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Rating 30786 Vote
release Date 2013
Directors Isao Takahata
Kaguya hime no monogatari moon. Tumblr Log in Sign up. Kaguya hime no monogatari movie. It kind of breaks my heart how some people think that Ghibli = Miyazaki. don't get me wrong, that man is my idol and one of my favourite directors of all time and he deserves to be praised - but i do feel like Takahata should get more credit, he is an incredible director. not only this movie, but his other works are masterpieces too. Kaguya hime no monogatari running. Kaguya hime no monogatari ??????.
Pee on him to show dominance XD. Kaguyahime no monogatari soundtrack. Сказание о принцессе Кагуя (Kaguyahime no monogatari) Япония, 2013. Реж. Исао Такахата Студия ?Гибли? (словосочетание, которое мало кого может оставить равнодушным) снова выпустила полнометражный мультфильм. На этот раз в основу легла старинная японская сказка о том, как простой старик Мияцуко нашел в ростке бамбука крошечную девочку и, решив, что это знак Небес, принес ее домой, где бездетно жил со старухой. С этого момента стали происходить необыкновенные вещи: ребенок быстро рос, в бамбуковых стеблях Мияцуко находил золото и драгоценные платья ? все указывало на то, что маленькая гостья не обычная девочка, так что было решено покинуть деревню, чтобы в роскоши нового дома в большом городе она стала настоящей принцессой. Первые шаги, крестьянские хлопоты, игры с друзьями ? жизнь ребенка кажется веселой и безоблачной, но родители хотят для дочери только самого лучшего, поэтому теперь ей придется мириться с жизнью во дворце под наставничеством госпожи Сагами, приглашенной, чтобы воспитать из неотесанной простолюдинки благородную даму. День за днем мы наблюдаем, как девочка становится девушкой, учится манерам и правилам, и уже скоро слава о ее красоте долетит до самого императора Микадо. Такеноко (Маленький бамбук), как ее прозвали дети за быстрый рост, получит все, к чему принято стремиться: богатство, поклонников, внимание высших сановников, но также запреты и ограничения ?благородной жизни?, отнимающие самое ценное, что у нее было ? время. Позже за удивительную красоту ее назовут Кагуя ? ?Сияющая?, и многие придут свататься, но у девочки есть тайна, которая не позволит ее земной жизни продлиться слишком долго. Режиссер Исао Такахата (?Могила светлячков?, ?Еще вчера?) сделал из детской сказки настоящую поэму с неожиданно глубоким смыслом. Изящные зарисовки из быта разных сословий древней Японии от нежной расплывчатой акварели, до резких черно-белых линий угольного карандаша, легкие и прозрачные, словно набросок цветной тушью, складываются в философский трактат пронзительной силы. Все второстепенное вычеркнуто, даже имена родителей почти не упоминаются: Мияцуко ? ?Такэтори но Окина? (?Старик, собиратель бамбука?), его жена просто ?Она? ? ?Старуха?. Рожденная на Земле вопреки всем правилам лунная принцесса однажды должна будет вернуться на родину, оставить и забыть все, что полюбила. Радости простой жизни в деревне ее детства противопоставлены вычурному этикету земной знати и божественному хладнокровию небесного народа. Кагуя не хочет ни того, ни другого, но изменить судьбу, одновременно такую заманчивую и трагичную, не в ее власти. Интересно, как создатели фильма объединили абстрактные идеи из разных сфер. Ведь в каком-то смысле ?высокая культура? сродни идеям божественного, идеального, она так же является попыткой человека отодвинуться от простого, животного, навязать себе и окружающим ?красивые? устои и принципы ? более красивые, чем природные ? превосходные, сверхъестественные. Голое тело покрывается многослойной одеждой, красота лица перекраивается и разукрашивается заново (белила, пудра, черненые зубы, выщипанные брови). ?Благородная принцесса не хохочет с открытым ртом?, ?благородная принцесса не носится по дому?, не потеет, не плачет, не смеется… Все это продукт культуры, желанной и вместе с тем обкрадывающей. И Кагуя, за которой явится свита с лотосом в руках, и Тот, кому прислуживают небесные девы, знает цену идеальному ? оно у нее уже было. ?Чистоте и невинности лунной столицы? она предпочитает боль и радость несовершенного мира, единственного места, где можно научиться жить и чувствовать по-настоящему. Этот взгляд с другой стороны, странный, спорный, почти вызывающий, будет учить детей любить горькую красоту жизни, а взрослым предложит задуматься. Человек, твердо стоящий на ногах, вместо воздушных замков, цена и ценность обыденной жизни, зависть богов. Конечно, люди не свободны от условностей созданного ими мира и больше не могут расти, как полевой цветок ? это уже совсем другая история. Чтобы ощутить прелесть жизни на лоне природы, необходимо было сначала слезть с деревьев и выйти из пещер. Слагать стихи о первом снеге удобней в тепле жилища, чем на пронизывающем ветру, и человек все еще стремится в райские кущи, от которых так легко готовы отказаться волшебные принцессы. Но ведь сказка и не должна давать ответы на все вопросы сразу. В ней много намеков и недосказанности, которые легко упустить, ? так ловко они вплетаются в сюжет между шумными, центральными событиями. Ее захочется еще не раз пересмотреть и передумать, хотя бы чтобы понять, как нарисованная легенда может быть настолько красивой. Янв 8, 2015.
Kaguya-hime no monogatari eng sub. Kaguya hime no monogatari theme song. Kaguya-hime no monogatari torrent. Kaguya-hime no monogatari wiki. Gire e chame o senhor sol. This scene had me crying so much. I feel like despite the music feeling uplifting, it just made me even more sad. Well, thank you! Do you have any place where I can download the sheet. うわーこれは美しくて甘い音楽です.この喜びをありがとう. I would like so much to go back in the 2015 and yell to the Academy: GIVE THAT FU* NG GOLDEN BALD MAN TO THIS MASTERPIECE! Seriously, this picture is the perfection made movie.
Its like a moving painting :O. This is my favorite movie it's so deep and has many hidden messages I wish more movies were made like this. The first thing to note about this film is the beauty of it. Just about all of the scenes of this film could be viewed in a museum which is saying something itself. If anything, watch the film for the portrayal of a young woman and the amazing visuals.
The film begins with a bamboo cutter finding a girl inside the light of a bamboo. The girl grows exponentially and she grows with the plot, going from baby to young adult way quicker than expected. The first portion of the film is concentrated when she is much younger, around the age of maybe 1-12. Her playfulness with Sutemaru and the other children is quite an enjoyable portion of the film. As with many of Studio Ghibli's work, especially Totoro, the film is able to portray her life in a way many studios even without animation cannot. The other half is concentrated on her moving to the capital and becoming a princess. Unlike the ideals of films in the US, she does not seem to want to become one, but instead wants to be with Sutemaru and the others. It's a refreshing change from the Disney Princess motif where beauty, richness, and a love is what is needed. Her life is transformed, eventually by Sagami, a lady who turns her into well, a princess. She is eventually approached by suitors and others. I will not mention the ending of the film as well, I wasn't as big a fan of it. The big revelation is as shocking to the audience as it is surprising. I knew of part of the plot through Okami but the way it was portrayed was a little too in your face. The actual ending itself is odd, with many of the people in the theater (at IFC) scratching their heads and thinking, That is it and what was that? Also, I was wondering when the film was going to end. It slows down to a crawl but then speeds up to such a speed that it almost becomes silly. I also wasn't as a big a fan of the father (Okina) through the later parts of the film. His transformation into a man of power/wealth is a bit too severe and one-sided. I preferred his wife (Oina) as she still shows the love and playfulness of them back in the village. I preferred the plot of the first 4/5ths of the film than the other 1/5th in short. The film is excellent but the plot wears down on itself and by the end, it is harder to care and more think that it is just an odd piece of filming. The movie gets an probably would be closer to an 8 or 7.5 if the graphics/music weren't nearly as amazing as they are. I'm rounding it down for this reason.
Kaguya-hime no monogatari full movie. Its a great sadness that Isao Takaha has passed away, because his wonders of thought and imagination will no longer see the light of the day but never the less he has left this plane with wonderful pieces of arts that will remain in Japanese history books as a memento of their unwitting pacifist nature and embracement to cultural progress. Kaguyahime no monogatari cda. Click to manage book marks Type: Movies Plot Summary: Okina is a bamboo cutter in ancient rural Japan. One day in the forest, he finds a tiny baby in the folds of a bamboo shoot. He brings the creature home to his wife Ounaa and they decide to keep her and raise her as a princess. She is clearly not of this world. Kaguya grows at an unnatural rate, soon maturing into an uncommonly beautiful young woman. Since Okina has now also found a cache of gold and treasure in the forest, every suitor wants Kaguya. But this is not a fairy tale of courtship and marriage. Genre: Fantasy, Historical Released: 2013 Status: Completed Other name: The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, Kaguyahime no Monogatari, Princess Kaguya Story, かぐや姫の物語 Kaguya-hime no Monogatari.
Please make part could I wasn't watch ?????. Kaguya hime no monogatari scene. Kaguyahime no monogatari song. Kaguya hime no monogatari trailer.

The Cat Returns is good. Kaguyahime no monogatari. Want to see this ! ????. Kaguya hime no monogatari ost. Does anyone know what that thing is that she breaks at the beginning.

I watched this movie a year ago and yet I cried again like a baby just by listening to this song

Whats next? A live action Totoro movie. Why'd 7 people spent 15 to 20 bucks to dislike the movie.

Anime kaguya-hime no monogatari

God dammit I was supposed to rewatch these Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Isao Takahata has long been overshadowed by longtime colleague and Studio Ghibli cofounder Hayao Miyazaki. The younger man (Takahata is 78, Miyazaki 72) has had more and bigger hits, including his latest, the World War II-themed “Kaze Tachinu (The Wind Rises), ” while Takahata’s last feature animation, the 1999 family comedy “Hohokekyo Tonari no Yamada-kun (My Neighbors the Yamadas), ” was a rare Ghibli box-office disappointment. And yet Takahata is every bit the anime master that Miyazaki has been widely proclaimed to be, if one with a different style and concerns. His Ghilbi films tend to be more realistic than Miyazaki’s, beginning with 1988’s “Hotaru no Haka (Grave of the Fireflies), ” an unsparing drama about children struggling to survive in the destruction and chaos that enveloped Japan toward the end of WWII. It is the most emotionally devastating Japanese film I have ever seen, while being free of the cloying sentimentality that is a prerequisite for commercial tearjerkers here. So Takahata’s latest and quite possibly last film, “Kaguya-hime no Monogatari (The Tale of Princess Kaguya), ” might seem to be a departure, since it is based on the oldest-known Japanese folk tale, which dates to the 10th century. Also, its gestation, eight years by the count of producer Yoshiaki Nishimura, was long even by Ghilbi’s relaxed standards, with Takahata’s reluctance to commit being one factor, production delays another. But far from an uncomfortable fit or a labored effort, “Princess Kaguya” has the feel of a true Takahata film, from its unshrinking emotional fidelity to its sudden, exhilarating leaps into fantasy. Kaguya-hime no Monogatari (The Tale of Princess Kaguya) Rating 4. 5 out of 5 out of 5 Director Isao Takahata Run Time 137 minutes Language Japanese Opens Opens Nov. 23, 2013 The animation, with its combination of bold, dynamic strokes and delicate, lightly brushed colors, may initially look underdone compared with other Ghibli productions, with their lush backdrops and fine detailing, but as the story progressed, I found this more impressionistic style somehow suggestive of the story’s origin in the most ancient of tales ? and our common desires, fears and dreams. That tale is known to every Japanese, if not to the outside world, though its motifs are also found in Western fairy tales (“Thumbelina, ” “King Thrushbeard”). It begins with an old bamboo cutter, Okina (voiced by Takeo Chii), happening upon a strangely glowing bamboo in the forest and finding inside a tiny, perfectly formed girl (Aki Asakura). He takes her, cradled in his palms, to his wife Ouna (Nobuko Miyamoto), but the little creature soon morphs into a baby that the flummoxed couple decides to raise. The strangeness continues as the baby grows far faster than normal (in one brilliant, spooky sequence she quickly progresses from flailing limbs to a hesitant first step), while taking a laughing delight in the world around her. Okina finds more treasures in the bamboo, including gold nuggets and kimono meant for a princess ? that is, for his pretty adopted daughter, who is called Takenoko (Bamboo), and is obviously destined for bigger and better things. Takenoko, however, is happy with the humble places and common people she knows, especially the leader of the neighborhood kids, the rugged, pure-hearted Sutemaru (Kengo Kora). Instead, her newly rich parents install her in a mansion, surround her with servants and have her trained in the ways of the aristocracy, from playing the koto to painting her teeth black. (The former she masters, the latter she indignantly rejects). This beautiful, accomplished, fully grown girl, now called Kaguya-hime (Princess Kaguya), attracts five well-born, ridiculously self-important suitors, but she rejects them all, even when they make seemingly miraculous efforts to meet her absurd demands. Finally the emperor, who is young, handsome and the most arrogant of all, tries to win her hand, but she spurns him as well ? and reveals that she is from the moon and must soon return to the land of her birth. This is all pretty much from the folk tale, which raises the question of what, beyond their way of telling it, Takahata and his collaborators have brought to it. The film’s tag line, “A princess’ crime and punishment, ” offers a clue, while Takahata himself has said he wanted to explore what “crime” Princess Kaguya might have committed, since the original story is silent on that point. His exploration, though, has little to do with plot, everything to do with his heroine’s emotional and spiritual journey ? and the way it ends. Not to enter spoiler territory, but the climax is a haunting, wrenching evocation of mono no aware ? or as it is literally translated, the pathos of things. The basis of Japanese aesthetics since time immemorial, mono no aware is hard to define, but “The Tale of Princess Kaguya” brilliantly illuminates it with images of life at its transient loveliest, of parting in its terrible finality. There is a deep wisdom in this film, but a deep sadness too. If it is Takahata’s farewell, it’s one that will have a long echo, just like his 1, 000-year-old source. Fun fact: Hayao Miyazaki collaborator Joe Hisaishi supplied the soundtrack, his first-ever for a Takahata film. The theme song, “Inochi no Kioku (Memory of Life), ” is sung by Kazumi Nikaido.
Kaguyahime no monogatari.

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Kaguya hime no monogatari transcript. I hope they do an English version I love Kiki's flying? Delivery Service. Kaguya hime no monogatari watch online. Kaguya-hime no monogatari myanimelist. Kaguya hime no monogatari final. Kaguya-hime no monogatari ?????. Kaguya-hime no monogatari. Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 13 wins & 36 nominations. See more awards ? Learn more More Like This Animation | Drama Family 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 7 / 10 X Due to 12 y. o. Anna's asthma, she's sent to stay with relatives of her guardian in the Japanese countryside. She likes to be alone, sketching. She befriends Marnie. Who is the mysterious, blonde Marnie. Directors: James Simone, Hiromasa Yonebayashi Stars: Sara Takatsuki, Kasumi Arimura, Nanako Matsushima Adventure 7. 6 / 10 The Clock family are four-inch-tall people who live anonymously in another family's residence, borrowing simple items to make their home. Life changes for the Clocks when their teenage daughter, Arrietty, is discovered. Director: Bridgit Mendler, Amy Poehler, Will Arnett 8 / 10 A love story between a girl who loves reading books, and a boy who has previously checked out all of the library books she chooses. Yoshifumi Kondô Yoko Honna, Issey Takahashi, Takashi Tachibana 7. 4 / 10 A group of Yokohama teens look to save their school's clubhouse from the wrecking ball in preparations for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Gorô Miyazaki Sarah Bolger, Chris Noth, Anton Yelchin 8. 1 / 10 After her werewolf lover unexpectedly dies in an accident while hunting for food for their children, a young woman must find ways to raise the werewolf son and daughter that she had with him while keeping their trait hidden from society. Mamoru Hosoda Aoi Miyazaki, Takao Ohsawa, Haru Kuroki Comedy 7. 3 / 10 After helping a cat, a seventeen-year-old girl finds herself involuntarily engaged to a cat Prince in a magical world where her only hope of freedom lies with a dapper cat statuette come to life. Hiroyuki Morita Chizuru Ikewaki, Yoshihiko Hakamada, Aki Maeda A community of magical shape-shifting raccoon dogs struggle to prevent their forest home from being destroyed by urban development. Isao Takahata Shinchô Kokontei, Makoto Nonomura, Yuriko Ishida Romance A twenty-seven-year-old office worker travels to the countryside while reminiscing about her childhood in Tokyo. Miki Imai, Toshirô Yanagiba, Yoko Honna A five-year-old boy develops a relationship with Ponyo, a young goldfish princess who longs to become a human after falling in love with him. Hayao Miyazaki Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon, Liam Neeson 7. 2 / 10 The life and misadventures of a family in contemporary Japan. Yukiji Asaoka, Tôru Masuoka, Masako Araki 7. 9 / 10 A young witch, on her mandatory year of independent life, finds fitting into a new community difficult while she supports herself by running an air courier service. Kirsten Dunst, Minami Takayama, Rei Sakuma Biography 7. 8 / 10 A look at the life of Jiro Horikoshi, the man who designed Japanese fighter planes during World War II. Hideaki Anno, Hidetoshi Nishijima, Miori Takimoto Edit Storyline An old man makes a living by selling bamboo. One day, he finds a princess in a bamboo. The princess is only the size of a finger. Her name is Kaguya. When Kaguya grows up, 5 men from prestigious families propose to her. Kaguya asks the men to find memorable marriage gifts for her, but the 5 men are unable to find what Kaguya wants. Then, the Emperor of Japan proposes to her. Written by Anonymous Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Taglines: A Princess' Crime and Punishment Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated PG for thematic elements, some violent action and partial nudity See all certifications ? Details Release Date: 23 November 2013 (Japan) See more ? Also Known As: The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Box Office Budget: JPY5, 000, 000, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: $54, 915, 19 October 2014 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $24, 638, 337 See more on IMDbPro ? Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ? Did You Know? Goofs While the baby princess crawls to the cutter she tosses a piece of bamboo to the edge of the floor mat. In the reverse shot as she crawls back, it is missing. See more ? Quotes The Princess Kaguya: [ singing] Go round, come round, come round... come round, oh distant time. Come round, call back my heart. Birds, bugs, beasts, grass, trees, flowers. Teach me how to feel. If i hear that you pine for me, i will return to you. Connections Version of The Princess Moonlight (1961) See more ?.
Kaguyahime no monogatari ost. Cool! Hope this movie makes its way to sweden! MVHH. Kaguya hime no monogatari. OMG FINALLY. Kaguyahime no monogatari müzikleri. Kaguya hime no monogatari full english sub. I love listening to this song <3. Kaguya hime no monogatari warabe uta. 駿先生大好きです ああもう日本の宝だよ ただただありがとう.
An anime film XD the drawings are kinda old fashioned though but still good.

Kaguya-hime no monogatari rotten tomatoes. Kaguya-hime no monogatari episode 1. Kaguya hime no monogatari song lyrics. Kaguya hime no monogatari full movie. Amazing. Such an emotional song. LOVED IT. Kaguyahime no monogatari movie.

Kaguya hime no monogatari download

Kaguya hime no monogatari song. Is this a Touhou based movie. Beautiful lullaby. priceless. Kaguya hime no monogatari pdf. Im glad she left. Kaguya hime no monogatari kissanime. As this beautiful melody plays I still remember a few years back when everytime it rains, I would ask my mom to play Hello Kitty's Bamboo Princess 竹子公主. I would always get teary towards the end and think about how hard it must be for the parents to see her go back. (T^T) This movie was truly a masterpiece on the Bamboo Princess story. Kudos to the movie team ???.
Kaguya-hime no monogatari watch online. Awesome. So sweet and beautiful :3. Kaguya hime no monogatari procession. The cat sounds like spike from MLP. Whats the ending song.









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