tool 1.1.1 v Rolling Sky 2

Rolling Sky 2 hack tool

Version 1.1.1 4,7 of 5 stars Version Info For a better gaming experience, we have fixed some bugs 7520 Review language Russian Don’t get me wrong, the overall game is actually better than I expected. The music is really soothing, the concept of the game is genius,and the levels all look amazing. Yet sometimes the game glitches a little, and the next thing I know, I die just by somehow just falling right through the floor. I just hope someday the game experience will be smoother and I won’t be going through the floor if it isn’t intended (most important!) Plus, THE ADDS!!! For about 2 times you fail a level, there’s one add waiting for you. The games actually look like a lot of fun, but they’re just exploding with adds in Rolling Sky 2. The prices for the perks in the game is just ridiculous. You have to spend 6-7 dollars just to CLEAR the adds. I would lower the price to just about 1.99 if I were one of the game developers. Well, in conclusion, the game’s great, just lower the prices for stuff, lower the add spamming, and please fix the glitch I talked about in the beginning of this report. Oh, and one more thing, please add more than 1 level soon, I would love great levels added every month or so. That’s all. I hope this was helpful to those who are about to download the game. Game developers, I hope you would take the time to read this and fix some of the thing I told you about in this report 301,7 megabytes.









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