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Country Japan 天気の子

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&ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzE4ZDEzOGUtYWFjNC00ODczLTljOGQtZGNjNzhjNjdjNjgzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzE5ODMwNzI@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg); Star: Sei Hiraizumi; tomatometer: 8,1 of 10; genres: Fantasy, Animation; 2019; Makoto Shinkai. Watch movie e5 a4 a9 e6 b0 97%e3 81%ae e5 ad 90 x.

Watch movie e5 a4 a9 e6 b0 97%e3 81%ae e5 ad 90 plus

Watch movie e5 a4 a9 e6 b0 97%e3 81%ae e5 ad 90 10. Watch Movie ç??ç?¸a.e.f. The animation of this film is nothing short of amazing. Makoto Shinkai has proven himself again that he can produce the best animation in the industry. Aside of Ghibli (that currently producing the last Hayao Miyazaki film) only Studio Chizu (Mamoru Hosoda directed film) in my mind that can produce such high quality animation. Studio Ponoc is another notable studio that can produce Ghibli-esque animation, but their former-Ghibli director, Hiromasa Yonebayashi, still wasn't able to direct a hit since his time on Ghibli with Arrietty.
Tokyo scenery has been a staple in Shinkai works, but this time, he made it rains, every single day. A high quality rain drops and water animation is then inevitable, which Shinkai deliver really well. This is a quality as good, if not better, than Ghibli's Ponyo. Every single drop of water is amazing to look at. Background animation is still as amazing as ever with Shinkai, but since his last hit, Your Name, his character animation is also now as good. I still enjoyed Ghibli and Mamoru Hosoda character better though, but Shinkai's are very close behind now. The signature of Shinkai works are the emotion, the heavy emotion like being afraid of losing someone, is still here. But unlike Your Name, there isn't such a mindblowing twist happening, so don't expect one. Still, the build up and the climax is pretty much great. For me, Shinkai really excel at making realistic story, but not as good at making fantasy. When the last time he made fully fantasy film (Children Who Chase Lost Voices) I found it to be lackluster. However, Shinkai found the perfect formula with Your Name, still realistic but with a bit of fantasy mixed-in. It's evident that Shinkai want to repeat the same formula here, but this time the fantasy part is even a bit heavier. This, ultimately, became the weaker part of the film. The fantasy part of Weathering with You take a center part of the story, but unfortunately it's also not explained that well. All we know is a bit of urban story, from fortune teller and old people, which other people take as a joke. By the end of the film, it's still pretty much a mystery and we still don't know much about it, why it happens, what is the watery things and more. The film really only focus on the interaction between the two protagonist, it's always the Shinkai strength here, no doubt, but when the mystery is also this important, I feel that part isn't concluded well. I still very much enjoy Weathering with You though. This isn't better than Your Name, it's actually weaker, but still really good. I ended up watching this twice now, and surprisingly I was able to enjoy it as much the second time around, the funny part still get me to smile and I still feel the emotion of the character. Also it's quite fun to see a fully filled theatre for anime film. Besides of festival or special screening, this is a rare sight for anime film and I'm glad this film got the recognition it deserved. Another fun fact is that this film was set in the same universe as Your Name, with Taki and Mitsuha both appeared as cameo. So maybe the biggest question is now, will we see a Makoto Shinkai universe going forward? If that is the plan, we might finally be able to see why such weird events keep happening in this universe and I'd love to see it.
&ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTg4NzY5ODE0OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODc3NDYyMQ@@._V1_UY1200_CR91,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg) Watch movie e5 a4 a9 e6 b0 97 e3 81 ae e5 ad 90 karaoke. Watch Movie åæ?à la personne.

Watch movie e7 88%86 e7 82%b8 e6 96%b0 e9 97%bb review. Very similar with your name, they share the same aspect some romance, growing up as an adult, ecology.
if you like your name you will like this one too. But i hope the next will be a little bit more original. Watch Movie ç??ç?¸æ?e r. YouTube. Watch movie e5 a4 a9 e6 b0 97%e3 81%ae e5 ad 90 form. Weathering with you is an awesome movie but, it cannot beat "your name" An extraordinary story. Who would have thought some one can write like this... Hoping a good another film.
&ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTI0MTkzNDU0NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTQzMjYyMQ@@._V1_UY1200_CR40,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg) Watch movie e7 88%86 e7 82%b8 e6 96%b0 e9 97%bb 3. Watch movie e5 a4 a9 e6 b0 97 e3 81 ae e5 ad 90 review. Watch movie e5 a4 a9 e6 b0 97 e3 81 ae e5 ad 90 e.
Watch Movie ç??ç?¸a.e.m.o. INTRODUCTION 今や、世界的に注目されるアニメーション監督・新海誠。 叙情的な男女の物語を、美しい色彩と繊細な言葉で紡ぎ出す“ 新海ワールド” は、 国内外問わず多くの人々に支持され、生み出された作品は高く評価されてきた。 そして、前作『君の名は。』から3年― 待望の最新作が、ついに始動する。 新作『天気の子』は、天候の調和が狂っていく時代に、運命に翻弄される少年と少女が自らの生き方を「選択」するストーリー。 東京にやってきた家出少年・帆高が出会った、不思議な力を持つ少女・陽菜。ふたりの恋の物語は、美しく、切なく、新たな時代を迎えるあらゆる世代、そして全世界へのメッセージとして描かれる。 声の出演として、主人公・帆高に醍醐虎汰朗、ヒロイン・陽菜に森七菜が決定。2000人を超えるオーディションの中から選ばれた二人の声に大きな注目が集まる。更には、本田翼、倍賞千恵子、小栗旬ら、まさに豪華キャスティングが実現。 そして、主題歌「愛にできることはまだあるかい」を始め、劇中全ての音楽を担当するのはRADWIMPS。今作での新たなチャレンジとして、心の機微を神秘的に歌い上げるアーティスト・三浦透子をボーカルに迎え、複数の楽曲を制作。共に紡がれた、その“詩”は、新海ワールドに、より大きな感動をもたらした。 STORY 「あの光の中に、行ってみたかった」 高1の夏。離島から家出し、東京にやってきた帆高。 しかし生活はすぐに困窮し、孤独な日々の果てにようやく見つけた仕事は、 怪しげなオカルト雑誌のライター業だった。 彼のこれからを示唆するかのように、連日降り続ける雨。 そんな中、雑踏ひしめく都会の片隅で、帆高は一人の少女に出会う。 ある事情を抱え、弟とふたりで明るくたくましく暮らすその少女・陽菜。 彼女には、不思議な能力があった。.

Watch movie e7 88 86 e7 82 b8 e6 96 b0 e9 97 bb karaoke









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