Spider-Man: Far from Home DVD5 Without Sign Up HDTV Streaming

Directors: Jon Watts runtime: 2 H 9m &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMGZlNTY1ZWUtYTMzNC00ZjUyLWE0MjQtMTMxN2E3ODYxMWVmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDM2NDM2MQ@@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) User Ratings: 8,3 / 10 USA Sci-Fi

One of the funniest movies for the whole MCU, it reminds me of the IRON MAN movies, however i loved how they didn't forget about TONY STARK.
Very good movie as expected after AVENGERS: ENDGAME.

For the most part, I can say I enjoyed this movie quite a bit, even though I knew pretty well what was going to happen. I knew it was going to be a lot of CGI and action, and what I was treated to in that category was very high quality and exciting. Jake Gyllenhal made for a formidable and utterly dastardly villain for the charming Holland. My complaint in this movie was Zendaya. No, it's not because of her race. I couldn't care less about that because I honestly think it's neat that they're trying to do something new with the characters (Ned is also a great example. My complaint with Zendaya's MJ is that she isn't MJ. They wrote her simply just to be an angsty, brooding, I'm so weird and quirky about my weirdness but also sarcastic but also cute and independent" type girl that it just came across as really pretentious and honestly stupid. MJ is the popular and preppy girl who's pretty normal but also sassy and independent. I agree that Kirsten Dunst was no better because she was literally always screaming and freaking out like a 12 year old, but is there no grey area with this character? Hate me all you want but that annoyed me.
I am amazed why was this a hit. Maybe people watched it because of endgame. Bit the movie itself was just bad. Wasn't expecting something so crappy. Going through this movie, i realized how much it resembled the comics i used to purchase when i was a kid, not only spidey fighting a villain or two but also focusing on fillers and his love life, this movie brought back those comics to life, with great chemistry and romance between tom holland(peter parker) and zendaya(mj) that fulfills the purpose of the first one.
A pretty solid movie for spider-man this year, exceeds homecoming as well, full of emotions and humor, great casting and plot. Gyllenhaal explores a good,smart,crazy bad guy which shows his potential once again.









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