Free Burma Rangers ∬yesmovies

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  • Runtime=105 minutes
  • resume=The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry
  • &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg)
  • Creator=Brent Gudgel

??? ?????????? ??? ???? ??????? ?????????????. Charity Name: Free the Oppressed dba Free Burma Rangers Transcript: 0:00-0:01 [Opening title slide reads “Free Burma Rangers, Free the Oppressed”] 0:01-0:03 [Sounds of war are heard while footage of explosions and tanks in Mosul, Iraq, plays. Intense instrumental music begins and continues throughout the video. ] 0:03-0:18 [As Dave talks, footage plays of Dave and the team in Mosul, Iraq. They are seen running behind a tank on the demolished streets. The scene flashes back to Dave in the jungle in Burma, which is where his audio clip was recorded. The scene returns to Mosul. Dave runs out from behind a tank to rescue a little girl who was seen hiding among dead bodies. Two male teammates provide cover for him. Rapid gunfire is heard and intense music plays in the background. ] Dave Eubank: There’s no promise of justice on this world. There’s no promise of a safe way out. In fact, we’re all going to die. And so the question is, how are we going to live? 0:18-0:25 [Footage of families crawling out of their hiding places in the walls of buildings is shown. Dave is seen helping pass an infant out of the hiding place. ] Mixed news reporter voices: The small band of volunteers…risking their lives…to help victims that are caught on the frontlines of the War on Terror… 0:26 [Text slide says “A former special forces officer, ” describing Dave Eubank] 0:26-0:37 [Dave is seen speaking directly to the camera. Then he is seen running in bombed-out Mosul. The team carries a body from the rubble. The video flashes back to the Eubank family traveling by boat in Myanmar. Then it returns to Mosul, looking past Dave’s shoulder from within a Humvee. ] Dave Eubank: We’re in ISIS territory, surrounded by them. Where is my role? I want to be where I’m most needed and I feel that’s where people are being attacked or they’re in trouble. 0:37-0:38 [Text slide says “His young family”] 0:38-0:43 [Instrumental music plays over footage of Karen Eubank with daughter Sahale as an infant. They are in a tent. Then footage plays of a young Sahale riding a horse in the Burmese jungles. Next, Karen and the family are seen skydiving. ] Karen Eubank: As a mom, I used to call my vocation fear management. 0:43 [A clip is shown of Victor Marx and Dave Eubank showing how to disarm someone who points a gun at you. ] 0:43-0:47 [Footage of the Eubank family exploring canyons, mountain climbing, rappelling, plays while Karen speaks. The scene changes to her speaking directly to the camera. ] Karen Eubank: I feel God saying, as crazy as it seems, “This is the path I have for you. ” 0:47 [Karen is seen crossing a bamboo bridge with ethnic people in Karen State, Myanmar. She is carrying a large hiking pack] 0:48-0:49 [Text slide says “following a call”] 0:49-0:51 [The Eubank family is seen sitting around a campfire in Myanmar. Sahale and Suu are holding their pet monkeys while Karen sets up their living space in the background. All the kids are singing. ] 0:51-0:53 [As Dave speaks, Rangers are seen carrying a sick man in a hammock attached to a bamboo pole. Close-ups of Rangers’ faces are shown. Dave is seen leading a team hiking through the jungle. ] Dave Eubank: Lord, should I do something? Can I do something? I just felt “go! ” 0:54 [Text slide says “to bring love into war”] 0:55-0:58 [Dave is seen running behind a tank in Mosul on his way to rescue the little girl from the opening scenes. ] Dave Eubank: Evil will not triumph. 0:59-1:00 [Text slide says “. The intense music from the beginning of the video fades out. ].
I understand why these people are doing what they are doing, but to me it just seems odd why this fella brought his kids to a country which is in almost constant conflict. Read between the lines. NIS First Settlement El-Tagammoe El-Awwal, Extension of Zaker Hussein st., Beside the Police Academy ? Cairo. Tel: 01002255907 NIS Nasr City Mostafa el-Nahhas st., District11, Area 15-16, Nasr City ? Cairo. Tel: 01145599992 ? 01099918582 NIS Sherouk City El-Sherouk City Road, In front of Nanida, El Sherouk City, New Cairo. Tel: 01065559407 ? 01116666574 NIS Porto Said Porto Said, Porsaid. Tel: 01065559407 ? 01116666574 - 01002255907 NIS New Capital New Capital, R2, Cairo. Tel:. David Eubank and his family are the real deal. There is nothing fake or disingenuous about them. Their love for God and the zeal in which they follow the guiding of the Holy Spirit are matched by only a few in this life.
I want cry for hims... thanks from Viet Nam. Ich habe mich für den Tipp mit This is a tip of words to what country I am Love from ger,Phil, rus. Brilliant. ???????????????? ????????? ????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????? ????????????? ??????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????? ??????? ??????????? ?????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????? ??????????????? ?? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????. God Bless You All. Thank you, dear David, for the wise words. Truth and Love, the most important things for living together. I pray for you all. My heart is with the Kurdish people.
WatCh Free Burma Rangers FUlL Movie Online STreAmiNg FreE Free Burma Rangers On the website #FreeBurma`Fo&u"nd`o'n`th`e. website. So powerful and inspiring. David Eubank is one brave selfless Man May Jesus bless him. Holy freaking hell. To think children are ‘growing up in this. Let alone adults trying to live through / with this. So so deeply sad. Huge respect to David, his family, the FBR and every person that works in such places to bring humanity and humanitarian service ?. Will done sir. Yes, he shouldn't have taken his children because ISIS would have converted them or killed them if captured. Buy Tickets Find Theatres + Movie Times Find a Movie: Free Burma Rangers is a documentary film exploring the extraordinary 20-year journey of missionaries Dave and Karen Eubank. The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Dave Eubank is a rare hero of the faith. He is a former U. S. Special Forces soldier turned missionary to conflict zones. The film is a real-life adventure movie. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. In the midst of this unprecedented journey, you will witness amazing lessons of faith from one of the most inspiring families in the world - Feb 24 & 25 only. Details Documentary 1 hr. 45 min. Opened February, 24th 2020 Cast Dave Eubank, Karen Eubank, The Free Burma Rangers Director Brent Gudgel, Chris Sinclair.
God bless you. Free Burma Rangers - Free the Oppressed Free Burma Rangers “LOVE EACH OTHER. UNITE AND WORK FOR FREEDOM, JUSTICE, AND PEACE. FORGIVE AND DON’T HATE EACH OTHER. PRAY WITH FAITH, ACT WITH COURAGE, NEVER SURRENDER. ” The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement working to bring help, hope and love to people in the conflict zones of Burma, Iraq, and Sudan. Working in conjunction with local ethnic pro-democracy groups, FBR trains, supplies, and later coordinates with what become highly mobile multipurpose relief teams. After training these teams provide critical emergency medical care, shelter, food, clothing and human rights documentation in their home regions. Burma Conflict The situation in Burma is as complex as it is long. Over 60 years of civil war have left Burma one of the poorest countries in the world. During this time, successive military dictatorships killed thousands of their own people and displaced millions in resistance areas. The resulting power vacuum has created a situation ripe for drug cultivation, child soldiers, acts of possible genocide, and starvation. In recent years the government of Burma has taken many positive steps, including the election of a civilian government under the National League of Democracy (NLD). However, the Burmese military still retains significant political power, and they have yet to resolve many of the ongoing internal conflicts. With the world focused on the change in government, human rights abuses including rapes, murder, indiscriminate airstrikes, and kidnapping still continue to be reported in areas being attacked and occupied by the Burma Army. 8?March 2020 Dear friends, Thank you for praying all these years for the people of Burma. Your prayers have made a difference: there have been ceasefires, people have been able to move around and travel a little more, and there has been more of a process of shared governance. These are some of the good things that we have seen with our eyes and experienced. However, the military still runs the country of Burma and it is not a true democracy. Over one million Rohingya have been displaced and are not able to come home. In Arakan State this year, heavy fighting displaced over 30, 000 people. In northern Burma, over 100, 000 people remain displaced as fighting continues. In Karen State, the Burma Army repeatedly violates the ceasefire and displacement fluctuates from 1, 000 to 3, 000 with each attack. The people of Burma still need prayer. Ultimately, we hope and pray that people’s hearts would soften, and they would learn to follow the way of love. For me, that love comes from Jesus who has taken the hardness in my heart, my selfishness, and even my desire for revenge, and turned it into love, hope, and reconciliation. That continues to be my prayer ? that love, hope, and reconciliation will grow amongst all people in Burma. Thank you for joining us in that prayer. May God bless you, David Eubank, family and all of CCB Prayer and action beyond borders: Zau-Seng, Kachin medic, videographer, and follower of Jesus, gives his life in Syria Please see for show times and locations.
Thank you for your hard work and sharing! God Bless You. Love this so much ! David is doing an amazing work ! Praying for The Karen People. Thank you from France ??. Amazing. Free Burma Rangers Stream Films en Français Free BurMa Download Full Movie English Full Download… hindi dubbed watch OnLinE. ????????????????????????????????????????????????. God bless you dave.

God bless you guy very much I like white horse ?

Very well said Dave. Hope to see you when you get back to Chiangmai. My prayers are with you, your family, your team, the people there, and the U.S. government and President Trump. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God bless you all. I feel sad when i heard zau seng died. God bless u all. Lucky her family appears to be well off as well.

Author Mark Albano
Info: #TRUMP2020?? #MAGA?? #KAG?? #Q??









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