The act includes provisions for mental health services, and responds, in part, to psychological studies on homelessness and mental disorders.
Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft made available
The FDA approves the new anti-depressant medication fluoxetine, (Prozac). The drug, and other similar medications, acts on neurotransmitters, specifically, serotonin. It is widely prescribed and attracts attention and debate.
“Acts of Meaning”(意味の復権)の(心と文化についての4つの講義)の中で、ブルーナー(Bruner,J.S.)は、文化心理学は哲学、言語学、人類学に基づくアプローチであると明確にする。マーカス(Markus,H.)やその他の研究者により洗練・展開され、文化心理学は心と文化的コミュニティと行動の間の影響や関係に注目する。
Sixteen public research institutions around the world complete a "working draft" mapping of the human genetic code, providing a research basis for a new understanding of human development and disease. A similar, privately funded, project is currently underway.
The latest revision of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published in a version for personal digital assistants (PDAs). The manual, first published in 1954, outlines prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders. Only 132 pages on first printing, in 2000 it was 980 pages
出典:Discovering Psychology:History of Psychology <>