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Description - Saint Frances is a movie starring Kelly O'Sullivan, Charin Alvarez, and Braden Crothers. After an accidental pregnancy turned abortion, a deadbeat nanny finds an unlikely friendship with the six-year old she's charged with
USA Tomatometer - 8 of 10 release date - 2019
Kelly O'Sullivan

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It pierced through my ears: only a madman puts fire in the hands of children. But finally I have decided to give this speech which will, just like how Lassalle presented the deepest results of historical research in its most comprehensible form with his “ Working’s Man Programme ”, inform you on the most serious results of philosophy. Prove yourself worthy of this trust, German workers. (…) You may, German workers, take a look at nature wherever you want, and you will always and always find the individual, the single being. In the inorganic kingdom no chemist has succeeded to make gold from silver, iron from cupper, and in the organic kingdom you find plants, animals, humans: always and always you encounter individuals. You may also take a look at nature, and find everywhere, that these single beings are not independent, but stand in an intimate interconnection. We cannot exist without air, light, plants and to some extent without weaker animals; the plants can’t without air, light and earth; and every chemical substance impacts and experiences the impact of all other substances: the world is a firm whole of single beings. Finally, you can’t take a look at nature without finding, that every single being, as well as the cosmos, is in a steady, continual, never-ending movement. Wherever you look, you find the flow of becoming. Therefore a witty man once said, that in the world only change is enduring, and nothing else. We hold onto this. We of course only deal with humanity now. The first thing, which we have to say about humanity, is: that it is the sum of all individual humans; that it steadily flows. There is no standstill in this flow of humanity: it flows continually. As I have explained to you in my second speech, the movement of humanity emerges from the movement of all humans. I emphasize “all humans”, for there can be absolutely no exception. Those who rule the great nations, as well as those, who have locked themselves behind monastery walls, exert through their mere existence a determined influence on the course of humanity. I have furthermore set out, how on the whole the course of humanity follows from the cooperation and rivalry of the powerful states, and finally, I determined this course itself, as a necessary, unchangeable, iron path to the empire of the future, the ideal state. Can this course, even if it leads to an excellent good, even if it flows into a good of the highest degree, be a moral one? In no way, German workers! How is this course generated? Look around. You see wise and clowns, murderers and righteous, sadists and empaths, tyrants and philanthropists, rogues and cultivated, austere people and gluttons, voluptuaries and saints, liars and the truthful, with one word: good and evil. From all these collaborative and counteractive elements a result emerges, a diagonal. This diagonal is, precisely because it’s created through the efforts of the good as well as the bad, totally without quality: it has no determined character at all, it is simply a course like the course of a river. Above this course of humanity, which is bloodstained, covered with corpses, full of tears, screams and violence, ? and yet contains also men such as Winkelried, Wilhelm Tell, Huß, Luther, ? there is also as it were at the canopy of the sky, a golden line, or a string of starflowers, and the golden, luminous, radiant, unchanging street covers the streets below of the dark earth completely. The course of humanity, the result of all single efforts of everyone, has exactly the same direction as this simple golden street: the latter is as it were the model, to which the thorny, bloody street of humanity conforms. This splendid, unchanging, golden line high above at the panoply of stars is ? German workers, ? the divine law. As far as this divine law can interest you ? and the practical philosopher may as practical man tell you not more, than you can understand and absorb in your blood, nor may he offer you intellectual food, which you cannot digest, ? as far as this unchanging divine law can interest you, it consists of three pearls, that always string themselves together into a necklace, which makes the eye of the noble drunk, namely of patriotism, righteousness and love of the neighbor. The course of humanity, German works, bears, as I told and explained you, no moral imprint; and this little does the ideal golden line above the course of humanity bear a moral imprint; it is simply a law, an unchanging law. It is the guideline for morality, not morality itself. Morality is something totally different. What it is? It is the compliance of your will, your individual will, with this divine law, the harmony of your will with this divine law, which is exhaustively pronounced in this law. Absorb these words, German workers, with thirsty soul in yourself; burn them into your hearts, for your felicity depends on it. You are this long animals and excluded from the joys of paradise, as long as your will does not comply with the divine law; and the more your will tends towards the direction of the divine will, the more you let your heart overwhelm by the Holy Spirit of this divine law, the deeper you penetrate into the joys of paradise, until you stand in the full immovability of the deepest peace of heart. Your life must be, as I told you, an incessant divine service; your look must always, always be towards the stars of God: towards patriotism, righteousness, and love of the neighbor. When our eyes attach themselves always and always to these flowers of God, when their light fills always and always your spirit, then the divine will will also always become mightier in you, you will find rest for your tired souls. It is a solemn moment for me, it is the most beautiful moment of my life, German workers, now, that it has been granted to me, to grant you the fruit of fifteen years of thinking in the desert of light solitude. My soul rests in deep happiness! You see here, German workers, that it is pure insanity, to preach morality without the threat of punishment and without promise. A human can as little act against his own interest, as water can spontaneously run uphill. The punishment of the genuine, philosophical morality is the wasteland and coldness of the human heart, and its promise is the Kingdom of Heaven, the peace of heart, which already Christ (Luke 17:21) expressed with the words: “See, the Kingdom of Heaven is within of you. ” Whoever has experienced the bliss of this Heavenly Kingdom but a single time through an ethical deed, he does no longer deviate from the divine law, upon which all true happiness relies. True happiness relies not on “stomach and genitals”, i. e. on unbridled hedonism, or put more concretely, not on champagne, treats and women. True happiness relies on the starflowers of God: on patriotism, righteousness and love of the neighbor, and the true happiness is peace of soul. Let us move to the precepts of men, the human law. What are worldly statutes, German workers? If we listen only to the very contemptuous remark of the Savior on the precepts of men, which is: But in vain do they worship me, Teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men. (Matthew 15: 9) then we may expect only a very meagre and bleak answer. But we must not forget, that Christ was the ardent preacher of the pure, unchangeable, divine law, that he carried therefore in his thoughts always the divine law, compared to which every precept of men, also the holiest and most honorable, is a candle compared to the sun. If we want to correctly answer the question, we must temporarily lose sight of the unchangeable divine law. What is a precept of men, or simpler: what is a law? This question has Lassalle answered to you in an incomparable manner in his speech on the constitution. A law is the expression of factually existing power structures. The most beautiful and magnificent law would be nothing more than a string of letters, when factual powers would not give every letter the power of a thousand cannons. Take away this power behind the law, and it is less than a shadow, it is nothing whatsoever. This explanation so irrefutably correct, that it applies even to the divine law. The divine law is merely a law, because the pearls of which it consists, are pervaded by the invincible, all-powerful breath of God. Only God’s breath, the Holy Spirit, the all-powerful iron destiny, makes the law a law. So every precept of men, German workers, is the expression of factually existing power structures, which you want to remember. However, you also know, that humanity is nothing firm, unchangeable, but something quite liquid. Humanity is part of an incessantly flowing stream, a part of the becoming of nature, and from this sentence alone, without needing any other as support, it can be concluded, that th
Free Stream Saint francés fr. Free stream saint frances catholic church. Free stream saint frances online. I cried because of the sadness. Free Stream Saint frances e. I'm pretty hyped for changes in Holy Fury, so I decided to write a summarization of the dev diaries. I'm now more excited for the DLC than ever after writing this. If you see any issues tell me and I'll be thankful to fix them. In the stream yesterday they announced they would show the achievements in another dev diary, assuming this post gets popular enough I'll continue to update it Map Changes (No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 13, 17) Poland (No. 1) -Changes to the location and amount of counties -6 new counties -De jure territory tweaks - Screenshot Baltics (No. 2) -Changes to location and number of counties -7 new counties -New kingdom of Estonia -New duchy of Latgale - Screenshot Finland (No. 3) -8 new provinces in Finland, improving mobility and spread noticeably in the area -2 new duchies in Finland, Ostrobothnia and Savonia -1 new province in Lapland, in the duchy of Kola - Screenshot Russia (No. 6) -Major overhaul of the whole Russian sphere -All major & minor rivers reshaped -Empire of Russia is now created through 5 kingdoms (Ruthenia, Novgorod, Vladimir, Chernigov & Galicia-Volhynia) -3 new kingdoms: Vladimir, Chernigov, Galicia-Volhynia -Kingdom of Rus renamed from "Rus" to "Novgorod" -4 new duchies (Cherven Cities, Karachev, Novosil, Murom) -37 new provinces added to the general area -A few titular Russian-tribes-themed duchies added for earlier startdates -Screenshots: North South Scandinavia (No. 12) Norway: -6 New Provinces -2 New Duchies - Screenshot Iceland: -4 provinces, up from 2. - Screenshot Sweden: -6 New Provinces -1 New Duchy - Screenshot Denmark: -5 New Provinces -2 New Duchies. - Screenshot Alps & Italy -County of Burgundy is now the duchy of Franche Comté. -Duchy of Upper Burgundy has "lost its headway into the Swiss heartlands", moving the county of Schwyz (old Grisons), Zurichgau (old Schwyz) and Thurgau (old St. Gallen) into the new Duchy of Upper Swabia. -County of Vaud added to the game, in the duchy of Upper Burgundy. -Monferrato has been cut up to make room for Ivrea, Lombardy has been cut up to make room for Milano, Como and Leventina, and Genoa has been cut up to make room for Noli. -Trent has been turned into its own minor Duchy -Added Traungau, Steyr Freistadt, Krems and Melk as Counties, moved Znojmo into Bohemia and Passau. -Styria has been moved south into its own Duchy. -The Duchy of Carinthia has been cut up into Carinthia and Carniola, and the Duchy of Friuli has been added around Aquileia. -Added Perugia into the Duchy of Spoleto, moving the whole Duchy a bit further north. Rimini has been added to the Duchy of Ancona, turned the two county Duchy into a three county one. -Have taken parts of the old County of Firenze, and added the county of Arezzo -Screenshots: One Two Three Four Africa -Mauretania has been renamed to Maghreb -The Kingdom of Africa been placed in the Empire of Maghreb -Kingdom of Mali split into the three kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhay. -Two new kingdoms Hausaland and Kanem. These consist of three and four duchies respectively. These two form the Empire of Kanem-Bornu. -New Trans-Saharan Trade Route. Low base value, requiring built posts to be profitable There are two Gold Mines located on the map, both of them in the Kingdom of Mali -Screenshots: One Two Three Four -More map changes to France, Germany, Hispania, and the British Isles as well as revamped areas in the Alps not included in the Dev diaries. (Thanks u/hozonov) New Game Rules (No. 4, 15, 16, 24) -Added the ‘ Exclave Independence’ Game Rule, with the purpose of eliminating disconnected land on succession. As long as the new ruler during a succession isn’t at war, their exclaves should be set independent according to the setting. If the AI is at war during succession, they will try to remove exclaves once every year until such a time they are no longer at war (does not apply to Players). Settings: Off - The default option, no removal. Limited - Exclaves of Independent Rulers at peace will be removed on succession unless they are connected to the Capital area with gaps no larger than one County, via a naval path or part of the characters primary De Jure territory. Limited (Naval) - Exclaves of Independent Rulers at peace will be removed on succession unless they are connected to the Capital area with gaps no larger than one County, via a limited naval path (1000 distance units) or part of the characters primary de jure territory. Significant - Exclaves of Independent Rulers at peace will be removed on succession unless they are connected via a naval path or part of the characters primary de jure territory. Harsh - Exclaves of Independent Rulers at peace will be removed on succession unless as they are connected via a limited naval path (1000 distance units) or part of the characters primary de jure. Total - Exclaves of Independent Rulers at peace will be removed on succession unless as they are connected via a limited naval path (1000 distance units). Disables Achievements. -New Crusade Events (Shepherd's Crusade, Children's Crusade, Fourth Crusade) Can be disabled individually with new game rules. -Special crusades in Iberia and the Baltics can be individually disabled with new game rules. -Hellenism's revival can be disabled with a new game rule. Crusades -Catholics no longer use GHW (Great Holy War) system, and instead have a system unique to Catholicism. -There are now two phases to a crusade, the preparation phase and the war phase. -New crusade view, with the recipient stance, targeted character, start date, target title, and a war chest with the crusade's resources. -For every crusader that pledges, prestige, piety and artifacts are added to the War Chest. -The religion being targeted by the crusade can ‘counter pledge’. -The relative strength of these two sides that is shown as ‘Total Strength’ underneath their portraits. Pledged rulers will automatically be called into the war as it starts. -All Catholic rulers get the option of donating money to the War Chest in exchange for piety and opinion with the Pope. -Crusaders who have pledged military support can add a beneficiary to the crusade. This character must be a dynasty member, and depending on your participation in the crusade they might be granted a title in the Crusader Kingdom should the crusade be successful. -Players can pay piety to change the target character and/or title. This cost starts fairly low, but doubles each time. -Players can choose their ‘Stance’ on what they want to happen should they be the most participating crusader. -Not pledging may have consequences depending on title rank, including excommunication. Similar penalties for revoking a pledge. -When the preparation phase is over, 20% of the money in the War Chest will be divided between the pledged Crusaders, in order to provide for their levies and fleets as they go to war. The rest is saved until the end of the Crusade, where it is used as rewards for the participants and to set up the Crusader Kingdom. -If the crusade is lost, most of the War Chest will also be lost. -A Crusader Kingdom is a kingdom made up of the beneficiaries of all participants. The top contributing participants will have their beneficiaries get higher titles in the target kingdom. To avoid the player gaming the system using inheritance, the Kingdom is always set up to disallow external inheritance -The AI tends to choose beneficiaries that do not stand to inherit or are married to someone who might inherit. -The Crusader Kingdom will receive 10% of the War Chest. -The other war chest resources will be given to the participating crusaders. -To convince players to participate even if they don't expect to win; at most one participant can receive 20% of the rewards. -If the Crusade is successful, what will happen depends on the top contributor’s stance. Stances: Selfish: Top contributor will take the lands, but disqualifies them from the War Chest, and is seen as impious by the Pope. For my Beneficiary: The ‘Selfish’ stance will see the top contributor take the lands for themselves. Doing this completely disqualifies them from the War Chest though, and is seen as impious by the Pope. Comply with Papal Demands: Whoever the Pope chooses to rule the lands becomes King. If he has not chosen a candidate, it will go to the top contributor's beneficiary. -If your beneficiary receives land in a Crusader Kingdom, your entire Dynasty will receive a monthly boon to piety until their death. -The new ruler of the Crusader Kingdom gets the trait "Crusader King/Queen", which gives a massive opinion boost to those of the same religion. This is intended to help them through the initial difficulties, such as most of their vassals belonging to many different culture groups, and likely being surrounded by infidels. -If your beneficiary is selected to be the King or Queen of the Kingdom - you have the option of switching over to them, taking control of the newly established Crusader Kingdom and leaving your old character behind. Bloodlines (No. 7, 26) -Legendary Bloodlines are modifiers that are passed down the generations from one specific character, the Founder, they work much like a dynasty, but with several more rules and caveats. -Having a Legendary Bloodline in your character will convey a bonus based on who founded it. -Bloodlines are not genetic - Bloodlines gain their power from perception and belief. -Bloodlines to be either Agnatic or Enatic. -Certain bloodlines, or certain effects of certain bloodlines, will only be active for characters who fulfill certain triggers - for example, Christian knights will only seek to serve a descendant of Charles the Hammer if he happens to be Christian. -Bloodlines do not give direct stat boosts. -Matrilineal marriages can also allow bloodlines to transfer that would
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Correspondent: Americana Film Fest
Bio: ?? 7a edició del Festival de Cinema Independent Nord-americà de Barcelona. 3-8/3 #feslindie #Americana2020









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