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tomatometer - 7,3 / 10 star
directed by - Peter Cattaneo
Inspired by global phenomenon of military wives choirs, the story celebrates a band of misfit women who form a choir on a military base. As unexpected bonds of friendship flourish, music and laughter transform their lives, helping each other to overcome their fears for loved ones in combat
1 Hours 52 minutes
Liked It - 983 Votes

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當一群軍人們前往阿富汗駐紮時,他們的伴侶聚集在一起,組成第一批「軍妻合唱團」,在生活最艱難的時刻互相鼓勵,引發國際媒體關注。 一個鼓舞人心的故事,講述了友誼、愛與支持。 當一群軍人們前往阿富汗駐紮時,他們的伴侶聚集在一起,組成第一批「軍妻合唱團」,在生活最艱難的時刻互相鼓勵、互相幫助,並因此引發國際媒體關注,甚至是全球性的響應運動。 她們用歌聲感動全世界,讓大家唱出最美麗的聲音 一群軍人前往阿富汗駐軍,凱特(克莉斯汀史考特湯瑪斯飾演)與麗莎(雪倫霍根飾演)身為高級軍官的妻子,同時也經營起「軍妻?樂部」。兩人雖是認識多年的好友,卻又因為彼此過度強勢,常常在眾人面前一言不合,加上其他軍妻們又將心思放在遠方的丈夫身上,讓整個?樂部宛如一盤散沙。某天,有人提議組成合唱團,甚至打算在重要的紀念典禮上演唱…。究竟這群從來沒有練過歌唱,甚至連上台都會怯場的女性,如何在短時間?克服心理障礙,勇敢站上大舞台,唱出自己最美麗的歌聲?甚至還吸引國際媒體關注,引發全球性的響應運動呢?. Military wives choir royal albert hall 2014. Military wives support group. Military wives release date. Military wives choir film. Military wives trailer. Military wives cinema.
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Military wives home thoughts from abroad

Attended the world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on Friday. Honestly one of top 10 best films I've ever seen. Perfect mix of pathos (not sure I've ever cried more in a film ?) laugh out loud humour and great music. Military wireshark. Inspired by true events this film is truly uplifting, funny and sad, a true must see. Military wives choir america's got talent. Military wives decemberists. Military wives choir sing. Sharon and Kirsten are superb. It's a moving story of friendship under pressure of military life, war and pain, with a lovely musical backing track.
Funny, witty, poignant and for me very emotional. I definitely would ??.
Military wives support. Military wives choir movie. Military wives cast. Military Wives was just absolutely brilliant. From the moment it started to the rolling credits, I did not move, I was 100% enthralled with the characters and the relationships they had. I cried many many times throughout, found bits heartbreaking, but still I came away feeling lighter with a warm glow inside.
I laughed, I cried and I cried some more. The last film I saw that was that moving, was Kramer vs Kramer. I loved it. Military Wives is as formulaic as movies go, regardless the film is surprisingly good and it uses the formula really well. However it never aspires to be anything else preventing it from becoming a classic amongst the genre. I haven't been familiar with the true story but from the start, you just know where it is all gonna go. It still works well but nothing is a surprise because of that. It still has some great moments and a fair amount of heart It is seriously enjoyable and it is a likeable movie with a great cast. Kristen Scott Thomas and Sharon Horgan are great here. I'm sure there are many people who will like this film. I just can't see that much greatness in it. It's formulaic and does it's best to be a lovely and charming film but it does it in such a manipulative way, and I hate it when films do that. It is still worth watching though.
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