?Full Length? Watch Movie Kaguyahime no monogatari

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Writed by: Riko Sakaguchi, Isao Takahata director: Isao Takahata 30784 Votes &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTcwODI0MzEwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjkyNTEwMTE@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) summary: Found inside a shining stalk of bamboo by an old bamboo cutter and his wife, a tiny girl grows rapidly into an exquisite young lady. The mysterious young princess enthralls all who encounter her, but ultimately she must confront her fate, the punishment for her crime countries: Japan.
Kaguya hime no monogatari running. Kaguya hime no monogatari ??????. Kaguya-hime no monogatari watch online. Kaguya hime no monogatari review. Kaguya hime no monogatari song lyrics. I like Japanese folk tales because of their simplicity and unique wisdom. It also gives me the opportunity to imagine impressive landscapes in rural and premodern Japan. 'The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter' is one of those really old folk tales, which dates back in the 10th century. So even before watching Takahata's 'The Tale of The Princess Kaguya' I think I will most probably like the film too because it was adapted from a folk tale. Well, it turned out to be one of the artistically unusual animated films that I have ever seen.
First impression was it felt like an old Japanese painting that came to life, but then later on, it felt like a dream rather than a painting. It was that good, and it mainly succeeds as a cultural film. This is a must-see for animation and Japanese folk tale enthusiasts. Most of the time, the pacing was at cruise speed, which allowed the environment to breath. We see beautiful landscapes done in watercolor and simple strokes, and generally, they looked more like an artist's sketch in a good way. These were accompanied by the relaxing sounds of nature, and the outcome has effectively immersed the viewer into its dreamy scenes. The experience was made even better because of its notable music. Combine these with its topnotch voice talent (Japanese version) and well-written dialogue arguably results to one of the most remarkable films in the animation genre. Although the theme is rather familiar, the film has given not just a good story to tell but a memorable experience. It is mainly about the search for happiness, and it has allusions to religious teachings about the person's earthly life, where there are sufferings and impurities, and the afterlife in heaven, where there are only peace and happiness. In fact if this theme is told in a motion picture, the result will most probably be just so-so. In this way, the film has achieved a remarkable feat and has ended it memorably with delightful tunes and scenes that elicit reflection on our life in this world. There was a certain facet, where the film didn't quite hit its target though. This was during the scenes where the emotions should have been powerful, but since you don't really have a good clue on what the character was talking about, these scenes rather felt a little bit awkward. Perhaps, the other world, where the princess came from, was not developed well at that point. This issue is easy to set aside though because the overall viewing experience has been great already. As a person who have some inclination towards instrumental music, it was not hard to notice the impressive music that Joe Hisaishi has composed in this film. This is arguably one of his best works among the Studio Ghibli films that I have seen. In the case of Isao Takahata's directing achievement, this is comparable to his solid work in the 'Grave of the Fireflies' perhaps even matched it. Nonetheless, this film is indeed a fitting finale for his career in the animation industry, and this is one of the films that he will be remembered best.
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Kaguyahime no monogatari movie. Kaguya hime no monogatari watch online. Kaguya hime no monogatari koto. Kaguya hime no monogatari sub indo. Kaguyahime no monogatari french. Kaguyahime no monogatari cda. Recently I watched Kaguyahime no monogatari. I personally think it was an awesome movie and it made my inner Pre-modern literature enthusiast fangirl all over the cinema. There was a minor addition to the original story, however, that I first considered a bit uncalled for. It's not that it was bad or that it took anything from the plot, but it seemed unnecessary. It's actually taken me a little while to understand that there was a reason for it that is not very apparent unless the viewers are familiarised with Japanese folktales. If it makes the movie better or worse, is a matter of personal opinion. Spoilers for a roughly 1000 year-old story follow. Kayuga has passed her life in Earth with her adoptive parents and has just revealed that she belongs, in fact, to the people of the moon, who are coming to take her back. She tells them that, when she was there, she had heard a woman singing a song, pining for Earth and the loved ones she left there; and that's one of the reasons why she wanted to know life as a human. In a brief flashback, we see the woman flying away from the seashore, while two male figures (a man and a child) look up, near a pine. It might seem that this scene has little to do with the main story, but it's actually trying to tie Kaguyahime's motivations to another traditional Japanese figure; providing a background for her visit to Earth within the folkloric "canon". This scene is a reference to Hagoromo, a noh play derived from an earlier tale, where a fisherman meets a Celestial Maiden whose feathered robe he steals. Although in the noh play he agrees to give it back after the Maiden dances for him, in previous versions, she is forced to remain with him as a wife and bear him a child, before she one day finds the robe that would let her return to Heaven. The husband is left behind, lamenting her disappearance. It is not hard to link the robe in this tale/play to the one Kaguyahime is forced to wear when she leaves her family. The two figures that appear by the sea, I believe, are precisely this fisherman and his son, and the pine recalls the one appearing in the noh play, where the Maiden had laid her magical clothes before the man takes them away from her. Not only that, if we consider the robe in the movie the same as this one, the reason the Celestial Maiden could return to Heaven once she found it was not that it let her fly back; it's actually that she would not care about the people she had grown to love anymore. I think it's an interesting way of putting two of the more iconic Celestial ladies of Japanese folklore not only in the same world, but also in the same timeline. This also helps to identify Kaguyahime's moon with actual Heaven, as the design of the final procession seems to emphasise. That's it. I just thought it was very cool. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, I recommend it!
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Published by: Малиновый Снежок
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