Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood 5Movies

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Once upon a time... in hollywood watch free live. I'm going to be straight up; this movie was everything I expected. I highly enjoyed the slow burn to the character development & plot telling. I knew this movie was going to be on a whole different level to Tarantino's usual standard film making / directing. I personally loved the dry humour and wittiness that shone through the 2 hour & 41 min running time. Brad Pitt as Cliff Booth stole it for me, I was massively impressed as I haven't seen him characterise a person so well in a long time; It almost seemed effortless to him, as if he breezed through it quite naturally. As for Leonardo DiCaprio, he did not disappoint. I did not expect anything less. His character, Rick Dalton, actually had me in stitches. I believe he gave the audience exactly what they needed to see; his character was so wallowed in self pity you couldn't help but laugh at him. I took great pleasure in the different stages of this movie too. It was refreshing to thoroughly get to know the characters on screen before Tarantino took it to his level of madness & chaoticness. In my opinion, you have to really appreciate the direction of this film & have a great involvement with its visionary & cinematography; If you wanna have a trip to the '60s then this movie can definitely transport you there. What I realised about this production is that you need to be able to sympathise & have that likability to a character to be able to take on the full advantage of what this film gives off. There are so many scenes that I look back on that made me chuckle. Also, I would like to mention that even if Margot Robbie didn't get as much screen time as portraying the gorgeous but unfortunate Sharon Tate, I think it worked very well, as the movie wasn't about her, but yet, it was her era and I liked how Tarantino slotted her into someone else's story, gave us a look in on her golden year. even gave her the send off she deserved at the end of the movie.
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