Galactic deflection¡¡¡¡Goes to trickle flowed from right to left

Another fairly long time
Galactic deflection¡¡¡¡Goes to trickle flowed from right to left
Current is a deflection¡¡¡¡Goes to trickle flowed from left to right

Poems on
Clear glass canvas
Starting from the seaside city of strangers
30 billion years of silence to open¡¡¡¡The three-sided mirror Neglected¡¡Galactic horizon reflected on the rippling waves

You bonfire kindling was
Pale or iridescent
Wearing the body of the plasma emitting the tentacles
In the crystal ball
Longing to past travelers who occasionally goes tentacles
Blinking eyes the moon
Current blinking goes to the galaxy surface

had too many things flowed
Drowning habit of looking to change the canvas rippling waves half-transparent

Hemispherical bulging
Been launched on the beach¡¡¡¡And wobbling or Puntapun
Is reflected in every single drop of water rippling sealed
Sometimes¡¡¡¡Glimpse that gently

Distant Memories¡¡¡¡Memory and close¡¡¡¡rippling waves hit
And sand¡¡¡¡Rippling back and forth the boundaries of the glass
Black outline of a transparent jellyfish melted
Crosses and small fish
The remainder of the tentacles lengthen and joy
You and me¡¡¡¡Your My Your¡¡¡¡Indistinguishable
Sure¡¡¡¡While exploring the drawer and pocket
Small fish has gone

Was launched because it had too many things
Changed to a half-length canvas transparent jellyfish
Tilts her head habit

Slept with the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy ¡ÊÀé¼ê´ÑÀ¤²»Ê¡Ëat the feet of asura¡Ê°¤½¤Íå¡Ë
Another fairly long time¡¡¡¡Wherever lie flora
Galactic Mandala¡ÊÒØè¸Íå¡Ë

Another fairly long time
Galactic deflection¡¡¡¡Goes to trickle flowed from right to left
Current is a deflection¡¡¡¡Goes to trickle flowed from left to right

The Easel
Dasa was reflected in a corner of the mirror¡¡¡¡Flora of easel
In The Mirror¡¡¡¡Chiru Chiru¡¡SariSari ( flicker murmur )¡¡¡¡Plum blossoms flutter algae
Plexus followed by a glass wall
Bonfire is a reflection upside down¡¡¡¡Repeatedly reflected light of the moon

Notes on white¡¡¡¡The Seven Star Ladybug Resting their wings folded¡¡¡¡A sparrow fell from a nest of chicks¡¡¡¡The crows fly away mouth¡¡¡¡The rolling stones hurled Caracalla¡¡¡¡The neck injury is to reach the wire¡¡¡¡Parent noisy sparrows disappear from somewhere¡¡¡¡to fall silent¡¡¡¡Someday¡¡¡¡Shadow of buildings such as this tomb¡¡¡¡The more it hurts¡¡Think fondly

Too many things is reflected in ¡¡It disappeared
Change the sound of fluttering half apricot algae
Whisper of the Heart habit


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